Showing 335 posts related with C.
Beginner Bootcamp: TypeScript
![EditorImages/2024/03/19 10:25/1918x548_2.png](https://algorand-devloper-portal-app.s3.amazonaws.com/static/EditorImages/2024/03/19%2010%3A25/1918x548_2.png) **Project:** Digital Marketplace **Project Description:** Use TypeScript to create a decentralized application (smart contract + front-end) of a digital marketplace, in which you will be able to list your digital products (assets) to sell, define a price and allow end users to buy them. **Time: 10:00 AM EST** each day. **Agenda:** * Session 1 (April 22nd): Designing & deploying a digital marketplace smart contract with TypeScript * Session 2 (April 23rd): Testing methods within your TypeScript smart contract * Session 3 (April 24th): Building a front-end for your smart contract using TypeScript * Session 4 (April 25th): Integrating both the smart contract and front-end **Prerequisites: ** * [VS Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/) (Recommended) * [Git](https://git-scm.com/downloads) * [Docker Desktop](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop/) * [NodeJS](https://nodejs.org/en/download) _Installation Guides_ ([macOS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsurtpCGmgE), [Windows](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22RvINnZsRo)) **Why Algorand?** Algorand is an enterprise-grade programmable layer-1 blockchain – the perfect place to start (or continue) your blockchain journey. * Blocks on Algorand are processed in under 3 seconds. * The Algorand network can process more than 10,000 transactions per second, all with instant finality. * The cost per transaction is 0.001 Algo (just a fraction of a cent). * Algorand is carbon-neutral and built environmentally friendly from the ground up. * Testing on Algorand is fast and cost-efficient, allowing you to innovate without friction. Plus, it has a wealth of developer tooling, tutorials, and documentation. Ready for the best bit? If you’re a Python or TypeScript dev, you don’t need to learn a new language because you can build on Algorand in Python and TypeScript. It’s easy to get building thanks to [AlgoKit](https://developer.algorand.org/algokit/?utm_source=devportal&utm_medium=bootcamp_landingpage&utm_campaign=algokit) (our solution to speed up your Web3 building process).
Hacker House Developer Bootcamp - Español Intermedio
### ¿Por qué debería participar en el Bootcamp y aprender sobre Algorand? * Algorand te ofrece AlgoKit, un conjunto de herramientas que te ayudarán en tu proceso de desarrollo usando lenguajes que ya conoces (typescript y Python), con una extensa documentación. * Los costos y velocidad para el desarrollo y pruebas en Algorand son extremadamente bajos, lo que te permitirá aprender sin complicaciones. * Las empresas que trabajan sobre Algorand constantemente están buscando desarrolladores para unirlos a sus equipos. Al final del bootcamp serás capaz de resolver retos que demostrarán tu conocimiento y servirán como carta de presentación si buscas aplicar a un trabajo web3 en el ecosistema de Algorand. * Este Bootcamp Beginner te dará los fundamentos necesarios para formar parte del siguiente bootcamp intermedio. * Gracias a este bootcamp estarás preparado a tiempo para participar en la Hacker House de Algorand en Argentina, y también para la [Hackathon Global de Build-a-Bull](https://www.algorand.foundation/build-a-bull-hackathon). ** Cada sesión durará 2 horas, estos son los temas que podrás aprender:** * Sesón 1: Refactorizando la dapp de DAO de manera mas robusta * Sesión 2: Testing y debugging de nuestra dapp fullstack * Sesión 3: Trabajando con algokit-utils y el generador de cliente UI * Sesión 4: Agregando un frontend web a nuestra dapp ### Pre-requisitos * Haber completado el Bootcamp Beginner * Cuenta de Github([sign up](https://github.com/signup)) * Entorno local configurado con: * NodeJS * Docker Desktop * Guias de Instalacion:([macOS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tl_r30fAtlQ) || [Windows](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzW2tVO-KAo)) ### ¿Por qué Algorand? Cuando decides comenzar a trabajar en blockchain, es esencial que conozcas las características del protocolo que vas a utilizar. Aquí te presentamos las de Algorand:: * Es una red de capa 1 que puede procesar 10,000 transacciones por segundo. * El costo por transacción es de 0.001 ALGO == Aproximadamente $0.0002 USD. * Nuestros bloques se procesan en 3.3 segundos. * Somos una blockchain carbono neutro, ya que estamos comprometidos en ser amigables con el medio ambiente.
