ASA Bidding Application Using PyTeal
Algorand Standard Asset bidding application
Through this solution I want to explain a system developed on the Algorand network that does automated bidding for an asset of interest for a predefined period of time. At the end, the person who placed the highest bid owns the asset while the seller of the asset receives the money.
Lets imagine a scenario in the today’s world where an entity wants to sell some arbitrary asset for the highest possible price. The process of bidding for the asset and the process of transferring the ownership of the asset involves a lot of 3rd parties which adds a lot of additional costs to the process and adds the need to trust unknown institutions who mostly operate behind the scenes. In this blog post I describe a system that tries to replace those 3rd party institutions with a code which is also known as a Smart Contract.
We currently depend on a lot of signatures from well established institutions in order to verify some processes. What if those signatures can be provided by compiling a deterministic program which is transparent and provides equal opportunity for everyone participating in the process ?
Table of Content
- Overview
- Application Usage
- Application architecture
- PyTeal Components
- Application Services
- Application deployment on Algorand TestNet network
- Final thoughts
This solution is intended for learning purposes only. It does not cover error checking and other edge cases. The smart contract(s) in this solution have NOT been audited. Therefore, it should not be used as a production application
Application Usage
The decentralized application described in this solution has a goal to do automated bidding for a predefined Algorand Standard Asset (ASA). The usage process of the application is the following:
- Some entity wants to issue an ASA on the Algorand blockchain and sell it for the highest price through bidding process. This ASA can be mapped to anything in the physical world. In this step the entity deploys a single instance of the application that handles the bidding for the defined ASA. This application is active on the blockchain for some predefined number of rounds which represents the bidding period for the asset of interest. After this time has passed, the person who has placed the highest bid owns the ASA while the seller of the ASA receives the amount of the highest bid.
Users i.e. bidders who want to buy this ASA will call the application with the specified amount of ALGO they want to pay.
If the current bidder has provided the highest amount of ALGO the ASA will be automatically transferred to the bidder’s wallet. The person who previously held the ASA will get refund for his ALGO because he is no longer the highest bidder.
If the current bidder has provided lower amount of ALGO than the current highest bidder the application will reject this transaction
The application is developed using PyTeal which enables writing Algorand Smart Contracts(ASC1) and the py-algorand-sdk that enables interactions with the Algorand network. You can find the source code for the application in the following repository
After completing this tutorial you will be able to initialize the application and interact with it using the following code:
App Initialization:
app_initialization_service = AppInitializationService(app_creator_pk=main_dev_pk,
App Interaction:
app_interaction_service = AppInteractionService(app_id=app_initialization_service.app_id,
# After end of the bidding period.
Application architecture
The code of the ASA bidding application is well structured and separated in 3 main components:
- PyTeal - this component contains all of the PyTeal code that is used in the application. The PyTeal code is later on divided into additional 3 sub-components:
- App Source Code - this module defines all of the source code for the Stateful Smart Contract that defines the logic of the application that manages the state of the application and handles the logic for determining the owner of the ASA. In the end in this module we have a function that provides to us the TEAL code for the approval and the clear program.
- ASA Delegate Authority - this module defines the source code for the Stateless Smart Contract that is responsible for transferring the ASA to the rightful owner. This contract acts as an authority that provides the signature which guarantees that the ASA is transferred to the correct owner.
- ALGO Delegate Authority - this module defines the source code for the Stateless Smart Contract that is responsible for refunding the ALGO to the previous owner of the ASA. This contract acts as an authority that provides the signature which guarantees that after successful change of an ASA ownership the ALGO received from the previous bidder will be refunded since they no longer retain the ASA anymore. Additionally the ALGO Delegate Authority receives all of the payments executed by the bidders and after the termination of the bidding period it transfers the ALGO to the ASA seller.
- App Services - this component contains the services that talk with the Algorand Network. The application services are divided into 2 sub-components:
- Initialization service - this service is responsible for proper initialization of all the modules used in the application through various types of transactions executed on the Algorand Network.
