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Section Index

The Get Details section contains explanations and how-tos for all Algorand features. Code examples are embedded throughout for each of the SDKs and command line interface tools.

  • AlgoKit - A collection of tools and libraries that make it easy to build applications on Algorand.

  • Accounts - A guide about Algorand Accounts including keys, wallets, and addresses.

  • Transactions - A look at the underlying structure of the different types of transactions.

  • Assets - A guide about assets and how they are implemented on Algorand at layer-1.

  • Smart Contracts - A detailed guide for writing and interacting with Smart Contracts.

  • Indexer - A guide to using the Algorand Indexer.

  • Conduit - A guide to using the Algorand Conduit Service to gather and filter transaction data.

  • Consensus - A high-level guide on the Algorand consensus protocol.

  • Protocol Parameters - A table containing all Algorand blockchain parameters.

  • Technical FAQ - A collection of frequently asked questions about building on Algorand.

  • Algorand Request for Comments - The place to go to read and discuss present and future standards.