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Intermediate · 1 hour

Creating a License Manager Contract utilizing PyTEAL and Inner Transactions

Demonstration of using PyTeal and Inner Transactions


  • Basic knowledge about Algorand and blockchain technologies
  • Basic knowledge about PyTeal development
  • Basic understanding of Smart Contracts on Algorand
  • PyTEAL version supporting TEAL v5
  • Algorand sandbox


Complete code sample available on GitHub.


1. Inner Transaction Fundamentals

In this tutorial I want to introduce you to a new feature that came with the update to AVM1.0: Inner Transactions.

Inner Transactions enable Smart Contracts to submit transactions during TEAL execution. These transactions are performed by on-chain logic and so empower Smart Contracts to encapsulate much more logic on-chain and away from your centralized backend application logic. In this way more of the logic is actually transparently governed and secured by the blockchain itself.

Consult the documentation to find the transaction structure of each type of transaction. Ensure you understand the structure of the inner transactions you want to send and chose the right structure for your InnerTransaction.

With this function for example, a simple payment transaction can be issued:

def inner_payment_txn(amount: TealType.uint64, receiver: TealType.bytes) -> Expr:
    return Seq([
            TxnField.type_enum: TxnType.Payment,
            TxnField.sender: Global.current_application_address(),
            TxnField.amount: amount,
            TxnField.receiver: receiver

Inner Transactions in PyTEAL always start with a InnerTxnBuilder.Begin() followed by setting the fields with either InnerTxnBuilder.SetField() one by one or setting all fields in one function with InnerTxnBuilder.SetFields().
All fields not set by InnerTxnBuilder.SetField() or InnerTxnBuilder.SetFields() are automatically set to zero-values.
On the InnerTxnBuilder.Begin() instruction the sender of the transaction is automatically set to Global.current_application_address() since only the contract itself can authorize to send an Inner Transaction. If an account is rekeyed to the smart contract you can alter the sender to that account if needed. The FirstValid and the LastValid values of the Inner Transaction will be set to the values of the wrapping application call. Last but not least the the fees for the Inner Transaction gets set to the minimum fee possible also with fee-overpaying from earlier transactions taken into consideration.

Finally the transaction can be executed via InnerTxnBuilder.Submit(). It fails if already 16 Inner Transaction have been submitted in the block or the transaction itself fails. If an Inner Transaction creates an ASA, You can also access the ID of the newly create ASA on sucessful execution of the Inner Transaction by using the: InnerTxn.created_asset_id() instruction right after the submit. This will be shown in the Example Scenario

On the Algorand Dev Portal you can find a great introduction to Inner Transactions.


2. Example Scenario Concept

To demonstrate the usefulness of Inner Transactions the article uses an Example Scenario utilizing PyTEAL.

There will be a Smart Contract which functions like an Asset-Manager as the only one being able to transfer units of the asset using clawback transactions.
For simplicities sake the Asset Manager just gives away a certain amount X of the ASA for Y amount of microAlgo
This resolves to the following example:

A creator Alice wants to sell a license which enables the holder to rightfully republish or use something she is the originator of.
She wants to sell a certain amount of the licenses on chain. Therefore Alice can create a LicenseManagerContract for her licenses and tokenizes them as ASA.
She could use a full fletched dApp which abstracts the technical aspects of the process away for that.
To stay with the essence I will leave it to the reader if he/she wants to try and create their own dApp using the contract.

EditorImages/2021/10/22 17:47/Screenshot_2021-10-22_at_19.47.09.png
EditorImages/2021/10/22 17:37/Screenshot_2021-10-22_at_19.36.05.png

2.1 Overview over the Approval Program

Overview over the approval program:

 program = Cond(
        [ Global.group_size () == Int(1),
                [ Txn.application_id() == Int(0), Return(create_app) ],
                [ BytesEq(Txn.note(), TxnTags.ASSET_HANDIN), Return(perform_asset_hand_in)],
                [ Txn.on_completion() == OnComplete.DeleteApplication, Return(handle_deleteapp) ],
                [ Txn.on_completion() == OnComplete.ClearState, Return(handle_clear_state) ],
                [ Txn.on_completion() == OnComplete.OptIn, Return(handle_optin) ],
                [ Txn.on_completion() == OnComplete.CloseOut, Return(handle_closeout) ])],
        [ Global.group_size() == Int(2),
                [ BytesEq(Gtxn[1].note(), TxnTags.SETUP), Return(setup_app) ],
                [ BytesEq(Gtxn[1].note(), TxnTags.ALGO_HANDIN), Return(on_algo_hand_in) ])],
        [ Global.group_size() >= Int(2), Reject() ]

