Building a lending pool using Reach
A lending pool is a smart contract which allows users to deposit and borrow money, allowing businesses to build applications that can leverage the power of interest generation such as lending protocols, savings accounts and others. A lending pool acts as a central account where users can deposit funds. These users earn interest and the money owed to them by the contract is tokenized as a non-network (say ERC20 or ASA) token. Lenders can freely transfer their non-network tokens to other users and thus the debt is fully tokenized. Next, users can borrow funds from this lending pool and repay over time. The lending pool tracks the interest from these activities and appropriately pays out or deducts it from the transactions.
While developing a robust lending pool is a complicated endeavor, in this tutorial we will learn to build a simplified version, which should help us learn some of the necessary features of a lending pool. We will see how by using the high-level features of Reach, it becomes very easy to implement such a lending pool. The consensus steps allow us to encode the necessary transfer of funds and calculation of interest in a very straightforward manner and Reach loops allow us to express this logic very concisely. Moreover, by using linear state we can easily track the necessary information for each user and the non-network token support gives us an easy way to tokenize the debt.
The completed tutorial can be found here. The README.md
has the instructions to run the complete tutorial.

You will need a working Reach compiler to follow along with the tutorial. Reach uses Docker, Docker-compose and Make to run the compiler and setup the environment for running and testing your code. You can view the steps here to get started - https://docs.reach.sh/tut-1.html
To make sure that your setup is working as intended so that you can follow the tutorial, please follow the following steps once you have downloaded and setup the Reach compiler and Docker -
git clone https://github.com/anmolsahoo25/reach-lending-pool.git
cd reach-lending-pool/step-7
curl https://docs.reach.sh/reach -o reach ; chmod +x reach
./reach update
./reach run
Since this is an advanced tutorial, readers are expected to have good knowledge of the following features -
- Reach syntax - arrow functions, objects, types, operators, loops, match expressions, switch statements
- Reach evaluation model - local steps, consensus transfer
- Other features - Linear state, Non-network tokens
Here are some open-source protocols which function as lending pools / interest protocols. These will be helpful for readers to appreciate real-world examples of such protocols -
- 1. Discuss the setup of the Reach program
- 2. Initial scaffolding and participant interfaces
- 3. Front-end setup in Javascript
- 4. Implementing the core transaction loop
- 5. Implementing and testing the logic for lending users
- 6. Implementing and testing the logic for borrowing users
- 7. Implementing and testing the debt tokenization
- 8. Implementing and testing the interest calculation logic
- 9. Basic verification of lending pool
- 10. Thanks!
1. Discuss the setup of the Reach program
We will first start by discussing the high-level structure of the Reach program. Don’t worry, we will go into each block and complete it, this is just the incomplete code to give an initial idea. This is the high-level overview of your index.rsh
code -
/* section1: datatype definitions */
const Msg = Data.({/* fill in datatype constructors */});
// other declarations
/* section2: utility functions */
const min = (x,y) => x < y ? x : y;
// other functions
/* section3: participant interfaces */
const Deployer = Participant('Deployer', {/* fill in interface */}));
// other interfaces
/* deploy app */
/* section4: first consensus publication */
/* setup linear state */
const loans = new Map(UInt);
// other linear state
/* setup non-network token */
const token = new Token({});
/* section5: core while loop */
var [] = []
while(true) {
/* perform transaction logic */
Let’s take a look at the various sections. Note that each section will have additional content, which we will discuss in the further sections.
1. In section1
, we declare all the datatypes that we are using.
2. In section2
we define some utility functions such as min
to use in our code.
3. In section3
we specify the participant interfaces.
4. In section4
we perform the first consensus publication so we can create the necessary linear state and tokens needed for the transactions.
5. In section5
we execute a while loop which will take care of the transactions and represents the core of the program.
Hopefully that gave you a broad idea of how the code is structured, so lets start coding now and take a look at each of the sections in details.
