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Showing 96 posts related with wallet.

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    AlgoWorld: A Series of Collectible Digital Trading Cards

    AlgoWorld is a series of 1500 digital trading cards representing the 193 countries around the globe.

    Matthieu Dardelle
    Matthieu Dardelle
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    Make a “.algo” name for yourself with NFDomains

    NFD provides short, readable aliases for wallet addresses using NFT ASAs for .algo names.

    Patrick Bennett
    Patrick Bennett Developer Ambassador
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    Contract to Contract calls and an ABI come to Algorand

    This article summarizes many of the features available within the Algorand Virtual Machine (AVM) 1.1 Release.

    Jason Weathersby
    Jason Weathersby Algorand
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    How to Participate in Algorand State Proof Generation (Register State Proof Keys)

    A step-by-step tutorial on how to generate and register an account's online keys to participate in consensus and State Proof generation

    Noah Grossman
    Noah Grossman Algorand
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    An Overview of the Best Algorand Developer Resources

    A summary of the most important courses, resources, and links to learn about Algorand development.

    Tobias Schmidt
    Tobias Schmidt
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    Royalty payments using ARC18

    This article summarizes the royalty payments ARC18 specification for Algorand Standard Assets(ASA) .

    Jason Weathersby
    Jason Weathersby Algorand
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    Hash Map Design Pattern

    This article describes the Hash Map design pattern for building key-value associations onchain

    Sai Medury
    Sai Medury
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    Automated testing for Algorand smart contracts - Part 1

    A three part series on automated testing for your TEAL smart contracts

    Ashley Davis
    Ashley Davis Hone
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    Django Staking Service Demo

    This article introduces you to an example staking platform that’s available on github, to demonstrate how such a service can be created on Algorand.

    Steve Ferrigno
    Steve Ferrigno Algorand
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    Prove your Skills with Algorand Code Challenges

    The Algorand Developer Portal has a new way to learn how to become an Algorand developer: Challenges.

    Ian Cross
    Ian Cross Algorand
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    Why is Sandbox Indispensable for Building dApps?

    Are you struggling to figure out what tools to use when developing dApps? Look no further. Learn why Sandbox should be the go-to developer tool when building dApps.

    Chris Kim
    Chris Kim Algorand
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    Algorand Microsoft Developer Tools Rock!

    Algorand has many tools for .NET developers. In fact, it has never been easier to develop blockchain solutions. Algorand has an excellent developer toolset for .NET solution development including: * Algorand for Visual Studio Extension * .NET SDK * Unity SDK * Unreal SDK * Visual C++ SDK

    Russell Fustino
    Russell Fustino Algorand
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    New Algorand Projects

    Several projects have been added on the developer portal in the application section. Also, the API Services and Infrastructure section was updated as well. This post provides some interesting highlights for developers.

    Russell Fustino
    Russell Fustino Algorand
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    Create your own NFT, in Layman's Terms

    In this blog post I will provide step by step instruction on creating an NFT with no knowledge of the process, from scratch.

    Russell Fustino
    Russell Fustino Algorand
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    “Alexa, ask Algorand for the latest round on MainNet?”

    Sample code for how to transform a few basic interactions with the Algorand blockchain into a voice-interactive experience using Alexa.

    Liz Baran
    Liz Baran Algorand
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    Creating a Point-of-Sale Application with the Algorand Blockchain

    We show how to use Algorand’s blockchain to create an alternative payment solution for processing retail transactions. The solution demonstrates a point-of-sale application and a signing wallet.

    Eric Gieseke
    Eric Gieseke Algorand
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    Algorand Asset Management Portal

    Application with intuitive user interface where a user can seamlessly create, configure, destroy, freeze and unfreeze the assets for an account on the Algorand blockchain.

    Shiva Prasad Manupadi
    Shiva Prasad Manupadi Developer Ambassador
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    Arduino on Algorand Blockchain

    Sample code to connect any Arduino to the Algorand Blockchain.

    Ted Nivan
    Ted Nivan Developer Ambassador
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