SDK Updates: Deploying Stateful Smart Contracts
Arguably the most anticipated feature of the recent Algorand v2.1.3 release is stateful smart contracts. Much has been written about how they will enable software developers to author applications. This article is a developer’s treasure map providing links to guide readers from understanding the basics to using the SDK Documentation for advanced smart contract application deployments.
Basics: Stateless vs. Stateful Smart Contracts
All Algorand Smart Contracts (ASC1) are compiled programs executed by validation nodes during consensus evaluation. Program execution must complete with a single non-zero unit64 value remaining on the stack to be valid, thus appending the ledger with the resulting state transitions. The Transaction Execution Approval Language (TEAL) is used to author programs based on the available OpCodes and their defined mode of use.
Stateless smart contracts are able to approve transactions, either as a Contract Account or a Delegated Account.
Stateful smart contracts are able to store data or “maintain state” of bytes
and ints
within the ledger. Two programs (approval and clear) define a stateful smart contract, referred to as an application. Application Call Transactions are broadcast by a user to interact with these programs. Calls may include user-defined arguments (additional data) which are evaluated by the program logic at run-time. State changes (value updates) take effect only after successful program execution.
The ability to combine both stateless and stateful programs using an atomic transfer transaction provides a robust featureset for your application design. In this crowdfunding solution, an atomic transfer transactions wraps two transactions:
– (txn0 - payment) user’s donation into an escrow account (stateless)
– (txn1 callNoOp) updates user’s local storage donation values (stateful)
This ensures both the donation amount transfered (txn0) is recorded by the stateful application (txn1).
Basics: Stateful Storage
Each stateful smart contract has access to three storage locations where key/value pairs are defined: global, local and foreign.
Global storage, provisioned within the application creator’s account, represents application-specific data. The application’s global storage reflects current state to each call transaction. The application may read from or write to its own global storage.
Local storage is provisioned within a user account for the specific application only after the user issues an Opt-In call transaction. Local values reflect current state of the application, unique to each account. Read access is granted to anyone, but write access is limited to the application’s program logic.
Foreign storage is the global or local storage location of a referenced application or account respectively. The program logic may read from these storage locations but may only write if the foreign entity has successfully confirmed an Opt-In call transaction for this application.
Storage limitations exist for the number of foreign accounts, assets and applications a given stateful smart contract may reference in a call transaction. These are detailed within the stateful smart contract guide.
Prerequisite: Developer API
An important prerequisite for your smart contract development environment is enabling the Developer API on the algod
node software. It’s just a quick config file tweak and restart of the node software.
Ensure the algod
node has the “EnableDeveloperAPI” parameter set to true within the config.json
file. This is required to enable the SDK access to the compile and dryrun endpoints. Restart the algod
node software for the changes to take effect.
Building Stateful Smart Contracts: SDK Walkthrough
With the basics covered and your development environment configured, ensure your SDK is updated (Python, JavaScript, Java and Go) and familiarize yourself with PyTeal. It’s time to design, develop, deploy and interact with your application. The SDK Walkthrough iterates on the Hello World counter application by adding global storage and a timestamp.
Start by reviewing this boilerplate stateful application TEAL approval program. It lays out a series of handlers for each of the call transactions, then branch accordingly based on type. It’s imperative to add custom logic within the handle_updateapp
and handle_delete
sections to protect your application against unauthorized access. Initial designs will likely define a check for the creator’s address within these sections. Fully tested and decentralized designs may define the zero address in these sections, thus preventing future updates or deletion. The result of the design phase will be program logic for the handle_noop
, handle_optin
and handle_closeout
The SDK Walkthrough annotates both the approval and clear example programs.
Your SDK project will follow the logic defined within the stateful smart contract program source code. At minimum you will define methods which compile, create and call the deployed application. The bulk of your time will likely be spent within makeApplicationNoOpTxn
call methods. This is where you will formulate the application logic and likely calculate arguments to be included with these call transactions. Debugging is an important tool to become familiar with during the design and development phases (look for a future article with a detailed walkthrough).
Use the compile endpoint of the Developer API to convert your TEAL source code into the byte string required by the SDKs. Next, use the makeApplicationCreate method types to deploy the initial application.
The user will first interact with the application using the makeApplicationOptIn method. Now calls using the makeApplicationNoOpTxn method will execute logic within the handle_noop
section of the approval program. Calls to other makeApplication
type call methods are similarly demonstrated for Update
, Clear
and CloseOut
and execute the TEAL code for their respective handler. Any of these calls may modify global, local and/or foreign state as defined in program logic and enforced by consensus evaluation.
Reading data from storage within the SDK is a simple API call to any user’s account for a specific app-id. Displaying the state data is just parsing the JSON response into its key/value pairs.
Wrapping Up
This guide is designed to accelerate your learning about Algorand stateful smart contracts and then apply that knowledge to build your own applications using the SDK. The Developer Portal provides many resources for building applications on Algorand. A series of stateful smart contract solutions detail building a crowdfunding app, a permissioned voting app and a permissionless voting app. The Developer Forums remain the goto for Q&A on all dev topics. Start building your application today; we’re here to help guide you and get you to done.
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