2. Initial scaffolding and participant interfaces
Code can be found here - step-0
Let’s start by setting up a minimal Reach file. Open up index.rsh
and type the following -
'reach 0.1';
export const main = Reach.App(() => {
/* data definitions */
const Msg = Data({
Deposit : UInt,
Withdraw: UInt,
Borrow : UInt,
Repay : UInt,
Transfer: Object({amt: UInt, to: Address})
const MaybeMsg = Maybe(Msg);
/* participant interfaces */
const Deployer = Participant('Deployer', {
log: Fun(true, Null)
const Lender = ParticipantClass('Lender', {
getMsg: Fun(true, Msg)
const Borrower = ParticipantClass('Borrower', {
getMsg: Fun(true, Msg)
/* deploy app */
/* first consensus for setup */
/* setup linear state */
const deposits = new Map(UInt);
const loans = new Map(UInt);
/* while loop for executing transactions */
var [] = []
while(true) {
race(Lender, Borrower).publish();
[] = [];
Whew, that’s a lot of code. Let’s see what we did here -
1. Let’s discuss the datatype declarations first. We create a datatype Msg
which we use to encode the various messages that the participants can send. As these are tagged unions, they also carry extra information, such as the amount deposited, which address to transfer etc. We also declare a MaybeMsg
type to denote an optional message value.
2. Next, we create the participant interfaces. We have a participant called Depositor
who is in-charge of deploying the application and logging functions. Then we create two ParticipantClasses
named as Lender
and Borrower
, who deposit and borrow money respectively with functions for retrieving their actions each consensus transfer. Note that being ParticipantClasses
instead of Participants
allows us to reference multiple agents in one transaction (not used in this tutorial, but might be useful for future applications). At the same, ParticipantClasses
cannot deploy applications, hence we need a special Deployer
3. Then we deploy the application and create the first consensus transfer with an empty publication from the Deployer
. In this consensus transfer, we create the linear state that we will be using to track the deposits and borrows named as deposits
and loans
and commit the transaction.
4. Finally, we start another consensus transfer so that we can start the core while loop of our program. As of now we put in an empty invariant and the while
loop runs forever. We have also not declared any loop variables as of yet.
Run reach compile index.rsh
on this file and you should get a compiled version of this code, which passes the verifier.
Let’s discuss the structure of our application a bit. In this code, each iteration of the while loop corresponds to a race between the Lenders
and Borrowers
. Depending on the actions produced by the winning agent, we update the necessary state variables for the agent and the contract. Thus, it makes it easy to write (and verify) each step of the contract.
3. Front-end setup in Javascript
Code can be found here - step-1
In this section, we can run our code (finally) to check if we have setup everything correctly. We can write a minimal front-end in Javascript. Open up index.mjs
and input the following code -
import { loadStdlib } from '@reach-sh/stdlib';
import * as backend from './build/index.main.mjs';
const stdlib = loadStdlib(process.env);
/* log messages from the app */
const log = (msg) => console.log(`[APP] : ${msg}`);
/* log messages from Reach */
const logReach = (addrs) => {
const f = ([s,e]) => {
const s1 = addrs[e[0]];
const s2 = typeof(addrs[e[1]]) === 'undefined' ?
(typeof(e[1]) === 'undefined' ? "" : e[1]) : addrs[e[1]];
const s3 = typeof(e[2]) === 'undefined' ? "" : e[2];
console.log(`[REACH] : ${s}${s1} ${s2}${s3}`);
return f;
(async () => {
log("Starting application");
/* starting balance for all test accounts */
const startingBalance = stdlib.parseCurrency(100);
/* object to store addresses of test accounts created */
var addrs = {};
/* accDeployer - the account which deploys the application */
const accDeployer = await stdlib.newTestAccount(startingBalance);
/* store each account address mapped to its name in the addrs object */
addrs[accDeployer.getAddress()] = "accDeployer"
log(`accDeployer (${accDeployer.getAddress().slice(0,4)}...) ${await stdlib.balanceOf(accDeployer)} microALGO`);
/* contract info for deployer account */
const ctcDeployer = accDeployer.contract(backend);
await Promise.all([
backend.Deployer(ctcDeployer, {
log: logReach(addrs)
We create some logging functions (the logging function is not the cleanest, sorry!), create an account and create a Deployer participant. Hopefully, there is nothing much to explain here, but if you feel like you are missing something you can refer to the Reach tutorial here - Scaffolding and Setup.
