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CLI smart signatures

This guide covers working with the goal command-line tool with smart signatures.

TEAL programs can be written with any editor and are compiled using the goal command-line tool. They can also be built using python with the PyTeal Library. The command-line tool provides the ability to use these compiled programs within transactions.

Simple TEAL example

The simplest program you can write in TEAL is probably the following:

// simple.teal
// Do not use this in a real application
int 0
This simplistic example always returns false and should never be used in a real transaction.

The following command illustrates compiling this program:

goal clerk compile simple.teal
// Compile output

The compilation returns an Algorand Address. This is the contract account address if the TEAL program is used as a contract account. If the TEAL program is intended to be used as a delegated signature, the logic should be signed with a private key. This is done using the -s option with the goal clerk compile command. The following example shows using goal to compile and sign the TEAL program in one operation.

goal clerk compile simple.teal -o mydelegatedsig.lsig -s -a C3MKH24QL3GHSD5CDQ47ZNQZMNZRX4MUTV6LVPAXMWAXMIISYSOWPGH674 -d ~/node/data

Logic is signed with a specific address specified with the -a option. If no default wallet is assigned, the -w option is used to specify the wallet that contains the account that is signing the logic.

The -o option specifies the name of the logic signature file. In this example, the file mydelegatedsig.lsig is created. This file can be shared to let others submit transactions with the authority of the original signer. When this logic signature is used in a transaction the logic will determine if the transaction is approved. The following example shows how the logic signature is used in a transaction with goal

The -f option specifies the account that signed the logic signature and the -t option specifies the receiver of the transaction. The transaction fee is paid by the account that signed the logic signature.

Compiling TEAL options

Compiling a teal program using the goal clerk compile compiles and writes the binary raw bytes to a file with the same name as the source file with a .tok extension. Specifying the -n option will compile the TEAL program, but not write out the binary. The console will display the compiled TEAL's address.

$ goal clerk compile -n simple.teal

Removing the -n option writes the binary to a file named simple.teal.tok. Supplying the -o option allows the binary to be written to a specific location and filename.

goal clerk compile  simple.teal -o /tmp/mytealbinary.tealc

The raw binary TEAL program can be disassembled using the -D option.

$ goal clerk compile -D /tmp/mytealbinary.tealc
// Terminal Output
// version 1
intcblock 0

In the above examples, the TEAL program is compiled and can be used as a contract account as discussed in the Usage Modes documentation. To use TEAL for account delegation, the program must be signed by an account or a multi-signature account. This can be done with goal using the -s option. The following will produce a LogicSig file.

goal clerk compile  simple.teal -o /tmp/simple.lsig -s -d ~/node/data

In the example above, the -o option is used to produce the logic signature file, which contains the raw program binary and the signature as discussed in the Logic Signature documentation. Using the -a option allows the TEAL program to be signed by a specific account.

goal clerk compile  simple.teal -o /tmp/simple.lsig -s -a LSJY4JD5J626BMJY2NMODBP64WDQP5OS4M6YF2F5BWQUS22I3YJYCXHHIA -d ~/node/data

A logic signature file can be disassembled in the same way as the standard binary.

goal clerk compile -D /tmp/simple.lsig
// Console Output
// version 1
intcblock 0
LogicSig: {
  "sig": "45on5JUofgMjxL9e7IiPzCwutMHj3hFS1bKnCpxjgQ06dhikUgQSadqxcSOMKlcpN31W88hzkv3AeUUDLc4qAg=="

Creating a multi-signature delegated logic sig

In the previous section, a logic signature was created using a single account. As discussed in the Logic Signature documentation, LogicSigs can also be created using a multi-signature account. For example, a three account multi-signature account with a threshold level of 2 can be created using the following command.


This creates a multi-sig account that requires at least two signatures to authorize a transaction. To create a logic signature, any one of the three accounts can sign the logic and create a logic signature file. This is done using the goal clerk multisig signprogram command.

goal clerk multisig signprogram -p /tmp/simple.teal -a YYKRMERAFXMXCDWMBNR6BUUWQXDCUR53FPUGXLUYS7VNASRTJW2ENQ7BMQ -A 5DLEJBZHDG4XTIILEEJ6HSLG2YFGHNDAKIUAFASMFV234CJGEDQYMJ6LMI -o /tmp/simple.lsig -d ~/node/data

In the above example, the -p option specifies the TEAL program file. The TEAL program bytes can also be passed directly using the -P option. The -a option specifies which account is signing the logic and the -A specifies the multi-signature address.

At this point the logic signature file only contains one signature and the threshold is set to two. This means that in order for the logic signature to be used, one of the two remaining accounts must also sign the logic signature file. This is done using the -L option with the goal clerk multisig signprogram command.

goal clerk multisig signprogram -L /tmp/simple.lsig -a LSJY4JD5J626BMJY2NMODBP64WDQP5OS4M6YF2F5BWQUS22I3YJYCXHHIA -A 5DLEJBZHDG4XTIILEEJ6HSLG2YFGHNDAKIUAFASMFV234CJGEDQYMJ6LMI -d ~/node/data

Decompiling the logic signature shows the number of current signatures.

$ goal clerk compile -D /tmp/simple.lsig
// Console Output
// version 1
intcblock 0
LogicSig: {
  "msig": {
    "subsig": [
        "s": "h7/CyM7aiJnDnXOjyNeY2DlOZhqieaWafO0n2Hi4d9IfyFozjKQL9/kB2x7QQV+bPRTORdbYCXpL2x6c5razAw=="
        "s": "/s/BsHGK+RThEmrc2Wre/VVBX6jtqcMS/pZQTA0iBE3S5d+D4BFeD2JXRSAW/oD78V9SlLXSfOYGAfEnianaDw=="
    "thr": 2,
    "v": 1

Passing parameters to TEAL with goal

Parameters can be passed to a TEAL program using goal. The parameters must be passed as base64 encoded strings. For example, to pass “mystringargument” to a stateless TEAL program, the argument can be encoded using an echo command with base64. The -w0 argument disables wrapping that defaults to 76 characters.

$ echo -n mystringargument | base64 -w0

The base64 encoded string is passed to the TEAL program using the --argb64 option. The goal command line can be passed multiple parameters using the --argb64 option multiple times. The parameter order is specific and will directly map to the TEAL parameters array.

goal clerk send -a 1000 -c closeaccountotaddress --to toaddr --from-program myteal.teal --argb64 "bXlzdHJpbmdhcmd1bWVudA==" -d ~/node/data

The example above also illustrates using the --from-program option. This option instructs the compiler to compile a specific TEAL program and set it as the sender of the transaction. Because the -s option is not used, this account must be a contract account.

Passing an integer to a TEAL program requires that it must be converted to a base64 encoded string as well when using goal. This can be done in many ways. The following example illustrates the conversion using a simple python command.

$ python3 -c "import base64;print(base64.b64encode((123).to_bytes(8,'big')).decode('ascii'))"

The example above converts the integer value of 123 to a base64 encoded string. TEAL currently does not support negative numbers.

Each SDK provides facilities for passing parameters as well. These processes are described in the Interact with smart signatures Usage documentation.