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Showing 125 posts related with PHP.

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    Interact with the Algorand Blockchain Network using SMS and Voice

    Use the Twilio SMS and Voice APIs to interact with the Algorand Blockchain.

    Rashan Smith
    Rashan Smith Developer Ambassador
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    Build Algorand iOS, Android and UWP apps using C# .NET SDK and Xamarin

    This solution shows how to build an Algorand application for iOS, Android and Universal Windows Platform (UWP), with one code base, using Xamarin Forms and C#.

    Russell Fustino
    Russell Fustino Algorand
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    AlgoNim is the first Algorand game incorporating all the features introduced in Algorand 2.0: Algorand Standard Assets (ASA), Atomic Transfers (AT) and Algorand Smart Contracts (ASC1).

    Cosimo Bassi
    Cosimo Bassi Algorand
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    Example Crowdfunding Stateful Smart Contract Application

    This solution explains one way to build a crowdfunding application on the Algorand Blockchain.

    Jason Weathersby
    Jason Weathersby Algorand
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    Example Digital Exchange Smart Contract Application

    This solution presents a very simple DEX application using stateless and stateful smart contracts. It allows users to place limit orders that are fulfilled at a later time by another party.

    Jason Weathersby
    Jason Weathersby Algorand
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    AlgorandTipBot on Telegram - Send ALGO to any @username

    The AlgorandTipBot enables Telegram users to send tips (small amounts of ALGO) to other users of the messaging app.

    Maksim Artemyev
    Maksim Artemyev Developer Ambassador
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    Using the Circle API to transfer funds between the Algorand blockchain and traditional bank accounts

    This article describes the new TestNet dispenser’s design and implementation, enabling both USDC and Algos for testing.

    Eric Gieseke
    Eric Gieseke Algorand
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    PLC interacting with Algorand Blockchain

    Industrial computers (PLCs) are widespread today. Connecting them to Algorand opens key areas of Industry 4.0

    Thomas Benninger
    Thomas Benninger Developer Ambassador
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    Block'n'Poll - Blockchain polling web application

    Block'n'Poll is a blockchain polling web application that allows users to easily create permissionless polls and vote on Algorand blockchain.

    Fabio Fiorella
    Fabio Fiorella Developer Ambassador
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    Simple example using Algorand with Unity 3D Engine

    Initial example to integrate Algorand into a Unity 3D graphics engine project. A small step in the creation of Virtual Worlds and their BlockChain economy.

    Enrico Speranza
    Enrico Speranza GT50 S.r.l.
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    Style Transfer Service

    This solution shows how would be possible to use Algorand as the payment gateway for an Artificial Intelligence Marketplace, implementing an online Style Transfer as the first service.

    NonSense Coder
    NonSense Coder
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    Track your ALGO balance on Facebook using Manychat

    Demonstrates how to create a Facebook Messenger chatbot and use it to track your ALGO balance.

    Ali Yousef
    Ali Yousef
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    Integrate AlgoSigner to JavaScript Application on Algorand

    This solution contains several examples of different ways to use the Algorand JavaScript SDK, including sending transactions, creating atomic transfers, and interacting with Smart Contracts.

    JW Dixon
    JW Dixon
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    ASA Bidding Application Using PyTeal

    Solution that explains a system developed on the Algorand network that does automated bidding for an asset of interest for a predefined period of time. The app is developed using PyTeal and py-algorand-sdk

    Vilijan Monev
    Vilijan Monev
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    Build an employee loan arrangement dApp

    Build an Employee Loan dApp using Algorand Layer-1 functionalities to manage the loan arrangements between employers, employees and financial authorities.

    Stefano De Angelis
    Stefano De Angelis University of Southampton
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    Wagering DApp with a serverless Vue + AlgoSigner Frontend

    Bet on your favourite team by wagering Algo! Easily interact with smart contracts powered by the Algorand blockchain thanks to a frontend web app using Vue and AlgoSigner.

    Lucas Van Mol
    Lucas Van Mol
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    Tic-Tac-Toe dApp

    Design and deploy the Tic-Tac-Toe game on the Algorand blockchain. The game logic is implemented as a Stateful Smart Contract using PyTeal while the communication with the network is done using the py-algorand-sdk.

    Vilijan Monev
    Vilijan Monev
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    Framework Integration: Exploring Express.js With the Algorand SDK

    This guide shows developers how they can use Algorand with Express.js through the js-algorand-sdk. In short, you'll learn how to query transactions, assets, and accounts, and how to apply optional filters to endpoints to enrich the data.

    Tobias Schmidt
    Tobias Schmidt
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