We also add a logging function in index.rsh
(the definition would waste space here, so feel free to copy it from the source) and a new log after the first publication -
/* first consensus for setup */
log("FirstTransaction", [this]);
Run reach run
and if everything was successful, you should see this output -
[APP] : Starting application
[APP] : accDeployer (0x7b...) 1000000000 microALGO
[REACH] : First publication by : accDeployer
Here, we first log from the frontend and then the first publication from Reach. So far, so good!
4. Implementing the core transaction loop
Code can be found here - step-2
Now that we have the basic app in place, we can go about implementing the core logic for our application. Let’s see what that looks like. In index.rsh
, update our while
loop to look like this -
/* while loop for executing transactions */
var [] = []
while(true) {
/* local steps to retrieve transaction message */
Lender.only(() => {
const msg = declassify(interact.getMsg());
Borrower.only(() => {
const msg = declassify(interact.getMsg());
/* transaction race */
race(Lender, Borrower).publish(msg).pay(0);
log("Transaction", [this, msg]);
/* continue loop */
[] = [];
Let’s go over it step-by-step -
- First, both
classes perform a local step to retrieve their action for this round. - Then they
to publish their message. - We log the winner of the race and the
value. - We go onto the next iteration.
In our frontend code in index.mjs
, we create a few new accounts and add them as participants -
/* accDeployer - the account which deploys the application */
const accDeployer = await stdlib.newTestAccount(startingBalance);
/* accLender - account which lends funds, transfers and receives tokens */
const accLender = await stdlib.newTestAccount(startingBalance);
/* accBorrower - account which borrows funds */
const accBorrower = await stdlib.newTestAccount(startingBalance);
/* contract info for deployer account */
const ctcDeployer = accDeployer.contract(backend);
/* contract info for lender, created by receiving info from deployer */
const ctcLender = accLender.contract(backend, ctcDeployer.getInfo());
/* contract info for borrower, created by receiving info from deployer */
const ctcBorrower = accBorrower.contract(backend, ctcDeployer.getInfo());
await Promise.all([
backend.Deployer(ctcDeployer, {
log: logReach(addrs)
backend.Lender(ctcLender, {
getMsg: () => ['Deposit', 0]
backend.Borrower(ctcBorrower, {
getMsg: () => ['Repay', 0]
Note that we create two static clients, who always return a fixed message. Let’s run our code. You would see a lot of output, but the important one should be (some lines truncated) -
[REACH] : Transaction by : accBorrower Repay,0
[REACH] : Transaction by : accLender Deposit,0
As we can see, each round we are taking a transaction action from one account. Now all we have to do is implement the logic for each participant class!
5. Implementing and testing the logic for lending users
Code can be found here - step-3
In this section, we will modify our reach program and implement the logic for the Lenders
. In index.rsh
, we modify our race statement -
race(Lender, Borrower).publish(msg).pay([
Deposit : (v) => v,
Withdraw: (_) => 0,
Borrow : (_) => 0,
Repay : (_) => 0,
Transfer: (_) => 0
After a participant wins a race, we take their published amount and use it to determine how much they need to pay. In this case, since we are only implementing the lenders side, in the case of Deposit
, the participant needs to pay the number of tokens they publish and for a Withdraw
, they don’t need to pay anything. For now, we stub out the borrower values with a 0.
