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Showing 254 posts related with testing.

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    Build-A-Bull Developer Bootcamp - Beginner

    ### Why should I be interested in learning about Algorand and participating in the Bootcamp? * Algorand has AlgoKit to help you with the building process using languages you already know (TypeScript and Python) and with extensive documentation. * The costs and speed for testing on Algorand are extremely low, which will allow you to learn and test without friction. * The companies that work with Algorand are constantly looking for developers to join their work teams. At the end of the Bootcamp you will be able to participate in solving challenges that will test your knowledge and will serve as a cover letter for you to apply for a Web3 job in the Algorand ecosystem. * This Beginner bootcamp will give you the foundations needed to take part in our Intermediate bootcamp. * Grow your web 3 developer skills in time to be able to participate in our exciting [Global Virtual Hackathon]( at the end of the year. **Each session will be 2 hours. Here’s what you can expect to cover over the 4 days:** * Session 1: Introducing AlgoKit – your window into Web3 * Session 2: Writing smart contract logic using TealScript * Session 3: Mastering the Application Binary Interface (ABI) * Session 4: Interacting with the DAO dApp using dAppFlow ### Prerequisites * GitHub account ([sign up]( ### Why Algorand? When you decide to start working in blockchain, it is essential that you know the characteristics of the protocol that you are going to use, here are those of Algorand: * It is a layer 1 network that can process 10,000 transactions per second. * The cost per transaction is 0.001 ALGO == $0.0003 USD Approx. * Our blocks are processed in 3.3 seconds. * We are a carbon negative blockchain as we are committed to being environmentally friendly.

    Ryan R. Fox
    Ryan R. Fox Algorand
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    Beginner Bootcamp TypeScript Español

    ![EditorImages/2024/03/19 20:11/beginner_typescript.png]( **Proyecto:** Digital Marketplace. **Descripción del proyecto:** Aprende a usar TypeScript para crear una aplicación descentralizada (smart contract + front-end) de un Marketplace digital, en el que podrás publicar productos digitales (assets) para vender, definir un precio y permitir a los usuarios finales comprarlos. **Horario:** * 06:00 PM (Colombia, Perú) * 20:00 (Argentina) **Agenda** * Sesión 1 (Abril 29): Diseño e implementación de un smart contract de un marketplace digital usando TypeScript * Sesión 2 (Abril 30): Testing de los métodos dentro de tu smart contract en TypeScript * Sesión 3 (Mayo 01): Construyendo un front-end para tu smart contract usando TypeScript * Sesión 4 (Mayo 02): Integrando el smart contract y el front-end **Pre-requisitos: ** * [VS Code]( (Recomendado) * [Git]( * [Docker Desktop]( * [NodeJS]( _Guías de instalación_ ([macOS](, [Windows]( **¿Por qué Algorand?** Algorand es una blockchain capa 1 programable de nivel empresarial, es el lugar perfecto para comenzar (o continuar) tu viaje en blockchain. * Los bloques en Algorand se procesan en menos de 3 segundos. * La red Algorand puede procesar más de 10.000 transacciones por segundo, todas con finalidad instantánea. * El costo por transacción es de 0.001 Algo (sólo una fracción de céntimo de dolar). * Algorand es carbono neutral, diseñada desde el principio para ser amigable con el medio ambiente. * Las pruebas en Algorand son rápidas y económicas, lo que le permite innovar sin fricciones. * Además, cuenta con una gran cantidad de herramientas para desarrolladores, tutoriales y documentación. ¿Listo para lo mejor? Si eres un desarrollador de Python o TypeScript, no necesitas aprender un nuevo lenguaje porque puedes construir en Algorand usando Python y TypeScript. Es fácil empezar a construir gracias a[ AlgoKit]( (nuestra solución para acelerar tu proceso de construcción en Web3).

