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Showing 96 posts related with wallet.

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    Payment Prompts with Algorand Mobile Wallet

    The Algorand Mobile Wallet provides the ability to use QR codes to create, sign and send transactions. This document provides a brief overview for developers and users.

    Jason Paulos
    Jason Paulos Algorand
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    Algo Tides - Manage Your Own Wallets with a Graphical Interface

    This solution introduces you to "Algo Tides" and describes common techniques in building a graphical interface on Algorand using Python.

    Giorgio Ciotti
    Giorgio Ciotti Developer Ambassador
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    Creating Algorand Wallet Application with PHP Algorand SDK

    This solutions describes how to use and create a Wallet Application (WebApp GUI) with the new PHP Algorand SDK (native).

    Felipe Vieira
    Felipe Vieira Developer Ambassador
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    Create a Cross-Platform Wallet with Flutter and Dart SDK

    Use Flutter 2 to create production-ready cross-platform Algorand applications and export them to mobile, web and desktop.

    Tomas Verhelst
    Tomas Verhelst RootSoft
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    Creating a demo wallet using Flask

    Flask is a Python framework for quickly creating webapps. In this solution we'll be using Flask and the Algorand SDK to show how to make a demo wallet web application.

    Michael Ockenden
    Michael Ockenden
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    Beginner · 1 hour
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    Stateless session management with the Pera wallet

    Leveraging Wallet Connect, NextJs and Redux to securely login users.

    Algo Doggo
    Algo Doggo
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    Beginner · 30 minutes
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    Build a Web dApp Algorand Wallet Interface Using Reach and Vue

    A starter web dApp wallet interface using Reach-lang & Vue, that connects to an Algorand wallet & funds it from a local devnet

    Nicholas Burka
    Nicholas Burka
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    Beginner · 30 minutes
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    Using Azure Key Vault for Wallet Transactions using JavaScript

    The aim of this tutorial to teach how to use Azure KeyVault to store secret and retrieve the secret to sign transactions and recover account.

    Glory Agatevure
    Glory Agatevure Africinnovate
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    Intermediate · 30 minutes
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    Build a SolidJS Web App with Wallet Integration

    Create a web app with SolidJS and the solid-algo-wallets library to enable users to sign Algorand transactions with their wallet

    Brian Whippo
    Brian Whippo
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    Algorand Wallet Now Open Source

    Algorand Wallet, the official mobile wallet for the Algorand blockchain, is now fully open source, allowing developers to build the app locally for testing integrations with dApps and mobile projects.

    Ian Cross
    Ian Cross Algorand
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    Connecting WebApps using AlgoSigner

    This article highlights the AlgoSigner Chrome plugin and how it can be used to handle private keys and secret mnemonics without developers having to worry about them.

    Ryan R. Fox
    Ryan R. Fox Algorand
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    From Algos to ASAs

    This guide maps core technical concepts related to the Algo to Algorand Standard Assets, which is Algorand's Layer-1 implementation for third-party fungible and non-fungible tokens.

    Liz Baran
    Liz Baran Algorand
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    “Alexa, ask Algorand for the latest round on MainNet?”

    Sample code for how to transform a few basic interactions with the Algorand blockchain into a voice-interactive experience using Alexa.

    Liz Baran
    Liz Baran Algorand
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    Creating a Point-of-Sale Application with the Algorand Blockchain

    We show how to use Algorand’s blockchain to create an alternative payment solution for processing retail transactions. The solution demonstrates a point-of-sale application and a signing wallet.

    Eric Gieseke
    Eric Gieseke Algorand
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    Algorand Asset Management Portal

    Application with intuitive user interface where a user can seamlessly create, configure, destroy, freeze and unfreeze the assets for an account on the Algorand blockchain.

    Shiva Prasad Manupadi
    Shiva Prasad Manupadi Developer Ambassador
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    Arduino on Algorand Blockchain

    Sample code to connect any Arduino to the Algorand Blockchain.

    Ted Nivan
    Ted Nivan Developer Ambassador
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    Exporting Algorand Transactions for Tax Reporting

    Export tool for exporting Algorand on-chain transactions including rewards for crypto-tax sites to consume.

    Patrick Bennett
    Patrick Bennett Developer Ambassador
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    Creating a CrowdFunding Application with the Algorand Blockchain

    This solutions article describes the implementation of a next-generation crowdfunding Application using the Algorand Blockchain.

    Eric Gieseke
    Eric Gieseke Algorand
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