Now let’s look at the next part (still in index.rsh
) -
/* take an action depending on the msg */
switch(msg) {
case Deposit:
log("LenderPaid", [this, msg]);
deposits[this] = fromSome(deposits[this], 0) + msg;
case Withdraw:
const canWithdraw =
(msg <= balance()) && (msg <= fromSome(deposits[this], 0));
if(canWithdraw) {
log("LenderWithdrew", [this, msg]);
deposits[this] = fromSome(deposits[this], 0) - msg;
case Borrow:
case Repay:
case Transfer:
In this case, we switch what action to take based on the message. For a deposit, we update the linear state called deposits
for the participant address with the value of the deposit. In the case of a withdraw, we first check if the pool has sufficient balance and then if the current user has deposited the money they are trying to withdraw. If both the checks go through, then we transfer the sum to the user and update the deposit.
Note that since we need slightly more complicated behavior from our participants, we will write closures in Javascript which return a different value based on every call we make. We create a participant who deposits a certain sum and withdraws it over multiple intervals. Add this code to index.mjs
/* deposit and withdraw behavior */
const depositAndWithdraw = () => {
var x = 0;
const f = () => {
if(x === 0) {
x = x + 1;
return ['Deposit', 100];
} else {
return ['Withdraw', 50];
return f;
await Promise.all([
backend.Deployer(ctcDeployer, {
log: logReach(addrs)
backend.Lender(ctcLender, {
getMsg: depositAndWithdraw()
Now, if we do reach run
, we should focus on this particular output -
[REACH] : Transaction by : accLender Deposit,100
[REACH] : Lender paid : accLender 100
[REACH] : Transaction by : accLender Withdraw,50
[REACH] : Lender withdrew : accLender 50
[REACH] : Transaction by : accLender Withdraw,50
[REACH] : Lender withdrew : accLender 50
[REACH] : Transaction by : accLender Withdraw,50
[REACH] : Transaction by : accLender Withdraw,50
So the lender deposits 100 tokens and withdraws them over, 2 transactions. Notice that after the second withdrawal, the withdraws stop executing. Thus it seems our logic is correct!
6. Implementing and testing the logic for borrowing users
Code can be found here - step-4
Now onto implementing the logic for borrowing users. It is mostly similar to the previous step, with a few changes. Let’s look at the pay statement in index.rsh
race(Lender, Borrower).publish(msg).pay([
Deposit : (v) => v,
Withdraw: (_) => 0,
Borrow : (_) => 0,
Repay : (v) => min(v, fromSome(loans[this], 0)),
Transfer: (_) => 0
In the pay statement, we first check the amount that the user owes. We then choose the minimum from the amount the user is trying to pay and the loan they owe. This helps ensure that the user does not send more than they have borrowed.
Let’s look at the code for executing the action in index.rsh
case Borrow:
if(msg <= balance()) {
log("BorrowerBorrowed", [this, msg]);
loans[this] = fromSome(loans[this], 0) + msg;
case Repay:
const currLoan = fromSome(loans[this], 0);
const toPay = min(msg, currLoan);
if(currLoan > 0) {
log("BorrowerRepaid", [this, toPay]);
loans[this] = currLoan - toPay;
In the case of a borrow, we first check if the pool has sufficient balance to make the transaction. In the case it does, we then transfer the necessary sum and then update the linear state for loans. In the case of a repayment, we check what is the amount that they owe and take the minimum of the amount the participant is trying to repay and the outstanding loan. The reasoning is similar as above in the pay statement.