2.2 Creating the Contract

Alice creates the contract with the goal CLI:

#create app
function create_app {
    app_id=$(goal app create --clear-prog innerTxn_tutorial_pyteal.teal \
     --approval-prog innerTxn_tutorial_pyteal.teal \
     --local-byteslices 0 \
     --local-ints 1 \
     --global-ints 2 \
     --global-byteslices 0 \
     --creator $app_creator | grep 'Created app' | awk '{print $6}')
    echo "AppID: $app_id"

The app here basically just checks if is not already created thus it has an application id of 0.
Also it checks the application and if the state schema was specified correctly for this app since it has to have 2 local uint Variables (STAKED_AMOUNT, LAST_STAKE_ROUND)
and 3 global uint variables (FIXED_LICENSE_PRICE, ASSET_ID, REFUND_PERIOD)
for the application state. It also verifies that its a single transaction with on completion code: NoOp.

The STAKED_AMOUNT keeps track of the payed in microAlgos by the buyer.
The STAKED_AMOUNT determines the amount of microAlgos a user can receive as a maximum.
Based on it, the refund amount Y can be calculated and refunded to the buyer in exchange for X amount ASA units if he wants so.
Y would be the result out of the following:


After doing that the STAKED_AMOUNT will get substracted by the refund: STAKED_AMOUNT=STAKED_AMOUNT-REFUND.
The REFUND_PERIOD is a value of seconds and no refund for an Asset after the refund period:

  • Global.latest_timestamp() - LAST_STAKE_TIMESTAMP <= REFUND_PERIOD,

gets any part of STAKE_AMOUNT back.
If the call to give back assets happens after the refund_period the buyer gets no Algos back and can´t give the units back.
If he buys more licenses the refund of the previous buy will be obsolete.
Warning! For simplicities sake the handling of Edge Cases regarding abuse prevention is not complete and security checks are missing!

2.3 Setting up the Contract

Now … as the contract is created on the blockchain and Alice can setup it up for her needs.
She wants now to set the price per license to 1000 microAlgo and the total amount of licenses to 100.
She names the asset and the units of it and links data on ipfs via the url, to a file containing another visual proof.
Also she can set a refund period. The refund period specifies the time a buyer is eligible to give back license units and get his/her algo back

metadata_hash="AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" # placeholder value

#refund_period=584000 # approx. 1 month on real network
refund_period=1 # approx. q round = 4,5 seconds on a real network

Then she just needs to call the LicenseManagerContract with the settings she wants to use as arguments to perform the setup of the smart contract.
But before we need to make sure to seed the account with microAlgos.
To ensure this happens safely we just group a payment transaction at group index 0 to seed the app together with the application call to setup the app at group index 1.
Below you can see how the goal commands for each transaction look.
In the Github-Repo you can find all the code used …and more, with comments!

    # seed app 
    goal clerk send --from="$app_creator" --to="$app_addr" --amount=400000 

    # setup call
    goal app call -n "SETUP" --app-id "$app_id" --app-arg "str:$metadata_hash" \
        --app-arg "str:$asset_name" --app-arg "str:$unit_name" --app-arg "int:$price" \
        --app-arg "int:$decimals" --app-arg "str:$url" --app-arg "int:$total_amount" \
        --out setup_txn.txn --from $app_creator 

The app will do some checks and if they are passed, the app will issue an inner transaction to create an asset with the specified app arguments from the setup call

def setup_application( ):
    """ perform application setup """
    asset_id = executeAssetCreationTxn(Int(1))

To create a new ASA via Inner Transaction there needs to be a function performing an AssetConfiguration transaction with the different config_asset -
parameters being set in the transaction using the apps arguments specified by Alice in the Application Call.

def executeAssetCreationTxn(txn_index: TealType.uint64) -> TxnExpr:
     returns the ID of the generated asset or fails
    call_parameters = Gtxn[txn_index].application_args
    asset_total = Btoi(call_parameters[3])
    decimals = Btoi(call_parameters[4])
    return Seq([
            TxnField.type_enum: TxnType.AssetConfig,
            TxnField.config_asset_clawback: Global.current_application_address(),
            TxnField.config_asset_reserve: Global.current_application_address(),
            TxnField.config_asset_default_frozen: Int(1),
            TxnField.config_asset_metadata_hash: call_parameters[0],
            TxnField.config_asset_name: call_parameters[1],
            TxnField.config_asset_unit_name: call_parameters[2],
            TxnField.config_asset_total: asset_total,
            TxnField.config_asset_decimals: decimals,
            TxnField.config_asset_url: call_parameters[5],

