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Test your Algorand ORE ID Integration

Utilizing some of the most popular JavaScript frameworks, we open blockchain development to all kinds of developers and make it easier for developers to learn new blockchain technologies. Your ORE ID Developer Dashboard is home to all of the important settings for your app configuration as well as tools to test your integration all in a simple user interface.



ORE ID is a service that allows you to add simple account creation, account management and facilitate blockchain transactions for your users. It uses standard OAuth flows to connect common identity providers (Google, Facebook, Twitter) to a crypto identity. ORE ID provides various endpoints (e.g. /auth & /sign) to allow you to trigger a web-hosted user login or transaction signing flow that is branded for your app.


1. Login to the ORE ID Developer Dashboard

You will first need to login to your App’s developer dashboard on ORE ID. You can do that here,

If you have not created an app yet, please refer to the tutorial here to create your first ORE ID app.

2. Test Authentication

ORE ID has built-in tools to help you test your OAuth Login options. If you want to test any of the login providers, whether you are testing your existing logins or curious about turning on a new one, we provide a simple way for you to do that right in the ORE ID developer dashboard.

On the Settings > Platforms Tab, you will find the Configure Platforms screen where you can easily turn on any of the Login options that we provide.

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To test any of these options, simply hover over the platform that you’d like to test and you will see a TEST button appear.

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Click the test button and the Test Auth modal will show up for that platform.

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Once you arrive here, you will be required to select a callback URL to generate a test link. If you would like to see the response in the URL, then we recommend you select the callback URL.

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After you have selected a Callback URL, your test link will be generated. You can either click the field to copy the URL and manually insert that into your browser’s search bar, or simply click the Test Login button.


Be aware that each link will only work once and expire after 2 minutes. If you would like to try multiple times you will have to generate a new link by pressing Refresh URL.

3. Test Signing a Transaction

When you add new transactions to your whitelist table,, it is probably imperative that you test them to make sure things are running smoothly end to end. The ORE ID Developer Dashboard provides a simple way to do that right from the Whitelist table.

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In the Settings > Whitelist Tab, you will see the Whitelisted Actions that you have setup for your App.

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To test any of your actions, click the Expand toggle on the left side of the action that you would like to test. That should expand that row with more details and a Test Transaction button at the bottom.

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After you click the Test Transaction button, you should see the Test Sign Modal show up. Here you can see the transaction details at the top, which are editable.


If you notice in the screenshot above, the Account ID section is blank. This field should autofill itself with your Account ID if you have created an account already for this app. If you haven’t, then please go to the Platform tab and log in to your app with the same log in that you are using to access the Developer Dashboard.

Once you arrive here, you will be required to select a callback URL to generate a test link. If you would like to see the response in the URL, then we recommend you select the callback URL.

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After you have selected a Callback URL, your click Generate URL to generate a test link. You can either click the field to copy the URL and manually insert that into your browser’s search bar, or simply click the Run Test button.


Be aware that each link will only work once and expire after 2 minutes. If you would like to try multiple times you will have to generate a new link by pressing Refresh URL.

Here you also have two options for your transactions, to broadcast it to the chain and if you would like to test signing with an external wallet like Scatter.