- Interaction service - this service performs the bidding action and the payment to seller action in the application. The bidding action represents an Atomic Transfer of 4 transactions while the payment to seller action represents an Atomic Transfer of 2 transactions. Both of them will be described in more details later in this tutorial.
- App Utilities - this is the simple component that handles the developer’s credentials and the Algorand Network transactions. This component has 2 sub-components as well:
- Credentials - handles the developer’s credentials and provides us with a client through which we can interact with the network. I followed this tutorial in order to setup my client using the PureStake API.
- Blockchain - contains functions that encapsulate and execute basic blockchain transactions on the Algorand Network such as: Payments, AssetTransfer, ApplicationCalls, etc. Those transactions are well described in the Algorand Developer Documentation.
PyTeal Components
In this section I will describe in more details the logic behind the PyTeal code that is used in this application.
App Source Code
The app source module contains all of the logic for the Stateful Smart Contract which represents the ASA bidding application. The application has 7 global variables shown in the code snippet below.
class AppVariables:
asaSellerAddress = "asaSellerAddress"
highestBid = "HighestBid"
asaOwnerAddress = "ASAOwnerAddress"
asaDelegateAddress = "ASADelegateAddress"
algoDelegateAddress = "AlgoDelegateAddress"
appStartRound = "appStartRound"
appEndRound = "appEndRound"
- ASA Seller Address string variable that represents the address of the seller of the ASA. Only this address is valid for receiving the funds from the bidding once the bidding period has ended.
- Highest Bid integer variable that represents the current highest bid that the owner of the ASA paid.
- ASA Owner Address the owner of the address that contain the ASA. After a successful bidding application call this property is set to the sender of the bidder application call.
- ASA Delegate Address the address of the ASA Delegate Authority that is responsible for transferring the ASA. This variable can be set only once in the application.
- ALGO Delegate Address the address of the ALGO Delegate Authority that is responsible for refunding the ALGO to the previous ASA owner. This variable can be set only once in the application.
- App Start Round & App End Round those variables represents the block interval on the Algorand network in which the ASA Bidding Application will accept bidding application calls.
The application can be executed in four different flows, the first one is the application initialization which is executed when the transaction is created. The other 3 can be performed using application calls which can perform the following functionalities: setting up asset authorities, executing a bidding and paying to the seller of the ASA.
def application_start(initialization_code,
is_app_initialization = Txn.application_id() == Int(0)
are_actions_used = Txn.on_completion() == OnComplete.NoOp
return If(is_app_initialization, initialization_code,
If(are_actions_used, application_actions, Return(Int(0))))
Application initialization
From the image above we can see that this code will only run when the application’s id is 0 which means that this is the first creation of the application. In this state we want to initialize the global variables of the application to which we know the default values.
def app_initialization_logic():
return Seq([
App.globalPut(Bytes(AppVariables.highestBid), Int(DefaultValues.highestBid)),
App.globalPut(Bytes(AppVariables.appStartRound), Global.round()),
Possible application calls
After we have initialized the application, now we can interact with it only through application calls. In the ASA bidding application we have 3 possible applications calls:
def setup_possible_app_calls_logic(asset_authorities_code, transfer_asa_code, payment_to_seller_code):
is_setting_up_asset_authorities = Global.group_size() == Int(1)
is_transferring_asa = Global.group_size() == Int(4)
is_payment_to_seller = Global.group_size() == Int(2)
return If(is_setting_up_asset_authorities, asset_authorities_code,
If(is_transferring_asa, transfer_asa_code,
If(is_payment_to_seller, payment_to_seller_code, Return(Int(0)))))
- Setting up asset authorities - application call with 5 arguments: ASADelegateAddress, AlgoDelegateAddress, asaOwnerAddress. AppDuration and asaSellerAddress. This application call should be allowed to be executed only once.
- Transferring the ASA - atomic transfer with 4 transactions which represents a single bidding.
- Application call.
- Payment to the algoDelegateAddress which represents the bid for the ASA.