Intermediate Bootcamp: TypeScript
![EditorImages/2024/04/05 17:00/1918x548.png](https://algorand-devloper-portal-app.s3.amazonaws.com/static/EditorImages/2024/04/05%2017%3A00/1918x548.png) **Project:** Digital Marketplace **Project Description:** This is the next step after the beginner bootcamp project. You will use TypeScript to improve your digital marketplace app with new features such as “unique smart contract,” “listing fees,” etc., to create a more realistic and strong decentralized application. **Time: 10:00 AM EST** each day. **Agenda:** * Session 1 (May 27th): Building multiple listing features for a single contract * Session 2 (May 28th):Testing the multiple listing contract * Session 3 (May 29th): Enhancing front-end features to display all listings * Session 4 (May 30th): Enhancing the contract with auction capabilities and deploy to TestNet **Prerequisites: ** * Completion of Beginner bootcamp content * [VS Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/) (Recommended) * [Git](https://git-scm.com/downloads) * [Docker Desktop](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop/) * [NodeJS](https://nodejs.org/en/download) _Installation Guides_ ([macOS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsurtpCGmgE), [Windows](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22RvINnZsRo)) **Why Algorand?** Algorand is an enterprise-grade programmable layer-1 blockchain – the perfect place to start (or continue) your blockchain journey. * Blocks on Algorand are processed in under 3 seconds. * The Algorand network can process more than 10,000 transactions per second, all with instant finality. * The cost per transaction is 0.001 Algo (just a fraction of a cent). * Algorand is carbon-neutral and built environmentally friendly from the ground up. * Testing on Algorand is fast and cost-efficient, allowing you to innovate without friction. Plus, it has a wealth of developer tooling, tutorials, and documentation. Ready for the best bit? If you’re a Python or TypeScript dev, you don’t need to learn a new language because you can build on Algorand in Python and TypeScript. It’s easy to get building thanks to [AlgoKit](https://developer.algorand.org/algokit/?utm_source=devportal&utm_medium=bootcamp_landingpage&utm_campaign=algokit) (our solution to speed up your Web3 building process).
Developer Beginner Bootcamp in Spanish - Build a dAPP in 4 days
This Bootcamp will consist of 4 sessions that will allow you to start your path in the development of decentralized applications using Algorand, taking advantage of its native technical characteristics. All the content will be in Spanish and it is totally free, so if you are a developer and you ask yourself: Why should you be interested in learning about Algorand and participating in the Bootcamp? Algorand has different SDKs to help you with the build process in different languages and with extensive documentation. The costs and speed for testing on Algorand are extremely low, allowing you to learn and test without friction. Companies that work with Algorand are constantly looking for developers to join their work teams. At the end of the Bootcamp, you will be able to participate in solving challenges that will test your knowledge and serve as a cover letter so that you can apply for a job in the Algorand ecosystem. ### Session content All sessions are 7PM - 9PM EDT - Session 1 May 30 : Transacting with the typescript SDK and interacting with algokit - Session 2 June 1 : Creating contracts in Algorand with Python thanks to PyTEAL and Beaker - Session 3 June 6 : Building our dapp contract - Session 4 June 8: Building the frontend of our dapp ### Why Algorand? When you decide to start working on blockchain, it is essential that you know the characteristics of the protocol that you are going to use. Here we present the ones from Algorand: It is a layer 1 network that can process more than 6,000 transactions per second and is expected to reach 10,000. The cost per transaction is approximately 0.001 Algo == $0.0003 USD. Our blocks are processed in 3.7 seconds. We are a carbon neutral blockchain since we are committed to being friendly to the environment.
