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asset configuration

Showing 49 posts related with asset configuration.

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    Quick and dirty Algorand Unity SDK based on .NET Algorand SDK

    In this solution we will see how to use a fast Unity Algorand SDK based on the well-known Algorand .NET SDK to build some general purpose examples

    Enrico Speranza
    Enrico Speranza GT50 S.r.l.
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    Intermediate · 30 minutes
    Python icon

    Create your Own Coin on TestNet (LaylaCoin Series)

    Learn how to create, opt-in, transfer, and read balances of an asset on TestNet.

    Liz Baran
    Liz Baran Algorand
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    Build Algorand iOS, Android and UWP apps using C# .NET SDK and Xamarin

    This solution shows how to build an Algorand application for iOS, Android and Universal Windows Platform (UWP), with one code base, using Xamarin Forms and C#.

    Russell Fustino
    Russell Fustino Algorand
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    Exporting Algorand Transactions for Tax Reporting

    Export tool for exporting Algorand on-chain transactions including rewards for crypto-tax sites to consume.

    Patrick Bennett
    Patrick Bennett Developer Ambassador
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    Creating a CrowdFunding Application with the Algorand Blockchain

    This solutions article describes the implementation of a next-generation crowdfunding Application using the Algorand Blockchain.

    Eric Gieseke
    Eric Gieseke Algorand
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    Ecommerce Payments Using PHP/Javascript

    Allow users to pay for online goods using Algorand assets at the checkout terminal.

    Blaise Bayuo
    Blaise Bayuo Developer Ambassador
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    AlgoRealm, a NFT Royalty Game

    AlgoRealm is a simple NFT game that provides an example of how to build NFTs with embedded royalty policies on Algorand.

    Cosimo Bassi
    Cosimo Bassi Algorand
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    Create a Cross-Platform Wallet with Flutter and Dart SDK

    Use Flutter 2 to create production-ready cross-platform Algorand applications and export them to mobile, web and desktop.

    Tomas Verhelst
    Tomas Verhelst RootSoft
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    Building iOS Apps Using Swift Algorand SDK

    Demonstrates developing an iOS app using the Swift Algorand SDK

    Jesulonimi Akingbesote
    Jesulonimi Akingbesote Medflit
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    Simple example using Algorand with Unity 3D Engine

    Initial example to integrate Algorand into a Unity 3D graphics engine project. A small step in the creation of Virtual Worlds and their BlockChain economy.

    Enrico Speranza
    Enrico Speranza GT50 S.r.l.
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    Algorand QR Code Generator

    A comprehensive Algorand QR Code generator (exportable to SVG, PNG and Base64). Works in Terminal, NodeJS and modern browsers. Complies to Algorand URI ABNF Grammar and RFC 3986.

    MG Algorand DevAM
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    Use Quick-Algo to Start Running an Algorand Node in Under 1 Minute

    Learn the basics to running an Algorand node and use the `quick-algo` shell script to get you up and running with a fully customizable Algorand node in under 1 minute.

    Dan Murphy
    Dan Murphy Davidson College
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    Securities and Permissioned Tokens

    This article presents a design of permissioned / securities tokens on Algorand. We will implement company shares using ASA and smart contracts with Algo Builder.

    Robert Zaremba
    Robert Zaremba Algorand Builder
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    Framework Integration: Exploring Express.js With the Algorand SDK

    This guide shows developers how they can use Algorand with Express.js through the js-algorand-sdk. In short, you'll learn how to query transactions, assets, and accounts, and how to apply optional filters to endpoints to enrich the data.

    Tobias Schmidt
    Tobias Schmidt
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    Artificial Intelligence on Algorand

    In this solution we discuss Algorand as a shared database, utility of an indexer and how Machine Learning benefits the ecosystem.

    Pavel Fedotov
    Pavel Fedotov
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    Beginner · 15 minutes or less
    JavaScript icon

    Using PureStake API with Algo Builder

    In this tutorial we present how to use PureStake API (algodv2 and indexer) within `algob` projects.

    Ratik Jindal
    Ratik Jindal
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    Intermediate · 30 minutes
    Java icon

    Build Algorand Android Smart Contract using Kotlin

    This tutorial is targeted at beginners and intermediate Algorand developers who primarily develop Android Applications using Kotlin. The tutorial will also be beneficial to Java Android Developers as both languages have a lot in common.

    Glory Agatevure
    Glory Agatevure Africinnovate
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    Beginner · 30 minutes
    C# icon

    Using VS Code with C#

    This tutorial will facilitate how to debug C# using Visual Studio (VS) Code

    Russell Fustino
    Russell Fustino Algorand
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