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run a node

Showing 170 posts related with run a node.

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    Beginner · 15 minutes or less
    Golang icon

    Using VS Code with Go

    This tutorial will facilitate how to debug using Visual Studio (VS) Code with Go

    Russell Fustino
    Russell Fustino Algorand
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    Django Staking Service Demo

    This article introduces you to an example staking platform that’s available on github, to demonstrate how such a service can be created on Algorand.

    Steve Ferrigno
    Steve Ferrigno Algorand
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    Randomness on Algorand

    Explaining the new randomness capabilities on Algorand.

    Anne Kenyon
    Anne Kenyon Algorand
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    What's New in Algorand 3.15.0

    This article covers the new features of Algorand 3.15.0

    Jason Weathersby
    Jason Weathersby Algorand
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    Building Mobile Apps Using React-Native-Algo Library

    The react-native-algo library provides mobile developers easy access to the java-algorand-sdk while building an android app in react-native.

    Jesulonimi Akingbesote
    Jesulonimi Akingbesote Medflit
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    Create a Cross-Platform Wallet with Flutter and Dart SDK

    Use Flutter 2 to create production-ready cross-platform Algorand applications and export them to mobile, web and desktop.

    Tomas Verhelst
    Tomas Verhelst RootSoft
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    Integrate AlgoSigner to JavaScript Application on Algorand

    This solution contains several examples of different ways to use the Algorand JavaScript SDK, including sending transactions, creating atomic transfers, and interacting with Smart Contracts.

    JW Dixon
    JW Dixon
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    Beginner · 15 minutes or less
    JavaScript icon

    Real-Time Block Visualizer with Vue

    Visualize real-time blockchain operations with Vue.

    Diego Said Anaya Mancilla
    Diego Said Anaya Mancilla Developer Ambassador
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    Intermediate · 1 hour
    Python icon

    Track 65,000 Tickets - Arrays in Algorand

    Learn how to create, update and read arrays in Algorand. We will utilize key-value pairs, bytes, and bits to persistently store almost 65,000 elements in a single smart contract.

    Gidon Katten
    Gidon Katten
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    Beginner · 15 minutes or less
    JavaScript icon

    Using VS Code with JavaScript

    This tutorial will facilitate how to debug using Visual Studio (VS) Code, which can be used with all the code samples on the Algorand Developer Docs Portal.

    Russell Fustino
    Russell Fustino Algorand
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    Intermediate · 1 hour
    TEAL icon

    Royalty Fees in Algorand Using PyTeal

    This is a short tutorial that explains how to implement Royalty Fees using Inner Transactions and Teal v5 capabilities in Algorand.

    Alessio Russo
    Alessio Russo KTH
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    Introducing Sandbox 2.0

    Algorand Sandbox 2.0 is focused on developers and now deploys a containerized private network with an indexer by default. All APIs are exposed to localhost; sending and searching for transaction has never been easier.

    Will Winder
    Will Winder Algorand
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    Algorand's Latest Upgrade: Dynamic Round Times & AVM v10

    Learn what's new with release 3.21 & AVM v10

    Giorgio Ciotti
    Giorgio Ciotti Algorand Foundation
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    Making Development Easier with Algorand IDE Playground

    The RockX IDE Playground for Algorand allows developers to try out many protocol features within a Web IDE.

    Tony Chew
    Tony Chew RockX
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    Why is Sandbox Indispensable for Building dApps?

    Are you struggling to figure out what tools to use when developing dApps? Look no further. Learn why Sandbox should be the go-to developer tool when building dApps.

    Chris Kim
    Chris Kim Algorand
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    AlgoNim is the first Algorand game incorporating all the features introduced in Algorand 2.0: Algorand Standard Assets (ASA), Atomic Transfers (AT) and Algorand Smart Contracts (ASC1).

    Cosimo Bassi
    Cosimo Bassi Algorand
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    What's the best way to learn about Algorand?

    This blog describes my journey to learning Algorand development and provides you with tips on how to get started building on Algorand.

    Camille Dubois
    Camille Dubois
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    Beginner · 30 minutes
    Golang icon

    Siam - Managing Global Application State

    With Siam, you can operate a small key-value store on the Algorand blockchain with minimal configuration. You can start publishing real-world data to the blockchain and write your own oracle.

    Adrian Alic
    Adrian Alic
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