- Payment from the algoDelegateAddress to the old owner of the ASA which refunds the ALGO that were paid from the previous bidder
- Payment from the ASADelegateAddress that transfers the ASA from the old owner to the new one.
- Payment to the seller - atomic transfer with 2 transactions which represents the payment from the highest bid to the seller of the ASA. This atomic transfer can occur only after the bidding period of the application has ended.
- Application call.
- Payment from the algoDelegateAddress to the asaSellerAddress with amount equal to the highest bid.
Setting up asset authorities
In this part of the application we setup the authorities and the global variables of the application. With this we are making sure that the transfer of the assets is always happening through the right authorities and for the specified duration of time. This initialization code can be run only once.
def setup_asset_delegates_logic():
asa_delegate_authority = App.globalGetEx(Int(0), Bytes(AppVariables.asaDelegateAddress))
algo_delegate_authority = App.globalGetEx(Int(0), Bytes(AppVariables.algoDelegateAddress))
setup_failed = Seq([
start_round = App.globalGet(Bytes(AppVariables.appStartRound))
setup_authorities = Seq([
App.globalPut(Bytes(AppVariables.asaDelegateAddress), Txn.application_args[0]),
App.globalPut(Bytes(AppVariables.algoDelegateAddress), Txn.application_args[1]),
App.globalPut(Bytes(AppVariables.asaOwnerAddress), Txn.application_args[2]),
App.globalPut(Bytes(AppVariables.appEndRound), Add(start_round, Btoi(Txn.application_args[3]))),
App.globalPut(Bytes(AppVariables.asaSellerAddress), Txn.application_args[4]),
Here we are creating optional variables for the asaDelegateAddress and the algoDelegateAddress values. If those variables contain some value it means that they have already been set up which should result in a setup failure. If those variables does not contain any value it means that we are setting them up for the first time.
Transferring the ASA
This is the most complex PyTeal code that handles the bidding logic in the application. This code runs when atomic transfer with 4 transaction is executed. The atomic transfer transactions were described previously in the Possible action calls section.
def asa_transfer_logic():
# Valid first transaction
valid_first_transaction = Gtxn[0].type_enum() == TxnType.ApplicationCall
# Valid second transaction
second_transaction_is_payment = Gtxn[1].type_enum() == TxnType.Payment
do_first_two_transaction_have_same_sender = Gtxn[1].sender() == Gtxn[0].sender()
current_highest_bid = App.globalGet(Bytes(AppVariables.highestBid))
is_valid_amount_to_change_titles = Gtxn[1].amount() > current_highest_bid
algo_delegate_address = App.globalGet(Bytes(AppVariables.algoDelegateAddress))
is_paid_to_algo_delegate_address = Gtxn[1].receiver() == algo_delegate_address
valid_second_transaction = And(second_transaction_is_payment,
# Valid third transaction
old_owner_address = App.globalGet(Bytes(AppVariables.asaOwnerAddress))
third_transaction_is_payment = Gtxn[2].type_enum() == TxnType.Payment
is_paid_from_algo_delegate_authority = Gtxn[2].sender() == algo_delegate_address
is_paid_to_old_owner = Gtxn[2].receiver() == old_owner_address
is_paid_right_amount = Gtxn[2].amount() == current_highest_bid
valid_third_transaction = And(third_transaction_is_payment,
# Valid fourth transaction
asa_delegate_address = App.globalGet(Bytes(AppVariables.asaDelegateAddress))
fourth_transaction_is_asset_transfer = Gtxn[3].type_enum() == TxnType.AssetTransfer
is_paid_from_asa_delegate_authority = Gtxn[3].sender() == asa_delegate_address
is_the_new_owner_receiving_the_asa = Gtxn[3].asset_receiver() == Gtxn[1].sender()
valid_forth_transaction = And(fourth_transaction_is_asset_transfer,
# Valid time
end_round = App.globalGet(Bytes(AppVariables.appEndRound))
is_app_active = Global.round() <= end_round
# Updating the app state
update_highest_bid = App.globalPut(Bytes(AppVariables.highestBid), Gtxn[1].amount())
update_owner_address = App.globalPut(Bytes(AppVariables.asaOwnerAddress), Gtxn[1].sender())
update_app_state = Seq([
are_valid_transactions = And(valid_first_transaction,
return If(are_valid_transactions, update_app_state, Seq([Return(Int(0))]))
The updating of the ASA ownership can be summarized in the following conditions:
- First transaction is valid - the first transaction which is the application call is valid when the transaction type is ApplicationCall.
