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Showing 125 posts related with PHP.

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    Beginner · 1 hour
    Golang icon

    Working with ASA using Go

    This tutorial demonstrates the steps involved in creating a basic Algorand Standard Asset using Go

    Russell Fustino
    Russell Fustino Algorand
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    Intermediate · 1 hour
    goal icon

    Create A Private Instance of Algorand In A Testbed

    This tutorial demonstrates the steps involved in creating a fully private instance of Algorand in a testbed with three independent VMs.

    Stefano De Angelis
    Stefano De Angelis University of Southampton
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    Intermediate · 15 minutes or less
    JavaScript icon

    Algorand Blockchain Development using Reach Part 1

    The future is bright for Algorand and Algorand Blockchain Developers. Tools like Reach are going to be the forefront of CrossChain / MultiChain development.

    Kwame Bryan
    Kwame Bryan Developer Ambassador
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    Intermediate · 30 minutes
    JavaScript icon

    Algo Builder Tutorial Part 4: Testing Smart Contracts

    In this tutorial we present how `algob` helps the developers to test their smart contracts effectively.

    Robert Zaremba
    Robert Zaremba Algorand Builder
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    Intermediate · 1 hour
    Python icon

    Algorand-Telegram Interactions: Part 1 - The Basics

    Create a Telegram Bot which connects your username to your Algorand account, then invoke some transactions.

    Oluwatosin Bello
    Oluwatosin Bello DevAms
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    Intermediate · 1 hour
    cURL icon

    Run Algorand Indexer on Azure with Azure CLI

    This tutorial is a step by step guide on how to deploy and run an Algorand Indexer on Microsoft Azure using Azure CLI

    Dame Seiel
    Dame Seiel
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    Beginner · 15 minutes or less
    Java icon

    Using VS Code with Java

    This tutorial will facilitate how to debug using Visual Studio (VS) Code using Java

    Russell Fustino
    Russell Fustino Algorand
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    Intermediate · 1 hour +
    JavaScript icon

    Using loop invariants for verification in Reach

    Loops can be quite useful for writing Reach programs but verifying the outcome of loops can be challenging. In this tutorial, we will go through a tour of one of the most important features of Reach - automatic verification of loops using invariants.

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    Beginner · 30 minutes
    goal icon

    Creating an Algorand Node on Microsoft Azure

    In this tutorial we will create an Algorand node on Microsoft Azure.

    Jonathan Gomez
    Jonathan Gomez
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    Beginner · 1 hour
    Java icon

    Working with ASA using Java

    This tutorial demonstrates the steps involved in creating a basic Algorand Standard Asset using Java.

    Russell Fustino
    Russell Fustino Algorand
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    Beginner · 1 hour +
    JavaScript icon

    Song Vote on Algorand - Create and deploy a fully functioning Dapp

    Create and deploy dApp to vote on songs (or other things) on the Algorand test network. By the end you will have a good understanding of the full development pipeline on Algorand!

    Antony Silvetti-Schmitt
    Antony Silvetti-Schmitt University of Illinois
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    Beginner · 1 hour
    JavaScript icon

    Working with ASA Using JavaScript

    This tutorial demonstrates the steps involved in creating a basic Algorand Standard Asset [(ASA)]( using [JavaScript SDK](

    Russell Fustino
    Russell Fustino Algorand
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    Beginner · 15 minutes or less
    Golang icon

    Create an Account on TestNet using Go

    This tutorial demonstrates the steps involved in creating a basic Standalone Algorand Account using the Go SDK

    Russell Fustino
    Russell Fustino Algorand
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    Intermediate · 30 minutes
    JavaScript icon

    Algorand Blockchain Development using Reach - Part 6: Looping to Determine the Winner

    In this tutorial, we explore loops in Reach. As dApp developers must take special care when performing loops within a consensus network. Thankfully, the Reach verification engine assures we write safe dApps.

    Kwame Bryan
    Kwame Bryan Developer Ambassador
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    Intermediate · 30 minutes
    JavaScript icon

    Build a SolidJS Web App with Wallet Integration

    Create a web app with SolidJS and the solid-algo-wallets library to enable users to sign Algorand transactions with their wallet

    Brian Whippo
    Brian Whippo
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    Beginner · 30 minutes
    Python icon

    Generating And Securing A Vanity Address Using Rekeying

    This tutorial will show you how to use the Python package py-algorand-sdk to generate a new custom vanity Algorand address and how to subsequently secure it by rekeying it to an existing or new Algorand private key.

    Steve Ferrigno
    Steve Ferrigno Algorand
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    Intermediate · 30 minutes
    JavaScript icon

    Algorand Blockchain Development using Reach Part 5 Non Participation

    Non-participation occurs both in the centralized and decentralized development worlds. In the case of commerce-driven development knowing how to handle this is paramount as a blockchain developer.

    Kwame Bryan
    Kwame Bryan Developer Ambassador
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    Beginner · 15 minutes or less
    JavaScript icon

    Test your Algorand ORE ID Integration

    Testing your ORE ID app setup can be done easily on the developer dashboard. This includes testing your app’s account creation using any of the Oauth platforms, and signing transactions and can be done on both test and production apps.

    Shyla Hardwick
    Shyla Hardwick Aikon
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