Register offline
To mark an account offline send a key registration transaction to the network authorized by the account to be marked offline. The signal to mark the sending account offline is the issuance of a "type": "keyreg"
transaction that does not contain any participation key-related fields (i.e. they are all set to null values)
Just like with online keyreg transactions. The moment a key registration transaction is confirmed by the network it takes 320 rounds for the change to take effect. So, if a key registration is confirmed in round 5000, the account will stop participating at round 5320.
Create an offline key registration transaction¶
Create an offline key registration transaction for the address: EW64GC6F24M7NDSC5R3ES4YUVE3ZXXNMARJHDCCCLIHZU6TBEOC7XRSBG4
by inserting the following code snippet into the construction portion of the example shown in Authorizing Transactions Offline. The file produced and displayed with goal clerk inspect
should look almost exactly the same as the output shown in the constructing a register offline transaction example.
# get suggested parameters
params = algod_client.suggested_params()
# create keyreg transaction to take this account offline
offline_keyreg = transaction.KeyregTxn(
// get suggested parameters
const suggestedParams = await algodClient.getTransactionParams().do();
// create keyreg transaction to take this account offline
const offlineKeyReg = algosdk.makeKeyRegistrationTxnWithSuggestedParamsFromObject(
from: addr,
// create keyreg transaction to take this account offline
Transaction keyRegOfflineTxn = Transaction.KeyRegistrationTransactionBuilder().suggestedParams(sp)
$ goal account changeonlinestatus --address=EW64GC6F24M7NDSC5R3ES4YUVE3ZXXNMARJHDCCCLIHZU6TBEOC7XRSBG4 --fee=1000 --firstvalid=7000000 --lastvalid=7001000 --online=false --txfile=offline.txn
Authorize and Send the Transaction¶
Use the appropriate authorization method to sign the transaction.
It is recommended that you authorize the transaction offline to protect the security of your private keys, especially for high-value participating accounts.
Once the transaction is signed, wait for the network to reach the transaction's first valid round and then submit and the SDK Method "wait for confirmation".
See also