Showing 254 posts related with testing.
Access BetaNet Network using your own node and goal
This tutorial describes how to setup and update a BetaNet network using your own node and goal.
Create and test smart contracts using Python
Create two smart contracts using Python Algorand SDK and PyTeal, then test their implementation using pytest.
Getting Started on Algorand
In this article, we are going to cover some of the basics of where to start, what tutorials are available, options for setting up your development environment, and how you can be rewarded for developing applications on the Algorand blockchain.
Using a Smart Contract for Advanced Approvals: Hierarchical Thresholds
Design and implement an escrow contract account using hierarchical threshold approvals to secure the corporate treasury.
Intro to Algorand Studio & Algorand VS Code Extension
This article introduces two developer tools by Obsidian Labs. The first is their Algorand Studio project and the second is their VS Code Extension. Both tools are used to work with Algorand and make building and testing transactions and smart contracts easier. Additionally, both can be used to run an Algorand node.
Introducing Algorand Builder
Algorand Builder is a trustworthy framework for building Algorand DApps. We make building and shipping DApps easy.
What’s new in AlgoSigner v1.4
The latest AlgoSigner release adds new features WebApp developers and end user will appreciate.
Algo Builder v1.0 Released
We are pleased to release 1.0 of our Algo Builder software! Learn more about our new features, smart contract examples and dApp templates.
Algorand Wallet Now Open Source
Algorand Wallet, the official mobile wallet for the Algorand blockchain, is now fully open source, allowing developers to build the app locally for testing integrations with dApps and mobile projects.
Meet the Winners: Schelling Point Virtual Hackathon 2022
Meet the winners of the Gitcoin hackathon focused on DeFi apps, developer tooling, and DAO projects.
Django Staking Service Demo
This article introduces you to an example staking platform that’s available on github, to demonstrate how such a service can be created on Algorand.
Hello Beaker
Introducing a framework for Smart Contract development on Algorand
Why is Sandbox Indispensable for Building dApps?
Are you struggling to figure out what tools to use when developing dApps? Look no further. Learn why Sandbox should be the go-to developer tool when building dApps.
Introducing Official Algod Docker Containers
Overview of Algorand's Algod Containers, the path forward, and a quick how to!
Developer Improvements in go-algorand 3.16
go-algorand 3.16 introduces several noteworthy useful improvements for developers. We highlight and explain them here.
print("Algokit v2, happy technology")
With AlgoKit 2.0 we are bringing native Python to blockchain development, giving the millions of Python developers an easy onramp to the world of decentralized computing.
Beginner Bootcamp Python Español
![EditorImages/2024/08/08 13:21/banner_spanish_web.png](https://algorand-devloper-portal-app.s3.amazonaws.com/static/EditorImages/2024/08/08%2013%3A21/banner_spanish_web.png) **Proyecto:** Digital Marketplace. **Descripción del proyecto:** Aprende a usar Python para crear el contrato inteligente de un Marketplace digital, en el que podrás publicar productos digitales (assets) para vender, definir un precio y permitir a los usuarios finales comprarlos. **Horario:** * 06:00 PM (Colombia, Perú) * 20:00 (Argentina) **Agenda** * Sesión 1 (Agosto 19): Diseño e implementación de un smart contract de un marketplace digital usando Python * Sesión 2 (Agosto 20): Testing de los métodos dentro de tu smart contract en Python * Sesión 3 (Agosto 21): Creando el cliente para interactuar con el contrato inteligente desde el framework de tu preferencia **Pre-requisitos: ** * [VS Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/) (Recomendado) * [Git](https://git-scm.com/downloads) * [Docker Desktop](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop/) * [Python 3.10+](https://www.python.org/downloads/) * [NodeJS](https://nodejs.org/en/download) _Guías de instalación_ ([macOS](https://youtu.be/Kpf10h1wBgw?feature=shared), [Windows](https://youtu.be/hogThe-vgs8?feature=shared)) **¿Por qué Algorand?** Algorand es una blockchain capa 1 programable de nivel empresarial, es el lugar perfecto para comenzar (o continuar) tu viaje en blockchain. * Los bloques en Algorand se procesan en menos de 3 segundos. * La red Algorand puede procesar más de 10.000 transacciones por segundo, todas con finalidad instantánea. * El costo por transacción es de 0.001 Algo (sólo una fracción de céntimo de dolar). * Algorand es carbono neutral, diseñada desde el principio para ser amigable con el medio ambiente. * Las pruebas en Algorand son rápidas y económicas, lo que le permite innovar sin fricciones. * Además, cuenta con una gran cantidad de herramientas para desarrolladores, tutoriales y documentación. ¿Listo para lo mejor? Si eres un desarrollador de Python o TypeScript, no necesitas aprender un nuevo lenguaje porque puedes construir en Algorand usando Python y TypeScript. Es fácil empezar a construir gracias a[ AlgoKit](https://developer.algorand.org/algokit/?utm_source=devportal&utm_medium=bootcamp_landingpage&utm_campaign=algokit) (nuestra solución para acelerar tu proceso de construcción en Web3).
Algorand Developer Bootcamp | Beginner
### Why should I be interested in learning about Algorand and participating in the Bootcamp? * Algorand has different SDK’s to help you with the building process in different languages and with extensive documentation. * The costs and speed for testing on Algorand are extremely low, which will allow you to learn and test without friction. * The companies that work with Algorand are constantly looking for developers to join their work teams. At the end of the Bootcamp you will be able to participate in solving challenges that will test your knowledge and will serve as a cover letter for you to apply for a Web3 job in the Algorand ecosystem. * This Beginner bootcamp will give you the foundations needed to take part in our Intermediate bootcamp. * Grow your web 3 developer skills on time to be able to participate in our exciting Global Virtual Hackathon at the end of the year. We’ll release more details shortly. **Each session will be 2 hours. Here’s what you can expect to cover over the 4 days:** * Session 1: Algorand Developer Onboarding with JavaScript SDK & AlgoKit Installation * Session 2: Building a dApp with Beaker and Deploying with dAppFlow * Session 3: Building & Debugging dApps with Beaker + PyTeal + PyTest * Session 4: Adding a TypeScript Frontend UI to the Auction dApp ### Why Algorand? When you decide to start working in blockchain, it is essential that you know the characteristics of the protocol that you are going to use, here are those of Algorand: * It is a layer 1 network that can process 10,000 transactions per second. * The cost per transaction is 0.001 ALGO == $0.0003 USD Approx. * Our blocks are processed in 3.3 seconds. * We are a carbon negative blockchain as we are committed to being environmentally friendly.