@Algorand Proof of State Show - 12 Noon EDT June 28
Join host [Ryan R. Fox](https://twitter.com/ryanRfox) as he chats with the [@Algodevs](https://twitter.com/algodevs) team about DevMode, Simulate and Group Resource Sharing Guests: Anne Kenyon, Director of Product, Algorand Inc [@algoanne_](https://twitter.com/algoanne_) Jason Paulos, Senior Software Engineer, Algorand Inc [@algojasonp](https://twitter.com/algojasonp) Andrew Choi, Software Engineer, Algorand Inc [@algochoi](https://twitter.com/algochoi) 12 Noon EDT June 28
Intermediate Bootcamp: Python
![EditorImages/2024/04/05 16:58/1918x548-2.png](https://algorand-devloper-portal-app.s3.amazonaws.com/static/EditorImages/2024/04/05%2016%3A58/1918x548-2.png) **Project:** Digital Marketplace **Project Description:** This is the next step after the beginner bootcamp project. You will use Python to improve your digital marketplace app with new features such as “unique smart contract,” “listing fees,” etc., to create a more realistic and strong decentralized application. **Time: 10:00 AM EST** each day. **Agenda:** * Session 1 (May 20th): Building multiple listing features for a single contract * Session 2 (May 21st):Testing the multiple listing contract * Session 3 (May 22nd): Enhancing front-end features to display all listings * Session 4 (May 23rd): Enhancing the contract with auction capabilities and deploy to TestNet **Prerequisites: ** * Completion of Beginner Bootcamp content * [VS Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/) (Recommended) * [Git](https://git-scm.com/downloads) * [Docker Desktop](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop/) * [Python 3.10+](https://www.python.org/downloads/) * [NodeJS](https://nodejs.org/en/download) _Installation Guides_ ([macOS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsurtpCGmgE), [Windows](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22RvINnZsRo)) **Why Algorand?** Algorand is an enterprise-grade programmable layer-1 blockchain – the perfect place to start (or continue) your blockchain journey. * Blocks on Algorand are processed in under 3 seconds. * The Algorand network can process more than 10,000 transactions per second, all with instant finality. * The cost per transaction is 0.001 Algo (just a fraction of a cent). * Algorand is carbon-neutral and built environmentally friendly from the ground up. * Testing on Algorand is fast and cost-efficient, allowing you to innovate without friction. Plus, it has a wealth of developer tooling, tutorials, and documentation. Ready for the best bit? If you’re a Python or TypeScript dev, you don’t need to learn a new language because you can build on Algorand in Python and TypeScript. It’s easy to get building thanks to [AlgoKit](https://developer.algorand.org/algokit/?utm_source=devportal&utm_medium=bootcamp_landingpage&utm_campaign=algokit) (our solution to speed up your Web3 building process).
Build-A-Bull Developer Bootcamp - Intermediate
### Why should I be interested in learning about Algorand and participating in the Bootcamp? * Algorand has AlgoKit to help you with the building process using languages you already know (TypesScript and Python) and with extensive documentation. * The costs and speed for testing on Algorand are extremely low, which will allow you to learn and test without friction. * The companies that work with Algorand are constantly looking for developers to join their work teams. At the end of the Bootcamp you will be able to participate in solving challenges that will test your knowledge and will serve as a cover letter for you to apply for a Web3 job in the Algorand ecosystem. * Grow your web 3 developer skills in time to be able to participate in our exciting [Global Virtual Hackathon](https://www.algorand.foundation/build-a-bull-hackathon) at the end of the year. ** Each session will be 2 hours. Here’s what you can expect to cover over the 4 days:** * Session 1: Refactoring the DAO dApp with robust features * Session 2: Testing & Debugging a full stack web3 dApp * Session 3: Working with algokit-utils & UI client generation * Session 4: Adding a web frontend UI to the DAO dApp ### Prerequisites * Completion of Beginner Bootcamp content * GitHub account ([sign up](https://github.com/signup)) * local workstation configured with: * NodeJS * Docker Desktop * Installation Guides ([macOS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsurtpCGmgE), [Windows](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22RvINnZsRo)) ### Why Algorand? When you decide to start working in blockchain, it is essential that you know the characteristics of the protocol that you are going to use, here are those of Algorand: * It is a layer 1 network that can process 10,000 transactions per second. * The cost per transaction is 0.001 ALGO == $0.0003 USD Approx. * Our blocks are processed in 3.3 seconds. * We are a carbon negative blockchain as we are committed to being environmentally friendly
Intro Bootcamp
![EditorImages/2024/03/15 15:02/1918x548.png](https://algorand-devloper-portal-app.s3.amazonaws.com/static/EditorImages/2024/03/15%2015%3A02/1918x548.png) **Project:** Asset creation and transaction using AlgoKit SDK. **Bootcamp Description:** One of Algorand's main features is the possibility of creating accounts and assets, and sending transactions, without a smart contract. That's why we’ve created this bootcamp: to help you take your first steps into Algorand development using the AlgoKit SDK. **Time: 10:00 AM EST** **Duration:** 90 mins each session **Agenda:** * Session 1 (April 2nd): Introduction to Algorand concepts and AlgoKit SDK. * Session 2 (April 4th): Using AlgoKit and dev environment Setup. **Prerequisites: ** * GitHub Account - [Sign up ](https://github.com/signup) * [VS Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/) (Recommended) **Why Algorand?** Algorand is an enterprise-grade programmable layer-1 blockchain – the perfect place to start (or continue) your blockchain journey. * Blocks on Algorand are processed in under 3 seconds. * The Algorand network can process more than 10,000 transactions per second, all with instant finality. * The cost per transaction is 0.001 Algo (just a fraction of a cent). * Algorand is carbon-neutral and built environmentally friendly from the ground up. * Testing on Algorand is fast and cost-efficient, allowing you to innovate without friction. * Plus, it has a wealth of developer tooling, tutorials, and documentation. Ready for the best bit? If you’re a Python or TypeScript dev, you don’t need to learn a new language because you can build on Algorand in Python and TypeScript. It’s easy to get building thanks to [AlgoKit](https://developer.algorand.org/algokit/?utm_source=devportal&utm_medium=bootcamp_landingpage&utm_campaign=algokit) (our solution to speed up your Web3 building process).
