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Showing 253 posts related with AVM.

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    print("Algokit v2, happy technology")

    With AlgoKit 2.0 we are bringing native Python to blockchain development, giving the millions of Python developers an easy onramp to the world of decentralized computing.

    Alessandro Cappellato Ferrari
    Alessandro Cappellato Ferrari Algorand
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    Instant Finality - What makes Algorand stand among blockchains

    Learn about Instant Finality, why it works and how it makes Algorand the best blockchain to develop on!

    Giorgio Ciotti
    Giorgio Ciotti Algorand Foundation
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    ASA payment for a smart contract service using Algorand

    This article presents a solution for how to use ASA payment for a smart contract service using Algorand. We will implement this using [Algo Builder](

    Amit Yadav
    Amit Yadav Algo Builder
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    Intermediate · 1 hour +
    JavaScript icon

    Using loop invariants for verification in Reach

    Loops can be quite useful for writing Reach programs but verifying the outcome of loops can be challenging. In this tutorial, we will go through a tour of one of the most important features of Reach - automatic verification of loops using invariants.

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    Beginner · 15 minutes or less
    Python icon

    Algo Builder Tutorial Part 6: Using Tmpl expressions from PyTEAL

    In this tutorial we will show how to use Tmpl expression from PyTeal in Algo-Builder.

    Amit Yadav
    Amit Yadav Algo Builder
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    Intermediate · 30 minutes
    JavaScript icon

    Algo Builder Tutorial Part 3: Stateful Smart Contracts

    This is the third tutorial from the Algo Builder series. In this tutorial we present how `algob` helps the developers to wield the power of Stateful Smart Contracts with TEAL.

    Amit Yadav
    Amit Yadav Algo Builder
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    Intermediate · 1 hour
    JavaScript icon

    Building a lending pool using Reach

    A lending pool is a contract which can be use to lend and borrow funds, tokenize debt and track interest earned or due. We will use Reach to build such a lending pool and see how the high level features make it easy to write such complex apps.

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    Beginner Bootcamp Python Español

    ![EditorImages/2024/04/05 17:16/1918x548-2.png]( **Proyecto:** Digital Marketplace. **Descripción del proyecto:** Aprende a usar Python para crear una aplicación descentralizada (smart contract + front-end) de un Marketplace digital, en el que podrás publicar productos digitales (assets) para vender, definir un precio y permitir a los usuarios finales comprarlos. **Horario:** * 06:00 PM (Colombia, Perú) * 20:00 (Argentina) **Agenda** * Sesión 1 (Agosto 19): Diseño e implementación de un smart contract de un marketplace digital usando Python * Sesión 2 (Agosto 20): Testing de los métodos dentro de tu smart contract en Python * Sesión 3 (Agosto 21): Construyendo un front-end para tu smart contract usando TypeScript * Sesión 4 (Agosto 22): Integrando el contrato inteligente y el front-end **Pre-requisitos: ** * [VS Code]( (Recomendado) * [Git]( * [Docker Desktop]( * [Python 3.10+]( * [NodeJS]( _Guías de instalación_ ([macOS](, [Windows]( **¿Por qué Algorand?** Algorand es una blockchain capa 1 programable de nivel empresarial, es el lugar perfecto para comenzar (o continuar) tu viaje en blockchain. * Los bloques en Algorand se procesan en menos de 3 segundos. * La red Algorand puede procesar más de 10.000 transacciones por segundo, todas con finalidad instantánea. * El costo por transacción es de 0.001 Algo (sólo una fracción de céntimo de dolar). * Algorand es carbono neutral, diseñada desde el principio para ser amigable con el medio ambiente. * Las pruebas en Algorand son rápidas y económicas, lo que le permite innovar sin fricciones. * Además, cuenta con una gran cantidad de herramientas para desarrolladores, tutoriales y documentación. ¿Listo para lo mejor? Si eres un desarrollador de Python o TypeScript, no necesitas aprender un nuevo lenguaje porque puedes construir en Algorand usando Python y TypeScript. Es fácil empezar a construir gracias a[ AlgoKit]( (nuestra solución para acelerar tu proceso de construcción en Web3).