- Second transaction is valid - the second transaction which is the payment to the algoDelegateAddress that represents the bid for the ASA is valid when:
- The transaction type is Payment.
- The first and the second transaction have the same sender, this means that the caller of the application and the bidder are the same.
- If the newly bided amount is bigger than the current highest one we should allow this bidding to happen.
- If the receiver of the payment bidding amount is the algoDelegateAddress.
- Third transaction is valid - the third transaction which is payment from the algoDelegateAddress to the old owner of the ASA which refunds the ALGO that were paid from the previous bidder is valid when:
- The transaction type is Payment.
- The sender of the transaction is the algoDelegateAddress which is responsible for refunding.
- The receiver of the transaction is the current address that is held in the asaOwnerAddress variable.
- The payment amount is equal to the current highest bid that is held in the highestBid variable.
- Fourth transaction is valid - the fourth transaction which is asset transfer from the ASADelegateAddress that transfers the ASA from the old owner to the new one is valid when:
- The transaction type is AssetTransfer.
- The transaction sender is the ASADelegateAddress which is responsible for transferring the ASA.
- The transaction receiver is the new owner address which is the sender of the first two transactions.
- Valid duration of time - with this condition we are making sure that the current transaction’s block is within the allowed interval of network’s blocks specified at the initialization stage.
When all of the 4 transactions are valid we update the state of the application and thus the approval program returns that the atomic transfer is valid. If any of those cases fails the approval program will reject the atomic transfer transaction.
Payment to the seller
When the bidding period has ended, it means that the seller of the ASA has successfully sold the asset through bidding process. Now the final step is to transfer the money from the highest bid to the seller because during the bidding process they were lock inside a Smart Contract which is the ALGO Delegate Authority. The payment to the seller is happening to an Atomic Transfer with two transactions as described earlier.
def payment_to_seller_logic():
# Valid first transaction
end_round = App.globalGet(Bytes(AppVariables.appEndRound))
is_application_call = Gtxn[0].type_enum() == TxnType.ApplicationCall
bidding_period_has_ended = Global.round() > end_round
valid_first_transaction = And(is_application_call, bidding_period_has_ended)
# Valid second transaction
is_payment_call = Gtxn[1].type_enum() == TxnType.Payment
asa_seller_address = App.globalGet(Bytes(AppVariables.asaSellerAddress))
valid_receiver_of_algos = asa_seller_address == Gtxn[1].receiver()
highest_bid = App.globalGet(Bytes(AppVariables.highestBid))
valid_amount_of_algos = highest_bid == Gtxn[1].amount()
algo_delegate_authority = App.globalGet(Bytes(AppVariables.algoDelegateAddress))
valid_sender = algo_delegate_authority == Gtxn[1].sender()
valid_second_transaction = And(is_payment_call,
are_valid_transactions = And(valid_first_transaction,
return If(are_valid_transactions, Seq([Return(Int(1))]), Seq([Return(Int(0))]))
The logic of this code can be summarized in the following 2 conditions:
- First transaction is valid - we make sure that the first transaction is a transaction of type ApplicationCall. Additionally we need to make sure that we are executing this transaction after the block number defined in the global variable appEndRound. With this we are making sure that the bidding period has ended.
- Second transaction is valid - the second transaction is a payment transaction from the ALGO Delegate Authority to the asaSellerAddress defined in the global variables. We need to meet the following conditions:
- The transaction is of type Payment.
- The transaction’s receiver is equal to the asaSellerAddress global variable.