In this case, we would need two actors, one to deposit and one to borrow. We will create these behaviors in index.mjs
/* deposit behavior */
const deposit = () => {
var x = 0;
const f = () => {
if(x === 0) {
x = x + 1;
return ['Deposit', 100];
} else {
return ['Deposit', 0];
return f;
/* borrow and repay behavior */
const borrowAndRepay = () => {
var x = 0;
const f = () => {
if(x < 10) {
x = x + 1;
return ['Borrow', 50];
} else {
return ['Repay', 100];
return f;
await Promise.all([
backend.Deployer(ctcDeployer, {
log: logReach(addrs)
backend.Lender(ctcLender, {
getMsg: deposit()
backend.Borrower(ctcBorrower, {
getMsg: borrowAndRepay()
Running reach run
will lead to different behaviors each time, depending on who wins the race, but one of the outputs would be this -
[REACH] : Transaction by : accLender Deposit,100
[REACH] : Lender paid : accLender 100
[REACH] : Transaction by : accBorrower Borrow,50
[REACH] : Borrower borrowed : accBorrower 50
[REACH] : Transaction by : accBorrower Borrow,50
[REACH] : Borrower borrowed : accBorrower 50
[REACH] : Transaction by : accBorrower Borrow,50
[REACH] : Transaction by : accBorrower Repay,100
[REACH] : Borrower repaid : accBorrower 100
[REACH] : Transaction by : accBorrower Repay,100
[REACH] : Transaction by : accBorrower Repay,100
First accLender
deposits 100 tokens. Then accBorrower
issues 2 borrow requests. Note that after the second request, it cannot borrow more since there is no balance. Finally, it repays 100 tokens after which no more repayments are allowed.
7. Implementing and testing the debt tokenization
Code can be found here - step-5
After getting the basic functions out of the way, we can look at some of the more interesting features we can implement. One of them is the debt tokenization feature. Debt tokenization essentially means that we denote the amount someone has deposited using a non-network token such as ASA’s on Algorand or ERC20 on Ethereum. Thus, users can freely transfer their these tokens to each other and the pool will track these transactions to update the deposits. In this way, depositors can easily change their holdings and exposure.
We implement a simple system where we denote a deposit of 1 network token by 1 non-network token token
. Upon depositing a certain value of network tokens in the pool, the user will receive the same amount of non-network tokens. Users can transfer their non-network tokens to each other. Let’s see how we can implement this. First we need to add 2 additional functions to the lender interface in index.rsh
const Lender = ParticipantClass('Lender', {
getMsg: Fun(true, Msg),
printTokenBalance: Fun(true, Null),
informTokenId: Fun(true, Null)
The function printTokenBalance
is a logging function to print the token balance for a particular account. The informTokenId
is used to inform the account to opt-in to send / receive the token (this is necessary for Algorand).
Once this is done, we create (mint) the non-network token in the first consensus transaction in index.rsh
/* setup non-network token */
const token = new Token({
name: Bytes(32).pad("token"),
symbol: Bytes(8).pad("token"),
supply: 1000
log("TokenBalance", [this, balance(token)]);
/* inform all lenders of token ID for opt-in */
We provide some (uninspiring) names to the various tokens and create its supply to be 1000. We do this only because it makes the log easier to read. Finally, we inform all the Lenders
of the token id. With this, now we can update the transaction logic to handle the tokens. We start with the pay statment in index.rsh
/* transaction race */
race(Lender, Borrower).publish(msg).pay([
Deposit : ((v) => v),
Withdraw: ((_) => 0),
Borrow : ((_) => 0),
Repay : ((v) => min(v, fromSome(loans[this], 0))),
Transfer: ((_) => 0)
Deposit : (_) => 0,
Withdraw : (v) => v <= fromSome(deposits[this], 0) ? v : 0,
Repay : (_) => 0,
Borrow : (_) => 0,
Transfer : ({amt, to}) => amt <= fromSome(deposits[this], 0) ? amt : 0
Notice that the pay statement is of the form [UInt, [UInt, Token]
. In Reach, this is how we specify that we want to transfer multiple tokens in one transaction. The second match statement has the necessary values that we pay in the case of each action. In the case of a deposit, the contract will transfers tokens to the participant, and in the case of a withdraw or a transfer, the candidate must pay an amount smaller than their deposits. In the case of the withdraw, the tokens are added back to the pool and for a transfer, they are sent to the target address.