    Camilo Molano
    Camilo Molano Algorand
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    Intermediate Bootcamp TypeScript Español

    ![EditorImages/2024/05/14 14:51/1918x548_typescript.png]( **Proyecto:** Digital Marketplace. **Descripción del proyecto:** Este es el siguiente paso después del Beginner Bootcamp. Usarás TypeScript para mejorar tu aplicación de digital marketplace con nuevas características como "contrato inteligente único", "comisiones de publicación y ventas" y mucho más que harán que tu aplicación descentralizada sea más realista y robusta. **Horario:** * 06:00 PM (Colombia, Perú) * 20:00 (Argentina) **Agenda** * Sesión 1 (Junio 10): Creación de una función de listado múltiple para un único contrato * Sesión 2 (Junio 11): Mejora de las características del front-end para mostrar todos los assets listados * Sesión 3 (Junio 12): Añadir un contrato de subasta a los assets listados disponibles * Sesión 4 (Junio 13): Actualización del front-end para la funcion de subasta y despliegue en TestNet **Pre-requisitos: ** * Haber completado el Bootcamp Beginner * [VS Code]( (Recomendado) * [Git]( * [Docker Desktop]( * [NodeJS]( _Guías de instalación_ ([macOS](, [Windows]( **¿Por qué Algorand?** Algorand es una blockchain capa 1 programable de nivel empresarial, es el lugar perfecto para comenzar (o continuar) tu viaje en blockchain. * Los bloques en Algorand se procesan en menos de 3 segundos. * La red Algorand puede procesar más de 10.000 transacciones por segundo, todas con finalidad instantánea. * El costo por transacción es de 0.001 Algo (sólo una fracción de céntimo de dolar). * Algorand es carbono neutral, diseñada desde el principio para ser amigable con el medio ambiente. * Las pruebas en Algorand son rápidas y económicas, lo que le permite innovar sin fricciones. * Además, cuenta con una gran cantidad de herramientas para desarrolladores, tutoriales y documentación. ¿Listo para lo mejor? Si eres un desarrollador de Python o TypeScript, no necesitas aprender un nuevo lenguaje porque puedes construir en Algorand usando Python y TypeScript. Es fácil empezar a construir gracias a[ AlgoKit]( (nuestra solución para acelerar tu proceso de construcción en Web3).

    Camilo Molano
    Camilo Molano Algorand
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    Intro Bootcamp

    ![EditorImages/2024/03/15 15:02/1918x548.png]( **Project:** Asset creation and transaction using AlgoKit SDK. **Bootcamp Description:** One of Algorand's main features is the possibility of creating accounts and assets, and sending transactions, without a smart contract. That's why we’ve created this bootcamp: to help you take your first steps into Algorand development using the AlgoKit SDK. **Time: 10:00 AM EST** **Duration:** 90 mins each session **Agenda:** * Session 1 (April 2nd): Introduction to Algorand concepts and AlgoKit SDK. * Session 2 (April 4th): Using AlgoKit and dev environment Setup. **Prerequisites: ** * GitHub Account - [Sign up ]( * [VS Code]( (Recommended) **Why Algorand?** Algorand is an enterprise-grade programmable layer-1 blockchain – the perfect place to start (or continue) your blockchain journey. * Blocks on Algorand are processed in under 3 seconds. * The Algorand network can process more than 10,000 transactions per second, all with instant finality. * The cost per transaction is 0.001 Algo (just a fraction of a cent). * Algorand is carbon-neutral and built environmentally friendly from the ground up. * Testing on Algorand is fast and cost-efficient, allowing you to innovate without friction. * Plus, it has a wealth of developer tooling, tutorials, and documentation. Ready for the best bit? If you’re a Python or TypeScript dev, you don’t need to learn a new language because you can build on Algorand in Python and TypeScript. It’s easy to get building thanks to [AlgoKit]( (our solution to speed up your Web3 building process).

    Emma Barry Murphy
    Emma Barry Murphy Algorand
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    Beginner Bootcamp: Python