- The amount of the transaction should be equal to the highestBid global variable.
- The sender of the transaction is the algoDelegateAddress.
When all of those conditions are met, our application should allow the payment to the seller to happen.
Approval and clear programs
In the end we combine everything to get the approval and the clear programs.
def approval_program():
return application_start(initialization_code=app_initialization_logic(),
def clear_program():
return Return(Int(1))
ASA Delegate authority
The ASA Delegate Authority is the Stateless Smart Contract that is responsible for transferring the ASA to the rightful owner. This contract logic is executed in the 4th transaction of the Atomic transfer. This authority needs to make sure that the right application is being called and the correct ASA token is being transferred.
def asa_delegate_authority_logic(app_id: int, asa_id: int):
is_calling_right_app = Gtxn[0].application_id() == Int(app_id)
is_valid_amount = Gtxn[3].asset_amount() == Int(1)
is_valid_asa_transferred = Gtxn[3].xfer_asset() == Int(asa_id)
is_acceptable_fee = Gtxn[3].fee() <= Int(1000)
is_valid_close_to_address = Gtxn[3].asset_close_to() == Global.zero_address()
is_valid_rekey_to_address = Gtxn[3].rekey_to() == Global.zero_address()
return And(is_calling_right_app,
After we compile this PyTeal code we will obtain a unique address that will represent the ASADelegateAddress in our application for the provided app_id and asa_id.
Algo Delegate Authority
The Algo Delegate Authority is the Stateless Smart Contract that is responsible for refunding ALGO to the previous owner after change of ownership, receiving the ALGO from the bidders and paying to the ASA seller address once the bidding period has ended. This contract can be executed in two types of Atomic Transfer transactions(ASA Bidding and Payment to seller) and that is why it needs to have different validation logic for each of those cases. Additionally, here we need to make sure that the right application is being called.
def algo_delegate_authority_logic(app_id: int):
is_bidding = Global.group_size() == Int(4)
return If(is_bidding,
And(Gtxn[0].application_id() == Int(app_id),
Gtxn[2].fee() <= Int(1000),
Gtxn[2].asset_close_to() == Global.zero_address(),
Gtxn[2].rekey_to() == Global.zero_address()),
And(Gtxn[0].application_id() == Int(app_id),
Gtxn[1].fee() <= Int(1000),
Gtxn[1].asset_close_to() == Global.zero_address(),
Gtxn[1].rekey_to() == Global.zero_address()))
After we have compiled this PyTeal code we will obtain a unique address that will represent the AlgoDelegateAddress in our application for the provided app_id.
Application Services
The purpose of Application Services is to decouple the code of the application that interacts with the Algorand network. This way of decoupling the code enables us to build different UIs for the application without ever touching the core part of the code. In principle we should be able to build mobile application, CLI application or web application while the Application Services remain unchanged. On top of that this makes the application more readable and easier to maintain.
Application Initialization Service
This service is responsible for initialization of the application. After executing all of the required methods in this service we will end up with an application that can easily be deployed on the TestNet that is ready to accept biddings for the ASA of interest.
Initialization of the service
class AppInitializationService:
def __init__(self,
app_creator_pk: str,
app_creator_address: str,
asa_unit_name: str,
asa_asset_name: str,
app_duration: int,
teal_version: int = 3):
self.app_creator_pk = app_creator_pk
self.app_creator_address = app_creator_address
self.asa_unit_name = asa_unit_name
self.asa_asset_name = asa_asset_name
self.app_duration = app_duration
self.teal_version = teal_version
self.client = developer_credentials.get_client()
self.approval_program_code = approval_program()
self.clear_program_code = clear_program()
self.app_id = -1
self.asa_id = -1
self.asa_delegate_authority_address = ''
self.algo_delegate_authority_address = ''
In order to start the initialization of the service we must provide the app’s creator private key and its public address. Additionally we must provide the unit name and the asset name in order to create the Algorand Standard Asset that will be interacted through this application. We also define for how many rounds we want our application to accept bids.
