Introducing Sandbox: The quick way to get started on Algorand
Running a node on Algorand is a very fast and straightforward process.
Sandbox makes the process of node creation and configuration seamless with several helpful commands for containerization and process management. It is simply a quick and easy way to create and configure an Algorand node using Docker.
Why use Sandbox?
Sandbox simplifies the process of node configuration and maintenance allowing you to quickly spin up a containerized node on any of the three Algorand networks as well as managing it through the sandbox environment.
Sandbox is directed at learning and not meant for production.
How to Use Sandbox
First, make sure you have Docker installed. Clone the repository, which can be found here: https://github.com/algorand/sandbox and if you’re using a Mac, like I am, make sure you have wget
installed. If you use homebrew as your package manager, simply run:
brew install wget
To get started run the up
./sandbox up
This will spin up a docker container defaulting to the testnet binaries.
Use docker commands to list the container
docker container ls
This should return the one container that was initialized from the previous sandbox command. Sandbox manages one active container at a time. Note that you will see multiple containers if you have other containers initialized from other docker processes.
You can configure sandbox to run a node on any of the three networks by passing in the network name:
./sandbox up [mainnet||testnet||betanet]
Note that when you run ./sandbox up [NETWORK_NAME]
it will initialize with a snapshot and your node will sync up to the latest round. To skip the snapshot initialization and begin downloading the blockchain from the first round, simply pass in the -s
./sandbox up [mainnet||testnet||betanet] [-s]
If you’ve already configured sandbox for a specific network (you spun up a docker container using sandbox and are running a node) you can tear down the environment and start it back up at any time.
./sandbox down
Running docker container ls
should not return a container ID. Spinning it back up is done using ./sandbox up
. In this case, the node will pick it up from the round it was in when the the sandbox environment was taken down.
You can also run ./sandbox clean
to stop and delete the container and data directory. This is different from ./sandbox down
as the container in this case is removed.
The ./sandbox test
command is helpful because it sends REST calls that hit algod and kmd as well as running some goal commands.
~$ ./sandbox test
Test command forwarding...
~$ docker exec -it sandbox uname -a
Linux 13ad4f9fd7b8 4.9.184-linuxkit #1 SMP Tue Jul 2 22:58:16 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
The result for goal node status
Test algod...
~$ docker exec -it sandbox /opt/algorand/node/goal node status -d /opt/algorand/node/data
Last committed block: 4146633
Time since last block: 0.6s
Sync Time: 0.0s
Last consensus protocol: https://github.com/algorandfoundation/specs/tree/4a9db6a25595c6fd097cf9cc137cc83027787eaa
Next consensus protocol: https://github.com/algorandfoundation/specs/tree/4a9db6a25595c6fd097cf9cc137cc83027787eaa
Round for next consensus protocol: 4146634
Next consensus protocol supported: true
Has Synced Since Startup: false
Genesis ID: testnet-v1.0
Genesis hash: SGO1GKSzyE7IEPItTxCByw9x8FmnrCDexi9/cOUJOiI=
The result of hitting the algod API:
Test Algod REST API...
~$ curl localhost:4001/v1/status -H "X-Algo-API-Token: $(cat data/algod.token)"
The logs
command in sandbox is the same as ./carpenter -d data
which is Algorand’s debugging tool that reads the node log file and formats the output.
./sandbox logs
This returns an output that looks like this
4146536.0.2: BlockPipelined NXY5Z-4146537.0.0|
4146536.0.2: VoteAccepted(114/2700) RD2VU-4146536.0.1|
4146536.0.2: VoteAccepted(66/369) RD2VU-4146536.0.2|
4146536.0.2: VoteAccepted(60/429) RD2VU-4146536.0.2|
4146536.0.2: VoteAccepted(19/2719) RD2VU-4146536.0.1|
4146536.0.2: VoteAccepted(70/499) RD2VU-4146536.0.2|
4146536.0.2: ProposalAccepted YD2W5-4146537.0.0|
4146536.0.2: BlockPipelined YD2W5-4146537.0.0|
4146536.0.2: VoteAccepted(59/558) RD2VU-4146536.0.2|
4146536.0.2: VoteAccepted(39/597) RD2VU-4146536.0.2|
4146536.0.2: VoteAccepted(14/611) RD2VU-4146536.0.2|
4146536.0.2: VoteAccepted(51/662) RD2VU-4146536.0.2|
4146536.0.2: VoteAccepted(56/718) RD2VU-4146536.0.2|
4146536.0.2: VoteAccepted(10/728) RD2VU-4146536.0.2|
4146536.0.2: VoteAccepted(141/2860) RD2VU-4146536.0.1|
4146536.0.2: VoteAccepted(116/2976) RD2VU-4146536.0.1|
4146536.0.2: VoteAccepted(56/784) RD2VU-4146536.0.2|
4146536.0.2: VoteAccepted(63/847) RD2VU-4146536.0.2|
4146536.0.2: VoteAccepted(59/906) RD2VU-4146536.0.2|
4146536.0.2: VoteAccepted(66/972) RD2VU-4146536.0.2|
4146536.0.2: VoteAccepted(79/1051) RD2VU-4146536.0.2|
4146536.0.2: VoteAccepted(27/1078) RD2VU-4146536.0.2|
4146536.0.2: VoteAccepted(67/1145) RD2VU-4146536.0.2|
4146536.0.2: ThresholdReached(1145/1112) RD2VU-4146536.0.2|
4146536.0.0: RoundConcluded RD2VU- |
4146536.0.0: RoundStart RD2VU- |
4146537.0.0: BlockAssembled YD2W5-4146537.0.0|
Using this tool, you can watch the agreement service write blocks to the ledger in realtime.
Sandbox is highly flexible and you can interact with goal in a few different ways.
./sandbox status
This will return the same output as ./sandbox goal node status
If you are familiar with running a node on Algorand, you would normally use the Algorand cli “goal” to manage your node. You can do the same thing with sandbox by running ./sandbox goal (args)
or by running ./sandbox enter
which basically puts a shell in sandbox allowing you to interact with the node and run commands from within the container.
~$ ./sandbox enter
Entering /bin/bash session in the sandbox container...
root@5296a82a0746:/opt/algorand/node$ ls
COPYING algokey catchupsrv find-nodes.sh msgpacktool update.sh
algocfg [email protected] data genesisfiles node_exporter updater
algod backup ddconfig.sh goal sudoers.template
algoh carpenter diagcfg kmd systemd-setup.sh
There are permission issues here so you cannot do things like create a private network or configure testnet or betanet the way you traditionally would, but it allows you to interact with the Algorand node in every other way.
The final, more experimental feature in Sandbox is the tutorial. Running ./sandbox introduction
gives you a great step by step walkthrough of working with an Algorand node which includes creating a wallet, creating accounts, funding accounts and broadcasting transactions to the network.
Please check out sandbox and submit features requests to improve this great tool!
GitHub Repo: https://github.com/algorand/sandbox