Algorand Developer Bootcamp | Intermediate
### Why should I be interested in learning about Algorand and participating in the Bootcamp? * Algorand has different SDK’s to help you with the building process in different languages and with extensive documentation. * The costs and speed for testing on Algorand are extremely low, which will allow you to learn and test without friction. * The companies that work with Algorand are constantly looking for developers to join their work teams. At the end of the Bootcamp you will be able to participate in solving challenges that will test your knowledge and will serve as a cover letter for you to apply for a Web3 job in the Algorand ecosystem. * Grow your web 3 developer skills on time to be able to participate in our exciting Global Virtual Hackathon at the end of the year. We’ll release more details shortly. **Each session will be 2 hours. Here’s what you can expect to cover over the 4 days:** * Session 1: State Storage * Session 2: User-Defined Data Types * Session 3: Algorand Standards (ARC) for NFT, ABI and More * Session 4: Contract Composability ### Why Algorand? When you decide to start working in blockchain, it is essential that you know the characteristics of the protocol that you are going to use, here are those of Algorand: * It is a layer 1 network that can process 10,000 transactions per second. * The cost per transaction is 0.001 ALGO == $0.0003 USD Approx. * Our blocks are processed in 3.3 seconds. * We are a carbon negative blockchain as we are committed to being environmentally friendly.
Pycon 2023
PyCon Colombia 2023 is the seventh edition of the non-profit conference organized by volunteers of the Colombian Python and Tech community.
MEGA ACE Summer School
The summer school will take place at the island of Spetses, at the following address: A.K.S.S. Foundation Schools of Spetses 18050 Spetses, Greece Tel.: +30 22980 72206 [https://mega-ace.corelab.ntua.gr/index.php/summer-school]()
Build-A-Bull Developer Bootcamp - Beginner
### Why should I be interested in learning about Algorand and participating in the Bootcamp? * Algorand has AlgoKit to help you with the building process using languages you already know (TypeScript and Python) and with extensive documentation. * The costs and speed for testing on Algorand are extremely low, which will allow you to learn and test without friction. * The companies that work with Algorand are constantly looking for developers to join their work teams. At the end of the Bootcamp you will be able to participate in solving challenges that will test your knowledge and will serve as a cover letter for you to apply for a Web3 job in the Algorand ecosystem. * This Beginner bootcamp will give you the foundations needed to take part in our Intermediate bootcamp. * Grow your web 3 developer skills in time to be able to participate in our exciting [Global Virtual Hackathon](https://www.algorand.foundation/build-a-bull-hackathon) at the end of the year. **Each session will be 2 hours. Here’s what you can expect to cover over the 4 days:** * Session 1: Introducing AlgoKit – your window into Web3 * Session 2: Writing smart contract logic using TealScript * Session 3: Mastering the Application Binary Interface (ABI) * Session 4: Interacting with the DAO dApp using dAppFlow ### Prerequisites * GitHub account ([sign up](https://github.com/signup)) ### Why Algorand? When you decide to start working in blockchain, it is essential that you know the characteristics of the protocol that you are going to use, here are those of Algorand: * It is a layer 1 network that can process 10,000 transactions per second. * The cost per transaction is 0.001 ALGO == $0.0003 USD Approx. * Our blocks are processed in 3.3 seconds. * We are a carbon negative blockchain as we are committed to being environmentally friendly.
