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Showing 335 posts related with c.

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    Channel Manager for NFTs

    A Software-as-a-Service based channel manager, connecting marketplaces and users to Algorand blockchain, using combination of intuitive features and simple interfaces.

    Akshay Kant
    Akshay Kant
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    Algorand QR Code Generator

    A comprehensive Algorand QR Code generator (exportable to SVG, PNG and Base64). Works in Terminal, NodeJS and modern browsers. Complies to Algorand URI ABNF Grammar and RFC 3986.

    MG Algorand DevAM
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    Case Study: OneStep Disaster Relief Platform Built on Algorand

    This article describes the development of a comprehensive disaster relief platform powered by the Algorand blockchain.

    Nitya Timalsina
    Nitya Timalsina One Step Projects / Harvard
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    Using Stateful Smart Contract To Create Algorand Standard Asset

    Using PyTeal and goal, we use a stateful smart contract linked with an escrow account to create an Algorand Standard Asset.

    Gidon Katten
    Gidon Katten
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    Flipping a Coin Using Hashing

    Two Algorand accounts can bet on the result of a coin flip. Alice flips the coin and records the hashed result, Bob guesses and then Alice reveals the result. Example of commitment scheme.

    Gidon Katten
    Gidon Katten
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    Creating a demo wallet using Flask

    Flask is a Python framework for quickly creating webapps. In this solution we'll be using Flask and the Algorand SDK to show how to make a demo wallet web application.

    Michael Ockenden
    Michael Ockenden
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    Building a decentralized vault using stateful smart contracts

    Vaults are a security mechanism to prevent cryptocurrency from being immediately withdrawn by forcing its creator to wait a certain wait time after a request has been made, while also giving them the ability to cancel a request that they have not made.

    Roberto Pettinau
    Roberto Pettinau Università degli studi di Cagliari
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    ASA payment for a smart contract service using Algorand

    This article presents a solution for how to use ASA payment for a smart contract service using Algorand. We will implement this using [Algo Builder](

    Amit Yadav
    Amit Yadav Algo Builder
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    Oracle for Algorand Using Smart Contracts

    This solution shows how to combine Pyteal smart contract and a Java application to implement an Oracle, to provide real world data to Algorand smart contracts.

    Dame Seiel
    Dame Seiel
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    Committing to large datasets using Merkle trees in PyTeal

    This solution is here to provide a way to allow smart contracts to store a small value that represents (or commits to) a potentially very large amount of data.

    Ori Shem-Tov
    Ori Shem-Tov Algorand
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    NFT Drop Created with Reach

    An overview of the development of the Reach NFT Drop Dapp

    Blake Wilkey
    Blake Wilkey
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    Code Upgradeability Made Easy with the Algorand VM

    Algorand native code upgradeability makes life much more convenient. What would have to happen if that feature didn't exist? Take a deep look!

    Giorgio Ciotti
    Giorgio Ciotti Algorand Foundation
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    Beginner · 15 minutes or less
    Java icon

    Using VS Code with Java

    This tutorial will facilitate how to debug using Visual Studio (VS) Code using Java

    Russell Fustino
    Russell Fustino Algorand
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    Intermediate · 30 minutes
    JavaScript icon

    Algo Builder Tutorial Part 3: Stateful Smart Contracts

    This is the third tutorial from the Algo Builder series. In this tutorial we present how `algob` helps the developers to wield the power of Stateful Smart Contracts with TEAL.

    Amit Yadav
    Amit Yadav Algo Builder
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    Intermediate · 15 minutes or less
    Python icon

    Adding Transaction Capabilities to a dApp Using AlgoSigner

    AlgoSigner is a blockchain wallet that makes it easy to use Algorand-based applications on the web. In this tutorial, you will learn how to integrate AlgoSigner into your decentralized application.

    Alberto Viera
    Alberto Viera PureStake
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    Intermediate · 30 minutes
    Golang icon

    Compile and Run the Algorand Node Natively on Windows

    Learn how to build the Algorand node and the whole set of devtools on Microsoft Windows and run them without the need of emulators, virtual machines and even WSL.

    Mauro Leggieri
    Mauro Leggieri Rand Labs
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    Intermediate · 30 minutes
    Python icon

    Hash Time Lock Contract Template With Python

    Build a Smart Contract that functions as a HTLC using Python

    Jason Weathersby
    Jason Weathersby Algorand
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    Intermediate · 30 minutes
    JavaScript icon

    LimitOrder Contract with JavaScript

    A walkthrough example of how to use a limit order contract with JavaScript.

    Jason Weathersby
    Jason Weathersby Algorand
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