Let’s look at the logic for the token transfers in index.rsh
case Deposit:
log("LenderPaid", [this, msg]);
deposits[this] = fromSome(deposits[this], 0) + msg;
if(msg <= balance(token))
transfer(msg, token).to(this);
log("TokenBalance", [Deployer, balance(token)]);
case Withdraw:
const canWithdraw =
(msg <= balance()) && (msg <= fromSome(deposits[this], 0));
log("LenderWithdrew", [this, msg]);
log("TokenBalance", [Deployer, balance(token)]);
deposits[this] = fromSome(deposits[this], 0) - msg;
case Transfer:
if(msg.amt <= fromSome(deposits[this], 0))
transfer(msg.amt, token).to(msg.to);
deposits[this] = fromSome(deposits[this], 0) - msg.amt;
deposits[msg.to] = fromSome(deposits[msg.to], 0) + msg.amt;
The case for the deposit and withdraw is straight-forward. We check the necessary conditions to perform the transactions, and transfer the tokens to the users. The transfer case is interesting. After checking the the initiating user has enough tokens, we transfer the tokens to the target address and update the deposits respectively.
Let’s create the behaviors for this case in index.mjs
/* deposit and transfer behavior */
const depositAndTransfer = (addr) => {
var x = 0;
const f = () => {
if(x % 2 === 0) {
x = x + 1;
return ['Deposit', 100];
} else {
x = x + 1;
return ['Transfer', {amt: 10, to: addr}];
return f;
await Promise.all([
backend.Deployer(ctcDeployer, {
log: logReach(addrs)
backend.Lender(ctcLender1, {
getMsg: depositAndTransfer(ctcLender2.getAddress()),
printTokenBalance: async (token) => log(`ctcLender1 ${await stdlib.balanceOf(accA, token)} tokens`),
informTokenId: async (token) => await ctcLender1.tokenAccept(token)
backend.Lender(ctcLender2, {
getMsg: depositAndTransfer(ctcLender1.getAddress()),
printTokenBalance: async (token) => log(`ctcLender2 ${await stdlib.balanceOf(accB, token)} tokens`),
informTokenId: async (token) => await ctcLender2.tokenAccept(token)
Now we can observe the output -
[REACH] : Pool token balance : 700
[REACH] : Transaction by : accLender2 Deposit,100
[REACH] : Lender paid : accLender2 100
[REACH] : Token balance : accDeployer 600
[REACH] : Transaction by : accLender1 accLender2 Transfer,10
[APP] : Account token balance: accLender2 130 tokens
[APP] : Account token balance: accLender2 240 tokens
[APP] : Account token balance: accLender1 170 tokens
[APP] : Account token balance: accLender1 160 tokens
Note how after the first deposit by accLender2
, the token balance for the pool went down by 100, the exact amount that accLender2
deposited. Next, accLender1
transfers 10 tokens to accLender2
and we can see that the token balance for accLender2
goes up by 110 (10 from transfer and 100 from the deposit) and accLender1
goes down by 10.
8. Implementing and testing the interest calculation logic
Code can be found here - step-6
Finally, we implement the feature that lets us calculate how much interest a lender has earned on his deposits. Now since this involves time and Reach only gives us the lastConsensusSecs
, we will have to play a small trick to work properly with this.
First we add some linear state to track the last deposit time and the interest earned for each participant in index.rsh
/* additional linear state for interest calculation */
const lastDepositTime = new Map(UInt);
const lenderInterest = new Map(UInt);
Then we update the while loop in index.rsh
var [lastAddr, lastMsg] = [this, MaybeMsg.None(null)]
while(true) {
[lastAddr, lastMsg] = [this, MaybeMsg.Some(msg)]
We create two loop variables called lastAddr
and lastMsg
. These let us track who the participant in the last consensus transfer was and what action they took. Note that in each iteration, we first commit the consensus transfer, thus lastConsensusSecs
will exactly correspond to the lastAddr
and lastMsg
that were used in the last consensus transfer. Finally, everytime we continue the loop, we update the loop variables to the current participant and message, which once committed in the next iteration, can be used with the last consensus time.