Beginner Bootcamp: Python
![EditorImages/2024/04/04 13:56/1918x54j8.png](https://algorand-devloper-portal-app.s3.amazonaws.com/static/EditorImages/2024/04/04%2013%3A56/1918x54j8.png) **Project:** Digital Marketplace **Project Description:** Use Python to create a decentralized application (smart contract + frontend) of a digital marketplace, in which you will be able to list your digital products (assets) to sell, define a price and allow end users to buy them. **Time: 10:00 AM EST** each day. **Agenda:** * Session 1 (April 15th): Designing & deploying a digital marketplace smart contract with Python. * Session 2 (April 16th): Testing methods within your Python smart contract. * Session 3 (April 17th): Building a front-end for your smart contract using TypeScript. * Session 4 (April 18th): Integrating both the smart contract and front-end. **Prerequisites: ** * [VS Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/) (Recommended) * [Git](https://git-scm.com/downloads) * [Docker Desktop](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop/) * [Python 3.10+](https://www.python.org/downloads/) * [NodeJS](https://nodejs.org/en/download) _Installation Guides_ ([macOS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsurtpCGmgE), [Windows](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22RvINnZsRo)) **Why Algorand?** Algorand is an enterprise-grade programmable layer-1 blockchain – the perfect place to start (or continue) your blockchain journey. * Blocks on Algorand are processed in under 3 seconds. * The Algorand network can process more than 10,000 transactions per second, all with instant finality. * The cost per transaction is 0.001 Algo (just a fraction of a cent). * Algorand is carbon-neutral and built environmentally friendly from the ground up. * Testing on Algorand is fast and cost-efficient, allowing you to innovate without friction. Plus, it has a wealth of developer tooling, tutorials, and documentation. Ready for the best bit? If you’re a Python or TypeScript dev, you don’t need to learn a new language because you can build on Algorand in Python and TypeScript. It’s easy to get building thanks to [AlgoKit](https://developer.algorand.org/algokit/?utm_source=devportal&utm_medium=bootcamp_landingpage&utm_campaign=algokit) (our solution to speed up your Web3 building process).
Intermediate Bootcamp: Python
![EditorImages/2024/04/05 17:03/1918x548-3.png](https://algorand-devloper-portal-app.s3.amazonaws.com/static/EditorImages/2024/04/05%2017%3A03/1918x548-3.png) **Project:** Digital Marketplace **Project Description:** This is the next step after the beginner bootcamp project. You will use Python to improve your digital marketplace app with new features such as “unique smart contract,” “listing fees,” etc., to create a more realistic and strong decentralized application. **Time: 10:00 AM EST** each day. **Agenda:** * Session 1 (August 05th): Building multiple listing features for a single contract. * Session 2 (August 06th): Testing the multiple listing contract. * Session 3 (August 07th): Enhancing front-end features to display all listings. * Session 4 (August 08th): Enhancing the contract with auction capabilities and deploy to TestNet. **Prerequisites: ** * Completion of Beginner bootcamp content * [VS Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/) (Recommended) * [Git](https://git-scm.com/downloads) * [Docker Desktop](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop/) * [Python 3.10+](https://www.python.org/downloads/) * [NodeJS](https://nodejs.org/en/download) _Installation Guides_ ([macOS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsurtpCGmgE), [Windows](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22RvINnZsRo)) **Why Algorand?** Algorand is an enterprise-grade programmable layer-1 blockchain – the perfect place to start (or continue) your blockchain journey. * Blocks on Algorand are processed in under 3 seconds. * The Algorand network can process more than 10,000 transactions per second, all with instant finality. * The cost per transaction is 0.001 Algo (just a fraction of a cent). * Algorand is carbon-neutral and built environmentally friendly from the ground up. * Testing on Algorand is fast and cost-efficient, allowing you to innovate without friction. Plus, it has a wealth of developer tooling, tutorials, and documentation. Ready for the best bit? If you’re a Python or TypeScript dev, you don’t need to learn a new language because you can build on Algorand in Python and TypeScript. It’s easy to get building thanks to [AlgoKit](https://developer.algorand.org/algokit/?utm_source=devportal&utm_medium=bootcamp_landingpage&utm_campaign=algokit) (our solution to speed up your Web3 building process).