    Camilo Molano
    Camilo Molano Algorand
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    Developer Intermediate Bootcamp

    All the content will be in English and it is totally free, so if you are a developer and you ask yourself: Why should I be interested in learning about Algorand and participating in the Bootcamp? Algorand has different SDK's to help you with the building process in different languages and with extensive documentation. The costs and speed for testing on Algorand are extremely low, which will allow you to learn and test without friction. The companies that work with Algorand are constantly looking for developers to join their work teams. At the end of the Bootcamp you will be able to participate in solving challenges that will test your knowledge and will serve as a cover letter for you to apply for a Web3 job in the Algorand ecosystem. When you decide to start working in blockchain, it is essential that you know the characteristics of the protocol that you are going to use, here are those of Algorand: It is a layer 1 network that can process more than 6,000 transactions per second and is expected to reach 10,000. The cost per transaction is 0.001 ALGO == $0.0003 USD Approx. Our blocks are processed in 4 seconds. We are a carbon negative blockchain as we are committed to being environmentally friendly. What will you learn during the Bootcamp? Each session is 2 hours. 1.5 hours of content and 0.5 hours of Q&A. ### Session 1: State Storage - Build a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) contract - Use local and global state values - Refactor to make use of box storage state values - Implement proposal and voting mechanics ### Session 2: User-Defined Data Types - Explore various types: base, custom, tuple - Design a tuple for holding NFT traits within box storage - Update DAO contract to vote on those traits ### Session 3: Algorand Standards (ARC) for NFT, ABI and More - Introduce ARCs using SDKs - Explore various NFT standards (3, 4, 19, 69) - Update DAO contract using custom data type based on an NFT ARC - Test the contract by importing the ABI into dAppFlow - Introduce off-chain data storage using IPFS ### Session 4: Contract Composability - Implement NFT Factory - Enable the DAO to mint NFTs based on proposals/votes - Reuse auction from beginner to sell NFT - Distribute earnings to DAO members ### Who can participate? Everyone is welcome to build on Algorand! It is encouraged that you have successfully completed the Algorand Developer Bootcamp Beginner series, as that content provides the foundation for these intermediate sessions.

    Ryan R. Fox
    Ryan R. Fox Algorand
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    Algorand Developer Bootcamp | Beginner

    ### **Why should I be interested in learning about Algorand and participating in the Bootcamp?** * Algorand has different SDK's to help you with the building process in different languages and with extensive documentation. * The costs and speed for testing on Algorand are extremely low, which will allow you to learn and test without friction. * The companies that work with Algorand are constantly looking for developers to join their work teams. At the end of the Bootcamp you will be able to participate in solving challenges that will test your knowledge and will serve as a cover letter for you to apply for a Web3 job in the Algorand ecosystem. * This Beginner bootcamp will give you the foundations needed to take part in our Intermediate bootcamp. * Grow your web 3 developer skills on time to be able to participate in our exciting Global Virtual Hackathon at the end of the year. We'll release more details shortly. **Each session will be 2 hours. Here's what you can expect to cover over the 4 days:** * Session 1: Algorand Developer Onboarding with JavaScript SDK & AlgoKit Installation * Session 2: Building a dApp with Beaker and Deploying with dAppFlow * Session 3: Building & Debugging dApps with Beaker + PyTeal + PyTest * Session 4: Adding a TypeScript Frontend UI to the Auction dApp ### Why Algorand? When you decide to start working in blockchain, it is essential that you know the characteristics of the protocol that you are going to use, here are those of Algorand: * It is a layer 1 network that can process 10,000 transactions per second. * The cost per transaction is 0.001 ALGO == $0.0003 USD Approx. * Our blocks are processed in 3.3 seconds. * We are a carbon negative blockchain as we are committed to being environmentally friendly.

    Emma Barry Murphy
    Emma Barry Murphy Algorand
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    Developer Beginner Bootcamp in Spanish - Build a dAPP in 4 days