    ![EditorImages/2024/04/04 13:56/1918x54j8.png]( **Project:** Digital Marketplace **Project Description:** Use Python to create a decentralized application (smart contract + frontend) of a digital marketplace, in which you will be able to list your digital products (assets) to sell, define a price and allow end users to buy them. **Time: 10:00 AM EST** each day. **Agenda:** * Session 1 (April 15th): Designing & deploying a digital marketplace smart contract with Python. * Session 2 (April 16th): Testing methods within your Python smart contract. * Session 3 (April 17th): Building a front-end for your smart contract using TypeScript. * Session 4 (April 18th): Integrating both the smart contract and front-end. **Prerequisites: ** * [VS Code]( (Recommended) * [Git]( * [Docker Desktop]( * [Python 3.10+]( * [NodeJS]( _Installation Guides_ ([macOS](, [Windows]( **Why Algorand?** Algorand is an enterprise-grade programmable layer-1 blockchain – the perfect place to start (or continue) your blockchain journey. * Blocks on Algorand are processed in under 3 seconds. * The Algorand network can process more than 10,000 transactions per second, all with instant finality. * The cost per transaction is 0.001 Algo (just a fraction of a cent). * Algorand is carbon-neutral and built environmentally friendly from the ground up. * Testing on Algorand is fast and cost-efficient, allowing you to innovate without friction. Plus, it has a wealth of developer tooling, tutorials, and documentation. Ready for the best bit? If you’re a Python or TypeScript dev, you don’t need to learn a new language because you can build on Algorand in Python and TypeScript. It’s easy to get building thanks to [AlgoKit]( (our solution to speed up your Web3 building process).

    Emma Barry Murphy
    Emma Barry Murphy Algorand
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    Beginner Bootcamp: Python

    ![EditorImages/2024/04/05 17:01/1918x548-1.png]( **Project:** Digital Marketplace **Project Description:** Use Python to create a decentralized application (smart contract + front-end) of a digital marketplace, in which you will be able to list your digital products (assets) to sell, define a price, and allow end users to buy them. **Time: 10:00 AM EST** each day. **Agenda:** * Session 1 (July 29th): Designing & deploying a digital marketplace smart contract with Python. * Session 2 (July 30th): Testing methods within your Python smart contract * Session 3 (July 31st): Building a front-end for your smart contract using TypeScript. * Session 4 (August 01st): Integrating both the smart contract and front-end **Prerequisites: ** * [VS Code]( (Recommended) * [Git]( * [Docker Desktop]( * [Python 3.10+]( * [NodeJS]( _Installation Guides_ ([macOS](, [Windows]( **Why Algorand?** Algorand is an enterprise-grade programmable layer-1 blockchain – the perfect place to start (or continue) your blockchain journey. * Blocks on Algorand are processed in under 3 seconds. * The Algorand network can process more than 10,000 transactions per second, all with instant finality. * The cost per transaction is 0.001 Algo (just a fraction of a cent). * Algorand is carbon-neutral and built environmentally friendly from the ground up. * Testing on Algorand is fast and cost-efficient, allowing you to innovate without friction. Plus, it has a wealth of developer tooling, tutorials, and documentation. Ready for the best bit? If you’re a Python or TypeScript dev, you don’t need to learn a new language because you can build on Algorand in Python and TypeScript. It’s easy to get building thanks to [AlgoKit]( (our solution to speed up your Web3 building process).

    Emma Barry Murphy
    Emma Barry Murphy Algorand
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    Intermediate Bootcamp: Python

    ![EditorImages/2024/04/05 16:58/1918x548-2.png]( **Project:** Digital Marketplace **Project Description:** This is the next step after the beginner bootcamp project. You will use Python to improve your digital marketplace app with new features such as “unique smart contract,” “listing fees,” etc., to create a more realistic and strong decentralized application. **Time: 10:00 AM EST** each day. **Agenda:** * Session 1 (May 20th): Building multiple listing features for a single contract * Session 2 (May 21st):Testing the multiple listing contract * Session 3 (May 22nd): Enhancing front-end features to display all listings * Session 4 (May 23rd): Enhancing the contract with auction capabilities and deploy to TestNet **Prerequisites: ** * Completion of Beginner Bootcamp content * [VS Code]( (Recommended) * [Git]( * [Docker Desktop]( * [Python 3.10+]( * [NodeJS]( _Installation Guides_ ([macOS](, [Windows]( **Why Algorand?** Algorand is an enterprise-grade programmable layer-1 blockchain – the perfect place to start (or continue) your blockchain journey. * Blocks on Algorand are processed in under 3 seconds. * The Algorand network can process more than 10,000 transactions per second, all with instant finality. * The cost per transaction is 0.001 Algo (just a fraction of a cent). * Algorand is carbon-neutral and built environmentally friendly from the ground up. * Testing on Algorand is fast and cost-efficient, allowing you to innovate without friction. Plus, it has a wealth of developer tooling, tutorials, and documentation. Ready for the best bit? If you’re a Python or TypeScript dev, you don’t need to learn a new language because you can build on Algorand in Python and TypeScript. It’s easy to get building thanks to [AlgoKit]( (our solution to speed up your Web3 building process).

