Showing 253 posts related with AVM.
Discover AVM 1.0
This article introduces a new developer portal experience and summarizes the changes made for the Algorand Virtual Machine 1.0 version.
AVM 7 New Features
This article summarizes the new features available in the Algorand Virtual Machine (AVM) version 7.
AVM 8 New Features
This post explains some of the new opcodes available to the Algorand Virtual Machine(AVM).
Introducing AVM 9: Group Resource Sharing
AVM 9 introduces a new mechanic for foreign reference arrays. They are now shared across the transaction group.
Introducing Algorand Virtual Machine: AVM 0.9 Release
This article summarizes many of the features available within the Algorand Virtual Machine (AVM) 0.9 Release.
Algorand's Latest Upgrade: Dynamic Round Times & AVM v10
Learn what's new with release 3.21 & AVM v10
Randomness on Algorand
Explaining the new randomness capabilities on Algorand.
Smart Contract Storage: Boxes
An overview of Smart Contract storage mechanisms, and technical details for how to use boxes.
Committing to large datasets using Merkle trees in PyTeal
This solution is here to provide a way to allow smart contracts to store a small value that represents (or commits to) a potentially very large amount of data.
Code Upgradeability Made Easy with the Algorand VM
Algorand native code upgradeability makes life much more convenient. What would have to happen if that feature didn't exist? Take a deep look!
Unpredictable Randomness Thanks to Verifiable Random Functions
Ever wondered how VRFs are used in Algorand? Find out in this article!
Creating a License Manager Contract utilizing PyTEAL and Inner Transactions
This tutorial will introduce the reader to using Inner Transactions in PyTEAL using an example scenario: A License Manager Contract
Build Algorand Android Smart Contract using Kotlin
This tutorial is targeted at beginners and intermediate Algorand developers who primarily develop Android Applications using Kotlin. The tutorial will also be beneficial to Java Android Developers as both languages have a lot in common.
Understanding the TEAL Opcode Budget
This guide gives a high-level overview of TEAL's opcode budget system, as well as a method to (finitely) increase it.
Contract to Contract calls and an ABI come to Algorand
This article summarizes many of the features available within the Algorand Virtual Machine (AVM) 1.1 Release.
Hash Map Design Pattern
This article describes the Hash Map design pattern for building key-value associations onchain
Improved Contract Debugging
This article summarizes changes recently made to the SDKs to support the dryrun REST endpoint and how this can be used to debug Algorand smart contracts.
Automated testing for Algorand smart contracts - Part 1
A three part series on automated testing for your TEAL smart contracts