Introducing the Algorand Metrics Dashboard
We are pleased to announce the Algorand MainNet Metrics Dashboard on the Algorand Developer Portal. The dashboard measures the current scale, speed, decentralization, and adoption of the open source Algorand protocol.
The metrics dashboard provides a real time perspective on Algorand’s high performance and growing usage. Transactions over time, addresses growth, asset growth, and network nodes are each graphically displayed for a 1 week, 1 month, and 90 day period.
The dashboard monitors the following:
Transactions illustrate the current activity on the blockchain. This tab shows Algorand’s blockchain throughput and transactions volume. This section displays the peak transactions per second, the average transactions per second, and the total number of transactions. Although the numbers are growing over time, they represent only a small fraction of the blockchain’s full processing power.
Addresses illustrate the blockchain usage. This tab shows the growth of accounts and the activity of unique addresses on Algorand’s blockchain. Displayed here are the total number of addresses detected across all on-chain transactions, new addresses, and active addresses.
Blocks illustrate the blockchain speed. This tab shows the block finalization latency and highlights the current block, the number of blocks, and the average block time. Because of Algorand’s speed and transaction finality, with all transactions settling in under 5 seconds, it has seen a growing number of partners continue to build on the platform.
Algorand Standard Assets (ASA) illustrate the growth of ASAs, fungible and non-fungible. Growth in ASAs has been steady as developers and enterprises realize benefits from the speed, security, low costs, and simplicity of issuing assets on Algorand.
Decentralization illustrates activity on the network. This tab displays the number of nodes, the number of accounts that have enough stake to vote on blocks, the current online voting stake amount and the lowest voting account online stake amount. At the time of writing this article, the number of nodes has doubled over the last 90 days, strengthening the network’s viability and health.
We are continuing to enhance the dashboard, and we’d love to hear from you. Get in touch with us on our Discord #dashboard