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Showing 41 posts related with docker.

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    Getting Started on Algorand

    In this article, we are going to cover some of the basics of where to start, what tutorials are available, options for setting up your development environment, and how you can be rewarded for developing applications on the Algorand blockchain.

    Russell Fustino
    Russell Fustino Algorand
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    Introducing Sandbox 2.0

    Algorand Sandbox 2.0 is focused on developers and now deploys a containerized private network with an indexer by default. All APIs are exposed to localhost; sending and searching for transaction has never been easier.

    Will Winder
    Will Winder Algorand
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    Algo Builder v0.5 Released

    We are pleased to announce the new Algo Builder release: v0.5 (renamed from Algorand Builder), which is a combined version of `@algo-builder/algob v0.5.2`, `@algo-builder/types-algosdk v0.2.0` and `@algo-builder/runtime v0.1.1`.

    Robert Zaremba
    Robert Zaremba Algorand Builder
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    Automated testing for Algorand smart contracts - Part 1

    A three part series on automated testing for your TEAL smart contracts

    Ashley Davis
    Ashley Davis Hone
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    print("Algokit v2, happy technology")

    With AlgoKit 2.0 we are bringing native Python to blockchain development, giving the millions of Python developers an easy onramp to the world of decentralized computing.

    Alessandro Cappellato Ferrari
    Alessandro Cappellato Ferrari Algorand