When this code gets successfully executed, the resulting block can be inspected by using goal ledger block.
It is easy to check if the Inner Transactions looks like Alice wants:

"itx": [
              "caid": 312,
              "txn": {
                "apar": {
                  "an": "ALICE1",
                  "au": "http://ipfs_url",
                  "c:b64": "Gi6iTWtyp/KxfPPtFzovVRqUnjtIhVQs5aZurXGnVtk=",
                  "df": true,
                  "r:b64": "Gi6iTWtyp/KxfPPtFzovVRqUnjtIhVQs5aZurXGnVtk=",
                  "t": 100,
                  "un": "ROW"
                "fee": 1000,
                "fv": 146,
                "lv": 1146,
                "snd:b64": "Gi6iTWtyp/KxfPPtFzovVRqUnjtIhVQs5aZurXGnVtk=",
                "type": "acfg"

And again checking against:
It looks like it indeed is correct!

The InnerTransaction can also pass back the ID of the newly created ASA back to the program.
This can be used to save the ID of newly created asset instantly to the global state.
The asset id can be returned by returning InnerTxn.created_asset_id().

You can see this in the rest of the setup_application - subroutine


    return Seq(
        App.globalPut(GlobalState.Variables.ASSET_ID, asset_id),
        App.globalPut(GlobalState.Variables.REFUND_PERIOD, refund_period),

Now Alice can´t wait to check if it worked since her transaction got successfully committed!
She checks out the asset id through reading the global state value of her created contract

goal app read --app-id $app_id --global | grep 'ui' | head -n 1 | awk -F ": " '{print $2}'

There she sees the asset id and checks if everything has gone well…

goal asset info --assetid $asset_id 

Yes! Everything is ready and the selling can start! :

Asset ID:         268
Asset name:       ALICE1

Unit name:        ROW

Maximum issue:    100 ROW
Reserve amount:   100 ROW
Issued:           0 ROW
Decimals:         0
Default frozen:   true
Manager address:
Freeze address:

2.4 Opting into the Contract

Bob just runs the optin routine to opt-into the ASA and the LicenseManagerContract:

function optin_routine {
    # opt into ASA and Smart Contract
    goal asset send -a 0 --assetid $asset_id  -f $client -t $client --creator $app_addr
    goal app optin --app-id "$app_id" --from "$client"
    goal app optin --app-id "$app_id" --from "$client"  --dryrun-dump --out app_optin_txn 

2.5 Buying licenses

Bob gets a call from Alice that he now can as promised buy licenses from her on the Algorand Blockchain.
He opens the aforementioned mysterious dApp in his browser and now wants to buy some licenses for 18000 microAlgos!

Therefore Bob has to group the ApplicationCallto call the LicenseManagerContract with his payment transaction over 18000 microAlgos to the contract.

        Assert( acc_opted_in(app_call_txn.sender()) ),
        Assert( app_call_txn.type_enum() == TxnType.ApplicationCall ),
        Assert( app_call_txn.on_completion() == OnComplete.NoOp ),
        Assert( algo_hand_in_txn.type_enum() == TxnType.Payment ),

Again, both single transactions would look like this using the goal SDK:

goal app call --app-id "$app_id" --from "$client" --note "ALGO_HANDIN" --foreign-asset $asset_id  \
     --app-account $app_addr --out algo_in_app_1.txn 

goal clerk send --from="$client" --to="$app_addr" --amount=18000  

As Bobs Transaction group gets successfully sent to the contract, the contract executes the logic assigned to on_algo_hand_in, because of the note and the group size.

 [ Global.group_size() == Int(2),
                [ BytesEq(Gtxn[1].note(), TxnTags.ALGO_HANDIN), Return(on_algo_hand_in) ])]

After the security checks happened, the LicenseManagerContract sets the STAKE_AMOUNT to the amount of microAlgo that where paid in exchange for an asset.
The LAST_STAKE_TIMESTAMP where Bobs transaction got successfully committed will be set to the value of the latest_timestamp.

return Seq(
        App.localPut(algo_hand_in_txn.sender(), LocalState.Variables.STAKE_AMOUNT, new_stake),
        App.localPut(algo_hand_in_txn.sender(), LocalState.Variables.LAST_STAKE_TIMESTAMP, Global.latest_timestamp()),

Then the new feature for InnerTransactions comes in very handy yet again!
The contract finally can send the 18 units if the ASA to Alice using an inner transaction if the asset_amount would be greater than 0.

