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We are looking for publications that demonstrate building dApps or smart contracts!
See the full list of Gitcoin bounties that are eligible for rewards.

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Algorand + Gitcoin: New Ways for Developers to Earn Rewards

Today, the Algorand Foundation announced the Algorand Trailblazer Bounty Program with $2 million dollars worth of bounties that will be paid out over 2 years.

What does this mean for Algorand Developers who are submitting technical tutorials and solutions to the Developer Portal? Starting today, all submissions will be evaluated and rewarded (if accepted and published) through Gitcoin.

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See the full list of Algorand Developer Bounties to get started.

Over the past year, the community has raised the bar in terms of both the quality and type of content produced and published on the Algorand Developer Portal and the needs of the Developer Community continue to evolve and grow. Gitcoin gives us the flexibility to be more specific about the types of content we are looking for at any given time. For example, we are currently most interested in code and examples that elaborate on dApp and smart contract development with Reach and PyTeal. These submissions can earn up to 5000 Algos.

We also have an open content bounty for code tutorials or solutions that are not necessarily related to dApps or smart contracts, but that may still be valuable to a large segment of the Algorand Developer Community. Content accepted through this bounty will receive 300 Algos, but will also be eligible for an extra 1500 Algos each month through a Community Vote on the Algorand Forum.

Complexity of the problem being solved and diversity of content are both important metrics we will use to evaluate these submissions. We encourage you to discuss and share your projects in the #gitcoin-bounty channel on Discord and on the Forum for community feedback, which we also take into account when judging submissions.

Make sure to bookmark the bounty link and check back often to get the most up-to-date list of bounties available.

We feature much of our content from the community in our Developer Newsletter. Sign up here!