Then we implement the calculation logic in index.rsh
/* interest calculation */
if(isSome(lastMsg)) {
const lastMsgVal = fromSome(lastMsg, Msg.Deposit(0));
switch(lastMsgVal) {
case Deposit:
const addrDeposit = deposits[lastAddr];
const addrLastDepositTime = lastDepositTime[lastAddr];
lastDepositTime[lastAddr] = lastConsensusSecs();
if(isSome(addrLastDepositTime)) {
const principal = fromSome(addrDeposit, 0) - lastMsgVal;
const time = (lastConsensusSecs() - fromSome(addrLastDepositTime, 0))
const rate = 1;
const interest = principal * rate * time;
lenderInterest[lastAddr] = fromSome(lenderInterest[lastAddr],0) + interest;
log("InterestEarned", [lastAddr, interest]);
log("TotalInterest", [lastAddr, lenderInterest[lastAddr]]);
In this piece, we first extract the last time we updated the transaction for the participant. We can then use lastConsensusSecs to calculate how long the principal was held for. Finally, we subtract the last deposit from the total deposit, as that will be counted in the next interest calculation period. With this information, can calculate the interest earned and we update the last updated time to the last consensus time.
Let’s write a simple behavior for this in index.mjs
/* deposit behavior */
const depositAndHold = () => {
var x = 0;
const f = () => {
if(x === 0) {
x = x + 1;
return ['Deposit', 100];
} else {
return ['Deposit', 0];
return f;
await Promise.all([
backend.Deployer(ctcDeployer, {
log: logReach(addrs)
backend.Lender(ctcLender, {
getMsg: depositAndHold(),
printTokenBalance: async (token) => log(`accLender ${await stdlib.balanceOf(accA, token)} tokens`),
informTokenId: async (token) => await accLender.tokenAccept(token)
Let’s take a look at the output -
[REACH] : Transaction by : accLender Deposit,100
[REACH] : Lender paid : accLender 100
[REACH] : Interest earned : accLender 2500
[REACH] : Total interest : accLender Some,2500
[REACH] : Interest earned : accLender 2500
[REACH] : Total interest : accLender Some,5000
We can see that every transaction cycle, the participant is earning a constant interest from their holdings.
9. Basic verification of lending pool
Code can be found here - step-7
While a full verification of the entire lending pool would be out of scope of this tutorial, it is still instructive to note some of the assertions that we can add to increase our confidence in the lending pool.
Since the core of the contract lives in the loop invariant, we have to ensure that we specify the loop invariant correctly. You can read more about Reach loop invariants here. Let us start by writing the condition for the token balance
. Since we know that the only way to add or remove funds from the balance is through deposits or borrows, the sum of the deposits minus the sum of the loans should be equal to the pool balance. Thus we can write the invariant in index.rsh
invariant(balance() == deposits.sum() - loans.sum())
while(true) {
This ensures that the pool balance is correctly maintained after every iteration. Next, lets look at some assertions on the linear state which ensure that the the values. We want to ensure that loans
and deposits
are always greater than 0, so let’s encode that in the inductive invariant in index.rsh
(balance() == deposits.sum() - loans.sum())
&& (deposits.all((v) => v >= 0))
&& (loans.all((v) => v >= 0))
This also ensures that we do not accidentally transfer more than the amount deposited by a certain account, because in that case the `deposits.all` statement would be violated.
After this, we can further add some assertions in the code in `index.rsh` for further guarantees -
const canWithdraw =
(msg <= balance()) && (msg <= fromSome(deposits[this], 0));
if(canWithdraw) {
log("LenderWithdrew", [this, msg]);
log("TokenBalance", [Deployer, balance(token)]);
deposits[this] = fromSome(deposits[this], 0) - msg;
} else {
Here we assert that the user can only withdraw funds if they have sufficient balance and deposits. Note that while the condition looks trivial here, if we were to additional conditions then any violation would be caught by this assertion. If we run this code, we should obtain a log which exercises all the features we have implemented so far.
10. Thanks!
If you stuck around till the end (and even if you didn’t), I really appreciate you taking the time out for reading this. Hope you learnt something new! Feel free to comment / let me know if I could improve anything.