smart contract
Showing 187 posts related with smart contract.
Algorand serverless application on AWS Lambda
Learn how to develop and deploy Algorand serverless applications on AWS Lambda
Algosearch Setup
A how to guide on set up AlgoSearch using Docker compose
Send an Algorand Transaction Using Rust!
In this tutorial we will take the first steps with the community supported Rust Algorand's SDK. We will start by installing Rust and the Algorand Sandbox and end by sending a transaction in a Rust program.
What's New: Algorand v2.0.7
Algorand v2.0.7 was released to MainNet and TestNet, accompanied by a new set of features in the Algorand APIs. Learn more about what's new in this article.
Payment Prompts with Algorand Mobile Wallet
The Algorand Mobile Wallet provides the ability to use QR codes to create, sign and send transactions. This document provides a brief overview for developers and users.