    Emma Barry Murphy
    Emma Barry Murphy Algorand
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    Intermediate Bootcamp: Python

    ![EditorImages/2024/04/05 17:03/1918x548-3.png]( **Project:** Digital Marketplace **Project Description:** This is the next step after the beginner bootcamp project. You will use Python to improve your digital marketplace app with new features such as “unique smart contract,” “listing fees,” etc., to create a more realistic and strong decentralized application. **Time: 10:00 AM EST** each day. **Agenda:** * Session 1 (August 05th): Building multiple listing features for a single contract. * Session 2 (August 06th): Testing the multiple listing contract. * Session 3 (August 07th): Enhancing front-end features to display all listings. * Session 4 (August 08th): Enhancing the contract with auction capabilities and deploy to TestNet. **Prerequisites: ** * Completion of Beginner bootcamp content * [VS Code]( (Recommended) * [Git]( * [Docker Desktop]( * [Python 3.10+]( * [NodeJS]( _Installation Guides_ ([macOS](, [Windows]( **Why Algorand?** Algorand is an enterprise-grade programmable layer-1 blockchain – the perfect place to start (or continue) your blockchain journey. * Blocks on Algorand are processed in under 3 seconds. * The Algorand network can process more than 10,000 transactions per second, all with instant finality. * The cost per transaction is 0.001 Algo (just a fraction of a cent). * Algorand is carbon-neutral and built environmentally friendly from the ground up. * Testing on Algorand is fast and cost-efficient, allowing you to innovate without friction. Plus, it has a wealth of developer tooling, tutorials, and documentation. Ready for the best bit? If you’re a Python or TypeScript dev, you don’t need to learn a new language because you can build on Algorand in Python and TypeScript. It’s easy to get building thanks to [AlgoKit]( (our solution to speed up your Web3 building process).

    Emma Barry Murphy
    Emma Barry Murphy Algorand
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    Beginner Bootcamp: TypeScript

    ![EditorImages/2024/03/19 10:25/1918x548_2.png]( **Project:** Digital Marketplace **Project Description:** Use TypeScript to create a decentralized application (smart contract + front-end) of a digital marketplace, in which you will be able to list your digital products (assets) to sell, define a price and allow end users to buy them. **Time: 10:00 AM EST** each day. **Agenda:** * Session 1 (April 22nd): Designing & deploying a digital marketplace smart contract with TypeScript * Session 2 (April 23rd): Testing methods within your TypeScript smart contract * Session 3 (April 24th): Building a front-end for your smart contract using TypeScript * Session 4 (April 25th): Integrating both the smart contract and front-end **Prerequisites: ** * [VS Code]( (Recommended) * [Git]( * [Docker Desktop]( * [NodeJS]( _Installation Guides_ ([macOS](, [Windows]( **Why Algorand?** Algorand is an enterprise-grade programmable layer-1 blockchain – the perfect place to start (or continue) your blockchain journey. * Blocks on Algorand are processed in under 3 seconds. * The Algorand network can process more than 10,000 transactions per second, all with instant finality. * The cost per transaction is 0.001 Algo (just a fraction of a cent). * Algorand is carbon-neutral and built environmentally friendly from the ground up. * Testing on Algorand is fast and cost-efficient, allowing you to innovate without friction. Plus, it has a wealth of developer tooling, tutorials, and documentation. Ready for the best bit? If you’re a Python or TypeScript dev, you don’t need to learn a new language because you can build on Algorand in Python and TypeScript. It’s easy to get building thanks to [AlgoKit]( (our solution to speed up your Web3 building process).

