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goal account renewallpartkeys

goal account renewallpartkeys

Renew all existing participation keys


Generate new participation keys for all existing accounts with participation keys and issue the necessary transactions to register them.

goal account renewallpartkeys [flags]


  -f, --fee uint              The Fee to set on the status change transactions (defaults to suggested fee)

  -h, --help                  help for renewallpartkeys

      --keyDilution uint      Key dilution for two-level participation keys

  -N, --no-wait               Don't wait for transaction to commit

      --roundLastValid uint   The last round for which the generated partkeys will be valid

Options inherited from parent commands

  -d, --datadir stringArray   Data directory for the node

  -k, --kmddir string         Data directory for kmd

  -w, --wallet string         Set the wallet to be used for the selected operation