If(asa_handout_amount > Int(0)).Then(
            ) ...

Therefore simply specifying the InnerTransaction again. After the InnerTxnBuilder begins, the necessary fields are set to their value via the SetFields function to perform this action for multiple fields in one function, passing a python - key-value mapping.
Since the asset transfer is performed only by the contract itself, using a clawback transaction, the asset_sender must be set to the address of the LicenseManagerContract itself. The asset_amount would be the aforementioned ASA_HANDOUT_AMOUNT (18).

def executeAssetTransfer(asset_id: TealType.uint64, asset_amount: TealType.uint64, asset_sender: TealType.bytes, asset_receiver: TealType.bytes) -> Expr:
    return Seq([
            TxnField.type_enum: TxnType.AssetTransfer,
            TxnField.xfer_asset: asset_id,
            TxnField.asset_sender: asset_sender,
            TxnField.asset_amount: asset_amount,
            TxnField.asset_receiver: asset_receiver

Now if Bob had sent more microAlgos so that there is a remainder when calculating ASA_HANDOUT_AMOUNT, the remainder amount of microAlgos get sent back to Bob.
Therefore the simple inner payment function from the beginning can be used, specifying how much microsAlgo to send to which receiver:

If(refund_amount > Int(0)).Then(
            inner_payment_txn(refund_amount, algo_hand_in_txn.sender())

Now Bob wants to check if all went well and he got the units of Alice´s ASA:

  • goal account info -a "$client"

He can see all the ASAs he has with their ID, asset name, unit name and balance.

Bob is glad as everything seems to have worked correctly:

  • ID 302, ALICE1, balance 18 ROW (frozen)

2.6 Request a refund for ASA

Now whats left is to discover the refund mechanism and the closeout logic.
If Bob decides before the refund period ends he can, as already described above, get back a part of his stake or even everything on a full refund.
He knows the exact time he has to refund via the global state value:REFUND_PERIOD so he is obliged to check it correctly because he can´t refund and cant give back the units as beforehand agreed with Alice

def handle_asset_hand_in():
    """ handler for asset to algo logic """
    fixed_asset_price = getFixedAssetPrice()
    asset_return_amount = Btoi(Txn.application_args[0])
    refund_amount = Mul(asset_return_amount, fixed_asset_price)
    current_staked_amount = getStakedAmount(Txn.sender())
    updated_stake = Minus(current_staked_amount, refund_amount)

    return Seq(
        # if is refund period still active then refund
                inner_payment_txn(refund_amount, Txn.sender()),
                # update STAKE_AMOUNT
                    LocalState.Variables.STAKE_AMOUNT, updated_stake),
                # the call gets approved
        # Else the call gets rejected

To now execute a refund action Bob will use following bash-function utilizing the goal CLI :

function asset_handin {
    # asset hand in - VALID
    goal app call --app-id "$app_id" --from "$client" --note "ASSET_HANDIN" --foreign-asset $asset_id  \
     --app-account $app_addr --app-arg "int:$ret_amount" 
    echo " ----------- ASSSET HANDIN FROM BUYER SUCESSFUL ----------- "

Now if he did this correctly in the refund period, he can perform the refund.
Since transactions are very cheap on Algorand Bob decides to try if this really works.
He instantly performs the above bash-function after the buying action to give back 10 units of his 18 bought license units.

He now checks the transactions are executed as they should be and looks at the block with the newly created transaction hash:

  • goal ledger block $block_round (see in output of the goal app call- command -> e.g. committed in round 144)

    "txns": [
        "dt": {
          "itx": [
              "txn": {
                "aamt": 10,
                "arcv:b64": "Gi6iTWtyp/KxfPPtFzovVRqUnjtIhVQs5aZurXGnVtk=",
                "asnd:b64": "IlnKUR/5avzx8pAlphB4XXtr+b2V7/5SX9J6Q3j/Tos=",
                "fee": 1000,
                "fv": 150,
                "lv": 1150,
                "snd:b64": "Gi6iTWtyp/KxfPPtFzovVRqUnjtIhVQs5aZurXGnVtk=",
                "type": "axfer",
                "xaid": 312
              "txn": {
                "amt": 10000,
                "fee": 1000,
                "fv": 150,
                "lv": 1150,
                "rcv:b64": "IlnKUR/5avzx8pAlphB4XXtr+b2V7/5SX9J6Q3j/Tos=",
                "snd:b64": "Gi6iTWtyp/KxfPPtFzovVRqUnjtIhVQs5aZurXGnVtk=",
                "type": "pay"

