ledger nano
Showing 16 posts related with ledger nano.
Intermediate · 1 hour
Participate in Consensus from Ledger Nano S/X
In this tutorial, we show how to participate in consensus from an account stored in a Ledger Nano S or X. By participating in consensus, you help decentralize the network.
Algo Tides - Manage Your Own Wallets with a Graphical Interface
This solution introduces you to "Algo Tides" and describes common techniques in building a graphical interface on Algorand using Python.
FDA Recalls Application
This application stores FDA recall data on Algorand’s blockchain and then uses Algorand's indexer to locate the FDA recall data.
AlgorandTipBot on Telegram - Send ALGO to any @username
The AlgorandTipBot enables Telegram users to send tips (small amounts of ALGO) to other users of the messaging app.
Create a Cross-Platform Wallet with Flutter and Dart SDK
Use Flutter 2 to create production-ready cross-platform Algorand applications and export them to mobile, web and desktop.
Use Quick-Algo to Start Running an Algorand Node in Under 1 Minute
Learn the basics to running an Algorand node and use the `quick-algo` shell script to get you up and running with a fully customizable Algorand node in under 1 minute.
Integrate AlgoSigner to JavaScript Application on Algorand
This solution contains several examples of different ways to use the Algorand JavaScript SDK, including sending transactions, creating atomic transfers, and interacting with Smart Contracts.
Wagering DApp with a serverless Vue + AlgoSigner Frontend
Bet on your favourite team by wagering Algo! Easily interact with smart contracts powered by the Algorand blockchain thanks to a frontend web app using Vue and AlgoSigner.
Beginner · 30 minutes
Algorand BSN Portal - Getting Started
“Participating in the BSN International provides a cost effective and stable infrastructure for developers and enterprises to build on Algorand." - Fangfang Chen, Chief Operating Officer at Algorand Foundation
Intermediate · 30 minutes
Build a SolidJS Web App with Wallet Integration
Create a web app with SolidJS and the solid-algo-wallets library to enable users to sign Algorand transactions with their wallet
Intermediate · 1 hour
Integrating ALGO and ASA transfers within your application
Learn how to integrate your application with Algo or ASA by walking through code examples.
SDK Updates: Deploying Stateful Smart Contracts
Guided tour of SDK documentation focusing on stateful smart contract application development. Links to resources covering the basics thru building complete solutions.
Introducing Algorand’s Smart Contract Debugger
This article announces the release of the Teal Debugger.
Building NFTs on Algorand
This article summarizes some of the options available to developers when building NFTs on the Algorand Blockchain.
Contract to Contract calls and an ABI come to Algorand
This article summarizes many of the features available within the Algorand Virtual Machine (AVM) 1.1 Release.
Developer Improvements in go-algorand 3.16
go-algorand 3.16 introduces several noteworthy useful improvements for developers. We highlight and explain them here.