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Client management

Client management is one of the core capabilities provided by AlgoKit Utils. It allows you to create (auto-retry) algod, indexer and kmd clients against various networks resolved from environment or specified configuration.

Any AlgoKit Utils function that needs one of these clients will take the underlying algosdk classes (algosdk.Algodv2, algosdk.Indexer, algosdk.Kmd) so inline with the Modularity principle you can use existing logic to get instances of these clients without needing to use the Client management capability if you prefer, including use of libraries like useWallet that have their own configuration mechanism.

To see some usage examples check out the automated tests.

Network configuration

The network configuration is specified using the AlgoClientConfig interface. This same interface is used to specify the config for algod, indexer and kmd clients.

There are a number of ways to produce one of these configuration objects:

  • Manually specifying an object that conforms with the interface, e.g.
      server: ''
    // Or with the optional values:
      server: '',
      port: 443,
      token: 'SECRET_TOKEN'
  • algokit.getConfigFromEnvOrDefaults() - Loads the Algod client config, the Indexer client config and the Kmd config from well-known environment variables; useful to have code that can work across multiple blockchain environments (including LocalNet), without having to change
  • algokit.getAlgodConfigFromEnvironment() - Loads an Algod client config from well-known environment variables; useful to have code that can work across multiple blockchain environments (including LocalNet), without having to change
  • algokit.getIndexerConfigFromEnvironment() - Loads an Indexer client config from well-known environment variables; useful to have code that can work across multiple blockchain environments (including LocalNet), without having to change
  • algokit.getAlgoNodeConfig(network, config) - Loads an Algod or indexer config against AlgoNode to either MainNet or TestNet
  • getDefaultLocalNetConfig(configOrPort) - Loads an Algod, Indexer or Kmd config against LocalNet using the default configuration


Once you have the configuration for a client, to get the client you can use the following functions:

  • algokit.getAlgoClient(config) - Returns an Algod client for the given configuration; the client automatically retries on transient HTTP errors; if one isn't provided it retrieves it from the environment
  • algokit.getAlgoIndexerClient(config) - Returns an Indexer client for given configuration; if one isn't provided it retrieves it from the environment
  • algokit.getAlgoKmdClient(config) - Returns a Kmd client for the given configuration; if one isn't provided it retrieves it from the environment

Automatic retry

When receiving an Algod client from AlgoKit Utils, it will be a special wrapper client that has transient failure retries in there. This is done via the AlgoHttpClientWithRetry class.