All Things Open
Since 2013, developers and programmers have been the most common attendee at ATO, so we make an honest effort to feature speakers and topics we feel are world-class and full of education and value. The Developer 1 track in 2023 is full of fantastic people we feel fit that description perfectly. This track will take place in Ballroom B of the Raleigh Convention Center and is one of the tracks that will be live streamed. The conference will take place in downtown Raleigh, NC at the worldclass Convention Center. As one of the three corners of the Research Triangle Region, Raleigh is home to tech companies like Red Hat, Citrix, Bandwidth, Lulu.com and many others. The Research Triangle Park, the nation’s largest and most prestigious R&D business park, is only a short drive away. Prominent Fortune 100 multinational operations, university spin-outs, and start-up businesses in more than a dozen pioneering industries, including biotechnology, information technology, and clean technologies, all call RTP home.
AlgoBharat Road to Impact
Workshops, Office Hours, Networking, Registration for Creating Impact! Pitch Competition Welcome to the AlgoBharat Road to Impact, a journey that transcends the boundaries of a traditional hackathon or meetup. This is not a fleeting competition, but a continuous engagement that will ignite collaboration and foster a collective mission to create transformative impact across India. This is a journey for developers and disruptors to come together to weave the fabric of change by producing ground breaking solutions in Bharat, for Bharat. We embark on this adventure to push the boundaries of what is possible, harnessing the power of innovation in the world of blockchain. Get ready to unleash your creativity and to join a revolution, fueled by Algorand. There is no requirement that you have a project or team to register. Everyone is welcome to attend our Road to Impact events in Delhi, Ahmedabad, Kolkata and Hyderabad, but space is limited. If you are coming to learn to build on Algorand, you can leave the project details blank on the registration form. Fasten your seatbelts! The Road to Impact begins NOW with Creating Impact!, a Pitch Competition that will travel to Delhi, Ahmedabad, Kolkata and Hyderabad and will culminate at the Algorand Impact Summit taking place in Delhi on November 30 and December 1. Venues: August 20 - Delhi: Auditorium, S M Sehgal Foundation, Plot No.34, Sector 44, Institutional Area, Gurugram August 22 Ahmedabad: Seminar Room, Ahmedabad Management Association, AMA Complex, Atira Campus, near IIMA, Dr. V S Marg, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad August 24 Kolkata: TBA August 25 : T-HUB Phase 2, 20, Inorbit Mall Rd, Vittal Rao Nagar, Madhapur, Hyderabad The top three winners will receive: 1st: USD 10000 + 2000 Algo credits for Mainnet deployment support 2nd: USD 7500 + 1500 Algo credits for Mainnet deployment support 3rd: USD 5000 + 1000 Algo credits for Mainnet deployment support For the full timeline, FAQs, and other details, visit: www.algobharat.in/impact
Algorand Developer Bootcamp | Beginner
### **Why should I be interested in learning about Algorand and participating in the Bootcamp?** * Algorand has different SDK's to help you with the building process in different languages and with extensive documentation. * The costs and speed for testing on Algorand are extremely low, which will allow you to learn and test without friction. * The companies that work with Algorand are constantly looking for developers to join their work teams. At the end of the Bootcamp you will be able to participate in solving challenges that will test your knowledge and will serve as a cover letter for you to apply for a Web3 job in the Algorand ecosystem. * This Beginner bootcamp will give you the foundations needed to take part in our Intermediate bootcamp. * Grow your web 3 developer skills on time to be able to participate in our exciting Global Virtual Hackathon at the end of the year. We'll release more details shortly. **Each session will be 2 hours. Here's what you can expect to cover over the 4 days:** * Session 1: Algorand Developer Onboarding with JavaScript SDK & AlgoKit Installation * Session 2: Building a dApp with Beaker and Deploying with dAppFlow * Session 3: Building & Debugging dApps with Beaker + PyTeal + PyTest * Session 4: Adding a TypeScript Frontend UI to the Auction dApp ### Why Algorand? When you decide to start working in blockchain, it is essential that you know the characteristics of the protocol that you are going to use, here are those of Algorand: * It is a layer 1 network that can process 10,000 transactions per second. * The cost per transaction is 0.001 ALGO == $0.0003 USD Approx. * Our blocks are processed in 3.3 seconds. * We are a carbon negative blockchain as we are committed to being environmentally friendly.