    Emma Barry Murphy
    Emma Barry Murphy Algorand
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    Hacker House Developer Bootcamp - Español Intermedio

    ### ¿Por qué debería participar en el Bootcamp y aprender sobre Algorand? * Algorand te ofrece AlgoKit, un conjunto de herramientas que te ayudarán en tu proceso de desarrollo usando lenguajes que ya conoces (typescript y Python), con una extensa documentación. * Los costos y velocidad para el desarrollo y pruebas en Algorand son extremadamente bajos, lo que te permitirá aprender sin complicaciones. * Las empresas que trabajan sobre Algorand constantemente están buscando desarrolladores para unirlos a sus equipos. Al final del bootcamp serás capaz de resolver retos que demostrarán tu conocimiento y servirán como carta de presentación si buscas aplicar a un trabajo web3 en el ecosistema de Algorand. * Este Bootcamp Beginner te dará los fundamentos necesarios para formar parte del siguiente bootcamp intermedio. * Gracias a este bootcamp estarás preparado a tiempo para participar en la Hacker House de Algorand en Argentina, y también para la [Hackathon Global de Build-a-Bull]( ** Cada sesión durará 2 horas, estos son los temas que podrás aprender:** * Sesón 1: Refactorizando la dapp de DAO de manera mas robusta * Sesión 2: Testing y debugging de nuestra dapp fullstack * Sesión 3: Trabajando con algokit-utils y el generador de cliente UI * Sesión 4: Agregando un frontend web a nuestra dapp ### Pre-requisitos * Haber completado el Bootcamp Beginner * Cuenta de Github([sign up]( * Entorno local configurado con: * NodeJS * Docker Desktop * Guias de Instalacion:([macOS]( || [Windows]( ### ¿Por qué Algorand? Cuando decides comenzar a trabajar en blockchain, es esencial que conozcas las características del protocolo que vas a utilizar. Aquí te presentamos las de Algorand:: * Es una red de capa 1 que puede procesar 10,000 transacciones por segundo. * El costo por transacción es de 0.001 ALGO == Aproximadamente $0.0002 USD. * Nuestros bloques se procesan en 3.3 segundos. * Somos una blockchain carbono neutro, ya que estamos comprometidos en ser amigables con el medio ambiente.

    Evert Diaz
    Evert Diaz Algorand
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    BlockchainCon LATAM

    We will be together with the minds and leaders who are building the Latam web3 ecosystem. A unique 3-day experience of learning, inspiration, and networking that will allow you to enhance your knowledge and understand the regional and global scenario. We will talk about Blockchain, Crypto, Trading, DeFi, Smart Contracts, Web3 Entrepreneurship, NFTs, AI, Metaverse, and much more. Join us in Peru to collaborate, build, and celebrate together the technology that will revolutionize humanity and the future. Let’s boost the blockchain and crypto ecosystem and turn Latin America into an epicenter for the development of innovation and web3 technology. []() Join WhatsApp Group for conference, []()

    Russell Fustino
    Russell Fustino Algorand
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    Intro Bootcamp Español

    ![EditorImages/2024/03/19 15:54/intro.png]( **Proyecto:** Creación y transacción de assets utilizando Algokit SDK. **Descripción del Bootcamp:** Una de las principales características de Algorand es la posibilidad de crear cuentas, assets y enviar transacciones sin necesidad de un contrato inteligente. Por eso hemos creado este bootcamp, para ayudarte a dar tus primeros pasos en el mundo del desarrollo en Algorand utilizando el SDK de AlgoKit. **Horario:** * 06:00 PM (Colombia, Perú) * 20:00 (Argentina) **Agenda** * Sesión 1 (Abril 2): Introducción a los conceptos de Algorand y uso del SDK. * Sesión 2 (Abril 4): Uso de AlgoKit y configuración del entorno de desarrollo. **Pre-requisitos: ** * Cuenta de GitHub - [Regístrate ]( * [VS Code]( (Recomendado) **¿Por qué Algorand?** Algorand es una blockchain capa 1 programable de nivel empresarial, es el lugar perfecto para comenzar (o continuar) tu viaje en blockchain. * Los bloques en Algorand se procesan en menos de 3 segundos. * La red Algorand puede procesar más de 10.000 transacciones por segundo, todas con finalidad instantánea. * El coste por transacción es de 0.001 Algo (sólo una fracción de céntimo de dolar). * Algorand es carbono neutral, diseñada desde el principio para ser amigable con el medio ambiente * Las pruebas en Algorand son rápidas y económicas, lo que le permite innovar sin fricciones. * Además, cuenta con una gran cantidad de herramientas para desarrolladores, tutoriales y documentación. ¿Listo para lo mejor? Si eres un desarrollador de Python o TypeScript, no necesitas aprender un nuevo lenguaje porque puedes construir en Algorand usando Python y TypeScript. Es fácil empezar a construir gracias a[ AlgoKit]( (nuestra solución para acelerar tu proceso de construcción en Web3).

    Camilo Molano
    Camilo Molano Algorand
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