Bob sees that he indeed got 10000 microAlgos via Inner Transaction in the itxn - Array the above output:

txn": {
                "amt": 10000,
                "fee": 1000,
                "fv": 150,
                "lv": 1150,
                "rcv:b64": "IlnKUR/5avzx8pAlphB4XXtr+b2V7/5SX9J6Q3j/Tos=",
                "snd:b64": "Gi6iTWtyp/KxfPPtFzovVRqUnjtIhVQs5aZurXGnVtk=",
                "type": "pay"

.. and of course the 10 ASA units were also withdrawn from his account:

"txn": {
                "aamt": 10,
                "arcv:b64": "Gi6iTWtyp/KxfPPtFzovVRqUnjtIhVQs5aZurXGnVtk=",
                "asnd:b64": "IlnKUR/5avzx8pAlphB4XXtr+b2V7/5SX9J6Q3j/Tos=",
                "fee": 1000,
                "fv": 150,
                "lv": 1150,
                "snd:b64": "Gi6iTWtyp/KxfPPtFzovVRqUnjtIhVQs5aZurXGnVtk=",
                "type": "axfer",
                "xaid": 312

2.7 Close out of the Contract

Last but not least Bob could Close Out of the LicenseManagerContract by sending an Application Call with a OnCompletion value of CloseOut.
This will on success result in a revoke of all ASA units which have the ASSET_ID managed by the LicenseManagerContract (stored in its global state).
If the CloseOut-Call happens before the end of the refund period Bob would get his STAKED_AMOUNT of microAlgos refunded.
Else, he will just turn all the ASA units he possesses in without a reward.

def handle_close_out_txn():
    """ closeout-txn handler """

    asset_id = getAssetId()
    current_staked_amount = App.localGet(Txn.sender(), LocalState.Variables.STAKE_AMOUNT)
    sender_asset_balance = AssetHolding.balance(Txn.sender(), Int(0))

    return Seq(
        # if refund period active send refund
            inner_payment_txn(current_staked_amount, Txn.sender() ),
        # check if the sender of the closeout even has units of the ASA
        If(And(sender_asset_balance.hasValue(), sender_asset_balance.value() > Int(0))).
            # if so revoke them from the sender closing out of the LicenseManagerContract
        # Clear the Local State of the sender closing out
        App.localDel(Txn.sender(), LocalState.Variables.STAKE_AMOUNT),
        App.localDel(Txn.sender(), LocalState.Variables.LAST_STAKE_TIMESTAMP),

If Bob, after handing back in 10 of his 18 ASA units now issues a closing out call:

  • goal app closeout --from $client --app-id $app_id --foreign-asset $asset_id

and then checks if he has no ASA units left now:

  • goal account info -a "$client"

… he now sees (Note! The IDs will probably be different for you so I shortened the output):

  • ALICE1, balance 0 ROW (frozen)

If Bob checks the block created out of the successful CloseOut transaction and the CloseOutwas performed after the REFUND_PERIOD was over, he will sadly have to accept that his stake is now once and for all Alice´s since there is no Inner Transaction performed by the LicenseManagerContract to send the refund after the REFUND_PERIOD :

"itx": [
              "txn": {
                "aamt": 18,
                "arcv:b64": "JeW54j2iSsLpCFBoWk4sR8zTgXWIP2BOunNbyLpOH6A=",
                "asnd:b64": "te/d9cYD0Bz+EKaCm0n7LzNeOMcaP2u44ZocNIIsVUk=",
                "fee": 1000,
                "fv": 13,
                "lv": 1013,
                "snd:b64": "JeW54j2iSsLpCFBoWk4sR8zTgXWIP2BOunNbyLpOH6A=",
                "type": "axfer",
                "xaid": 19

3. Conclusion

In my opinion, the ability to perform transactions from on-chain logic will bring a new dynamic to the development of the Ecosystem since it enables creators to think out the concepts for their desired project in a more straightforward way. Currently AssetFreeze, AssetConfiguration, AssetTransfer and Payment Transaction-Types are supported for performing Inner Transactions. If this article sparked your interest you can also see more PyTEAL snippets for inner transactions of different kinds each got an extra file so you don`t have to scroll inside one big file!