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data science

Showing 41 posts related with data science.

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    Algorand QR Code Generator

    A comprehensive Algorand QR Code generator (exportable to SVG, PNG and Base64). Works in Terminal, NodeJS and modern browsers. Complies to Algorand URI ABNF Grammar and RFC 3986.

    MG Algorand DevAM
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    Case Study: OneStep Disaster Relief Platform Built on Algorand

    This article describes the development of a comprehensive disaster relief platform powered by the Algorand blockchain.

    Nitya Timalsina
    Nitya Timalsina One Step Projects / Harvard
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    Minting NFTs on Algorand using IPFS

    A DIY code solution and guide on how to work with NFTs (Subset of Algorand ASAs), using decentralized digital assets hosted and pinned on IPFS, in compliance with Algorand ARC3 convention.

    MG Algorand DevAM
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    Quick and dirty Algorand Unity SDK based on .NET Algorand SDK

    In this solution we will see how to use a fast Unity Algorand SDK based on the well-known Algorand .NET SDK to build some general purpose examples

    Enrico Speranza
    Enrico Speranza GT50 S.r.l.
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    Artificial Intelligence on Algorand

    In this solution we discuss Algorand as a shared database, utility of an indexer and how Machine Learning benefits the ecosystem.

    Pavel Fedotov
    Pavel Fedotov
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    Oracle for Algorand Using Smart Contracts

    This solution shows how to combine Pyteal smart contract and a Java application to implement an Oracle, to provide real world data to Algorand smart contracts.

    Dame Seiel
    Dame Seiel
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    Committing to large datasets using Merkle trees in PyTeal

    This solution is here to provide a way to allow smart contracts to store a small value that represents (or commits to) a potentially very large amount of data.

    Ori Shem-Tov
    Ori Shem-Tov Algorand
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    Intermediate · 30 minutes
    Python icon

    Algorand Studio | Tutorial 2: Smart Contract Dynamic Fee

    Use Algorand Studio for ASC development including creating a project, coding, compiling, and constructing transactions to execute the smart contract.

    Phil Li
    Phil Li Obsidian Labs
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    Beginner · 30 minutes
    Python icon

    Verify identity using a credential network

    Build and test a smart contract in which accounts vouch for one-anther's credentials to establish a network of trust.

    Garrin McGoldrick
    Garrin McGoldrick
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    Beginner · 30 minutes
    JavaScript icon

    Algorand Studio | Tutorial 1: Basic Features

    Set up your local machine for Algorand development using Algorand Studio, includes a walk through its basic features.

    Phil Li
    Phil Li Obsidian Labs
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    Intermediate · 1 hour
    Python icon

    Creating a License Manager Contract utilizing PyTEAL and Inner Transactions

    This tutorial will introduce the reader to using Inner Transactions in PyTEAL using an example scenario: A License Manager Contract

    Julian Weber
    Julian Weber
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    Intermediate · 1 hour
    Python icon

    Sending Rewards to ICO Investors Using Batch Transactions in Python

    In the early stages of their project, ASA creators are supported by the contributions of early investors. In this tutorial, we will look at how you can obtain all the transactions that have been made to your wallet and reward donors with your token.

    Marc Fresquet Rius
    Marc Fresquet Rius ASA Portfolio
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    Beginner · 1 hour
    JavaScript icon

    Stateless session management with the Pera wallet

    Leveraging Wallet Connect, NextJs and Redux to securely login users.

    Algo Doggo
    Algo Doggo
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    Intermediate · 30 minutes
    Python icon

    Create your Own Coin on TestNet (LaylaCoin Series)

    Learn how to create, opt-in, transfer, and read balances of an asset on TestNet.

    Liz Baran
    Liz Baran Algorand
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    Beginner · 15 minutes or less
    cURL icon

    Getting Started with the PureStake API Service

    Get up-and-running on the Algorand network without needing to run your own node.

    Katie PureStake
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    TEAL ALGO Oracle in Algorand Layer-1

    In a blockchain, the ability to reference a price on-chain enables a seamless and trustless transaction environment, especially for automated transactions and smart contracts. Oracles are the entities in charge of broadcasting off-chain data such as market price to the blockchain, and serve as a source of truth that allows on-chain dApps to measure the value of assets referenced within a transaction. Rand Labs and Borderless Capital releases a Algorand Oracle that can be referenced in atomic transfers using TEAL stateful and stateless smart contracts.

    Pablo Yabo
    Pablo Yabo Rand Labs
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    From Algos to ASAs

    This guide maps core technical concepts related to the Algo to Algorand Standard Assets, which is Algorand's Layer-1 implementation for third-party fungible and non-fungible tokens.

    Liz Baran
    Liz Baran Algorand
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    AVM 7 New Features

    This article summarizes the new features available in the Algorand Virtual Machine (AVM) version 7.

    Jason Weathersby
    Jason Weathersby Algorand
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