In the initialization of this service we retrieve the Approval Program and the Clear Program that were defined in the App Source Code section. We as well will initialize a client property which is an algod.AlgodClient object that enables us the interaction with the Algorand network.
At the end we will have the correct values for the following properties: app_id, asa_id, asa_delegate_authority_address and algo_delegate_authority_address.
Creating the application
def create_application(self):
approval_program_compiled = compileTeal(self.approval_program_code,
clear_program_compiled = compileTeal(self.clear_program_code,
approval_program_bytes = blockchain_utils.compile_program(client=self.client,
clear_program_bytes = blockchain_utils.compile_program(client=self.client,
global_schema = algo_txn.StateSchema(num_uints=AppVariables.number_of_int(),
local_schema = algo_txn.StateSchema(num_uints=0,
self.app_id = blockchain_utils.create_application(client=self.client,
In this method call we compile the teal code created using the PyTeal sdk and submit an application transaction with the appropriate parameters. If this transaction succeeds, we have deployed our bidding application on the Algorand TestNet network.
ASA Creation
In this method we create the Algorand Standard Asset for which the users will bid through the application. We should note here that we set the ASA to be frozen because we want the transferring of the ASA to only happen through the ASA Delegate Authority address.
def create_asa(self):
self.asa_id = blockchain_utils.create_algorand_standard_asset(client=self.client,
Setting up ASA Delegate Authority
In this method we compile the PyTeal code used for the ASA Delegate Authority for the previously created app_id and asa_id. At the end we receive an asa_delegate_authority_address which represents a unique address that can act as any other address on the network. Note that if we compile the asa_delegate_authority_logic with different app_id or asa_id we will end up with different address.
def setup_asa_delegate_smart_contract(self):
asa_delegate_authority_compiled = compileTeal(asa_delegate_authority_logic(app_id=self.app_id,
asa_delegate_authority_bytes = blockchain_utils.compile_program(client=self.client,
self.asa_delegate_authority_address = algo_logic.address(asa_delegate_authority_bytes)
Depositing fee funds to the ASA Delegate Authority
Here we just deposit some ALGO to the ASA Delegate Authority for transaction fees. Note that if the authority addresses run out of ALGO the application won’t work because they would not be able to pay the fees to the Algorand Network.
def deposit_fee_funds_to_asa_delegate_authority(self):
Changing the management of the ASA
After the first creation of the ASA we have set up the management credentials to the creator of the application. We want to remove all the management properties of the ASA so they could not be modified in the future. The only thing that we want to set up is the clawback_address property to be the address of the ASA Delegate Authority. In this way only that address can act as an clawback for the ASA.
def change_asa_credentials(self):
Setting up Algo Delegate Authority
In this method we compile the PyTeal code used for the Algo Delegate Authority for the previously created app_id. At the end we receive an algo_delegate_authority_address which represents a unique address that can act as any other address on the network. Note that if we compile the algo_delegate_authority_logic with different app_id we will end up with different address.
def setup_algo_delegate_smart_contract(self):
algo_delegate_authority_compiled = compileTeal(algo_delegate_authority_logic(app_id=self.app_id),
algo_delegate_authority_bytes = blockchain_utils.compile_program(client=self.client,
self.algo_delegate_authority_address = algo_logic.address(algo_delegate_authority_bytes)
At the end we also deposit some ALGO funds to the algo_delegate_authority_address for transaction fees.
Setting up the delegate authorities in the application variables
As we have described previously we need to call the application only once in order to set up the asaDelegateAddress, algoDelegateAddress, asaOwnerAddress, appEndRound and the asaSellerAddress global properties of the application. We pass those values as parameters to the application. When we pass the addresses as arguments we need to decode the 32 bytes string address into its address bytes and checksum.
def setup_app_delegates_authorities(self):
app_args = [
Application interaction service
The application interaction service is responsible for executing bidding calls for the specified asa_id to the application with a specified app_id.