    This Bootcamp will consist of 4 sessions that will allow you to start your path in the development of decentralized applications using Algorand, taking advantage of its native technical characteristics. All the content will be in Spanish and it is totally free, so if you are a developer and you ask yourself: Why should you be interested in learning about Algorand and participating in the Bootcamp? Algorand has different SDKs to help you with the build process in different languages ​​and with extensive documentation. The costs and speed for testing on Algorand are extremely low, allowing you to learn and test without friction. Companies that work with Algorand are constantly looking for developers to join their work teams. At the end of the Bootcamp, you will be able to participate in solving challenges that will test your knowledge and serve as a cover letter so that you can apply for a job in the Algorand ecosystem. ### Session content All sessions are 7PM - 9PM EDT - Session 1 May 30 : Transacting with the typescript SDK and interacting with algokit - Session 2 June 1 : Creating contracts in Algorand with Python thanks to PyTEAL and Beaker - Session 3 June 6 : Building our dapp contract - Session 4 June 8: Building the frontend of our dapp ### Why Algorand? When you decide to start working on blockchain, it is essential that you know the characteristics of the protocol that you are going to use. Here we present the ones from Algorand: It is a layer 1 network that can process more than 6,000 transactions per second and is expected to reach 10,000. The cost per transaction is approximately 0.001 Algo == $0.0003 USD. Our blocks are processed in 3.7 seconds. We are a carbon neutral blockchain since we are committed to being friendly to the environment.

    Russell Fustino
    Russell Fustino Algorand
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    Arduino on Algorand Blockchain

    Sample code to connect any Arduino to the Algorand Blockchain.

    Ted Nivan
    Ted Nivan Developer Ambassador
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    AlgoNim is the first Algorand game incorporating all the features introduced in Algorand 2.0: Algorand Standard Assets (ASA), Atomic Transfers (AT) and Algorand Smart Contracts (ASC1).

    Cosimo Bassi
    Cosimo Bassi Algorand
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    Ecommerce Payments Using PHP/Javascript

    Allow users to pay for online goods using Algorand assets at the checkout terminal.

    Blaise Bayuo
    Blaise Bayuo Developer Ambassador
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    ASA Recurring Withdrawal DApp

    Build an ASA's recurring withdrawal dApp combining Algorand Standard Assets, Algorand Smart Contracts and Atomic Transfers.

    Cosimo Bassi
    Cosimo Bassi Algorand
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    Using the Circle API to transfer funds between the Algorand blockchain and traditional bank accounts

    This article describes the new TestNet dispenser’s design and implementation, enabling both USDC and Algos for testing.

    Eric Gieseke
    Eric Gieseke Algorand
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    ALGO Payment Plugin for Shopware 6 eCommerce

    Accept payments to your Shopware 6 webshop from the Algorand network. This Shopware plugin, written in server-side PHP, takes care of accepting Algorand payments using the free AlgoExplorer API.

    Rune Laenen
    Rune Laenen
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    Zapier Integrates Algorand Blockchain With More Than 3000 Apps

    A solution to integrate Algorand with +3000 Apps

    Hussain Aboaziz
    Hussain Aboaziz
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    Use Quick-Algo to Start Running an Algorand Node in Under 1 Minute

    Learn the basics to running an Algorand node and use the `quick-algo` shell script to get you up and running with a fully customizable Algorand node in under 1 minute.

    Dan Murphy
    Dan Murphy Davidson College
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    Track your ALGO balance on Facebook using Manychat

    Demonstrates how to create a Facebook Messenger chatbot and use it to track your ALGO balance.

    Ali Yousef
    Ali Yousef
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    Wagering DApp with a serverless Vue + AlgoSigner Frontend

    Bet on your favourite team by wagering Algo! Easily interact with smart contracts powered by the Algorand blockchain thanks to a frontend web app using Vue and AlgoSigner.

    Lucas Van Mol
    Lucas Van Mol
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    Artificial Intelligence on Algorand

    In this solution we discuss Algorand as a shared database, utility of an indexer and how Machine Learning benefits the ecosystem.

    Pavel Fedotov
    Pavel Fedotov
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    Oracle for Algorand Using Smart Contracts

    This solution shows how to combine Pyteal smart contract and a Java application to implement an Oracle, to provide real world data to Algorand smart contracts.

    Dame Seiel
    Dame Seiel
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    Morra Game Using Reach

    Using high level languages to build dApps instead of low level assembly language is an attractive option for many professional developers. Frontends can be built in languages such as Python, Go, JavaScript and C#. Enjoy running the game simulation!

    Russell Fustino
    Russell Fustino Algorand
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