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That Conference

A four-day summer camp for developers passionate about learning all things mobile, web, cloud, and technology.

Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin, USA

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THAT Conference is unlike any other technical conference. This unique four-day summer camp is full of workshops, sessions, open spaces, family events, and networking, all nestled in the gorgeous Kalahari Resort and Waterpark. This family-friendly event is comprised of professional and family tracks, so there is something to learn and experience at all ages.

As a Camper, you receive up to 4 days of 200 professional sessions across various technologies, platforms, and disciplines of all levels. You can also access over 10,000 sq. ft. of open spaces to participate in more intimate discussions across all topics you and your fellow attendees generated. All sessions, including open spaces, are designed to build your road to level up your skills, career and take charge of you.

Each day starts with an inspiring keynote, breakfast, and beverages. Then you’re off on your camping adventure to join in the many professional sessions, share your ideas and experiences in a welcoming open space, and/or learn how to solder in our Maker space. Lunch is served midday and a special social event wraps up each afternoon to encourage networking and continued learning.