Initialization of the interaction service
In order to initialize the interaction service we need to provide the app_id and the asa_id with which this service will interact. Since the interaction with the application also depends on the state of the application we need to provide the address of the current owner of the ASA and what is the current highest bided amount.
class AppInteractionService:
def __init__(self,
app_id: int,
asa_id: int,
current_owner_address: str,
current_highest_bid: int = DefaultValues.highestBid,
teal_version: int = 3):
self.client = developer_credentials.get_client()
self.app_id = app_id
self.asa_id = asa_id
self.current_owner_address = current_owner_address
self.current_highest_bid = current_highest_bid
self.teal_version = teal_version
asa_delegate_authority_compiled = compileTeal(asa_delegate_authority_logic(app_id=self.app_id,
self.asa_delegate_authority_code_bytes = \
self.asa_delegate_authority_address = algo_logic.address(self.asa_delegate_authority_code_bytes)
algo_delegate_authority_compiled = compileTeal(algo_delegate_authority_logic(app_id=self.app_id),
self.algo_delegate_authority_code_bytes = \
self.algo_delegate_authority_address = algo_logic.address(self.algo_delegate_authority_code_bytes)
Executing bidding call
The bidding call consists of atomic transfer of 4 transactions that were described in more details in the previous sections. In order to execute a bidding we need to provide the bidder’s private key, bidder’s address and the bided amount for the asset. If the transactions are approved by the Stateful and the Stateless Smart Contracts a change of ownership of the ASA will happen.
def execute_bidding(self,
bidder_name: str,
bidder_private_key: str,
bidder_address: str,
amount: int):
params = blockchain_utils.get_default_suggested_params(client=self.client)
# 1. Application call txn
bidding_app_call_txn = algo_txn.ApplicationCallTxn(sender=bidder_address,
# 2. Bidding payment transaction
biding_payment_txn = algo_txn.PaymentTxn(sender=bidder_address,
# 3. Payment txn from algo delegate authority the current owner
algo_refund_txn = algo_txn.PaymentTxn(sender=self.algo_delegate_authority_address,
# 4. Asa opt-in for the bidder & asset transfer transaction
asa_transfer_txn = algo_txn.AssetTransferTxn(sender=self.asa_delegate_authority_address,
# Atomic transfer
gid = algo_txn.calculate_group_id([bidding_app_call_txn,
bidding_app_call_txn.group = gid
biding_payment_txn.group = gid
algo_refund_txn.group = gid
asa_transfer_txn.group = gid
bidding_app_call_txn_signed = bidding_app_call_txn.sign(bidder_private_key)
biding_payment_txn_signed = biding_payment_txn.sign(bidder_private_key)
algo_refund_txn_logic_signature = algo_txn.LogicSig(self.algo_delegate_authority_code_bytes)
algo_refund_txn_signed = algo_txn.LogicSigTransaction(algo_refund_txn, algo_refund_txn_logic_signature)
asa_transfer_txn_logic_signature = algo_txn.LogicSig(self.asa_delegate_authority_code_bytes)
asa_transfer_txn_signed = algo_txn.LogicSigTransaction(asa_transfer_txn, asa_transfer_txn_logic_signature)
signed_group = [bidding_app_call_txn_signed,
txid = self.client.send_transactions(signed_group)
blockchain_utils.wait_for_confirmation(self.client, txid)
self.current_owner_address = bidder_address
self.current_highest_bid = amount
Payment to the seller
This interaction allows us to pay the amount of the highest bid to the seller of the ASA. With this we complete the full cycle of the application, starting from creating the ASA, selling it through a bidding process and paying to the seller of the ASA. When we call this method we need to pass the address of the seller of the ASA and our Smart Contracts will make sure that we have passed the correct one.
def pay_to_seller(self, asa_seller_address):
params = blockchain_utils.get_default_suggested_params(client=self.client)
# 1. Application call txn
bidding_app_call_txn = algo_txn.ApplicationCallTxn(sender=self.algo_delegate_authority_address,
# 2. Payment transaction
algo_refund_txn = algo_txn.PaymentTxn(sender=self.algo_delegate_authority_address,
# Atomic transfer
gid = algo_txn.calculate_group_id([bidding_app_call_txn,
bidding_app_call_txn.group = gid
algo_refund_txn.group = gid
bidding_app_call_txn_logic_signature = algo_txn.LogicSig(self.algo_delegate_authority_code_bytes)
bidding_app_call_txn_signed = algo_txn.LogicSigTransaction(bidding_app_call_txn,
algo_refund_txn_logic_signature = algo_txn.LogicSig(self.algo_delegate_authority_code_bytes)
algo_refund_txn_signed = algo_txn.LogicSigTransaction(algo_refund_txn, algo_refund_txn_logic_signature)
signed_group = [bidding_app_call_txn_signed,
txid = self.client.send_transactions(signed_group)
blockchain_utils.wait_for_confirmation(self.client, txid)
Application deployment on Algorand TestNet network
The final thing that is left for us is to deploy and test the application on the network.
Initialization of the application
As the described earlier we can initialize the application with the AppInitializationService using the following steps:
app_initialization_service = AppInitializationService(app_creator_pk=main_dev_pk,
After executing this code we have deployed and initialize the application on the TestNet. We can print the properties of the deployed app and inspect them on the AlgoExplorer
app_id: 18458985
asa_id: 18458996
If we inspect the global state of the application with id: 17026927 we see the following properties as expected:
We can also inspect the technical properties of the ASA with id: 17026938
We can see that the Clawback Account in the ASA is identical to the ASA Delegate Address in our application.
First bidding for the ASA
After initialization of the application we can use the AppInteractionService to execute bidding transaction calls to the app. Lets execute our first bid with the following code.
app_interaction_service = AppInteractionService(app_id=app_initialization_service.app_id,
After the execution we get the following transaction id
Transaction RSHLMHVAI3QUJTC7HZSXPJ3GSJY56AJTAAE5C5QYJE7VF5QSFEMA confirmed in round 15196291.
Since this transaction is an atomic transfer it has specific group_id. We inspect this group_id on the network as well and the application global state to see what has happened.
Atomic transfer overview
We can see that the ASA has been transferred to the new owner, the old ALGO were refunded to the old owner of the ASA and the new bid ALGO has been transferred to the Algo Delegate Authority address.
Application state overview
We can see that the state of the application has been changed as expected. The HighestBid has been updated as well with the OwnerAddress.
Second bidding for the ASA
We can execute second bidding with higher amount to test whether the ownership of the ASA will change.
We get the following transaction id
Transaction YNLQXFY4VTTECOMGUMJ2SYERTTWWH4QR3U3ENKZ5BH5H27RQVKTA confirmed in round 15196326.
Atomic transfer overview
We can see that the ASA has been transferred to the new owner, the old ALGO were refunded to the old owner of the ASA and the new bid ALGO has been transferred to the Algo Delegate Authority address.
Application state overview
We can see that the application state has been updated accordingly to match the newest highest bid.
Payment to the seller
After the bidding has ended, we can execute the payment to seller interaction with the following code:
Transaction confirmation:
Transaction AP7QJWRAUV77UKSGAPNBVBO2NHGZFSSDJ6A3POBLYCIWMXL72DJA confirmed in round 15196420.
We can explore this transaction and see its properties.
On the image above we can see that the highestBid of amount has been transferred to the seller of the ASA. With this we complete the full lifecycle of the ASA Bidding Application.
Final thoughts
If you have made it this far I want to sincerely thank you for reading this solution. I hope that you learned something new and interesting as it was the case for me.
I strongly believe that we are just starting to scratch the surface of the usage of smart contracts through creating different Decentralized Applications. I think that a lot of systems in the future will depend on signatures from smart contracts instead of some legal authorities. There is a really exciting future ahead of us :)
This solution is intended for learning purposes only. It does not cover error checking and other edge cases therefore, should not be used as a production application.
I want to thanks Cosimo Bassi for making a tutorial on using smart contracts in the Algo Realm Game which inspired me to make this application.