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create assets

Showing 139 posts related with create assets.

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    Example Permissioned Voting Stateful Smart Contract Application

    This solution explains one way to build a permissioned voting application on the Algorand Blockchain.

    Jason Weathersby
    Jason Weathersby Algorand
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    Using Stateful Smart Contract To Create Algorand Standard Asset

    Using PyTeal and goal, we use a stateful smart contract linked with an escrow account to create an Algorand Standard Asset.

    Gidon Katten
    Gidon Katten
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    Getting started with Python Algorand SDK and FastAPI

    A demo application that shows how to use the Python FastAPI with the Algorand Python SDK. Learn to send transactions, create assets, query for transactions, filter for specific assets, and retrieve asset balances.

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    Creating a demo wallet using Flask

    Flask is a Python framework for quickly creating webapps. In this solution we'll be using Flask and the Algorand SDK to show how to make a demo wallet web application.

    Michael Ockenden
    Michael Ockenden
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    Beginner · 1 hour
    Python icon

    Working with ASA using Python

    This tutorial demonstrates the steps involved in working with an Algorand Standard Asset (ASA) using the Python SDK.

    Russell Fustino
    Russell Fustino Algorand
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    Beginner · 1 hour
    JavaScript icon

    Working with ASA Using JavaScript

    This tutorial demonstrates the steps involved in creating a basic Algorand Standard Asset [(ASA)]( using [JavaScript SDK](

    Russell Fustino
    Russell Fustino Algorand
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    Intermediate · 1 hour
    JavaScript icon

    Creating Transactions from Spreadsheets

    This tutorial looks at how to create different Algorand transactions from an imported excel sheet.

    Blaise Bayuo
    Blaise Bayuo Developer Ambassador
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    From Algos to ASAs

    This guide maps core technical concepts related to the Algo to Algorand Standard Assets, which is Algorand's Layer-1 implementation for third-party fungible and non-fungible tokens.

    Liz Baran
    Liz Baran Algorand
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    Django Staking Service Demo

    This article introduces you to an example staking platform that’s available on github, to demonstrate how such a service can be created on Algorand.

    Steve Ferrigno
    Steve Ferrigno Algorand
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    AlgoNim is the first Algorand game incorporating all the features introduced in Algorand 2.0: Algorand Standard Assets (ASA), Atomic Transfers (AT) and Algorand Smart Contracts (ASC1).

    Cosimo Bassi
    Cosimo Bassi Algorand
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    Assets and Custom Transfer Logic

    This solution illustrates enforcing a call to a smart contract while transferring an Asset (ASA).

    Jason Weathersby
    Jason Weathersby Algorand
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    Create a Cross-Platform Wallet with Flutter and Dart SDK

    Use Flutter 2 to create production-ready cross-platform Algorand applications and export them to mobile, web and desktop.

    Tomas Verhelst
    Tomas Verhelst RootSoft
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    Securities and Permissioned Tokens

    This article presents a design of permissioned / securities tokens on Algorand. We will implement company shares using ASA and smart contracts with Algo Builder.

    Robert Zaremba
    Robert Zaremba Algorand Builder
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    Quick and dirty Algorand Unity SDK based on .NET Algorand SDK

    In this solution we will see how to use a fast Unity Algorand SDK based on the well-known Algorand .NET SDK to build some general purpose examples

    Enrico Speranza
    Enrico Speranza GT50 S.r.l.
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    Intermediate · 15 minutes or less
    Python icon

    Adding Transaction Capabilities to a dApp Using AlgoSigner

    AlgoSigner is a blockchain wallet that makes it easy to use Algorand-based applications on the web. In this tutorial, you will learn how to integrate AlgoSigner into your decentralized application.

    Alberto Viera
    Alberto Viera PureStake
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    Intermediate · 1 hour
    TEAL icon

    Royalty Fees in Algorand Using PyTeal

    This is a short tutorial that explains how to implement Royalty Fees using Inner Transactions and Teal v5 capabilities in Algorand.

    Alessio Russo
    Alessio Russo KTH
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    Intermediate · 30 minutes
    JavaScript icon

    Algo Builder Tutorial Part 4: Testing Smart Contracts

    In this tutorial we present how `algob` helps the developers to test their smart contracts effectively.

    Robert Zaremba
    Robert Zaremba Algorand Builder
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    Discover AVM 1.0

    This article introduces a new developer portal experience and summarizes the changes made for the Algorand Virtual Machine 1.0 version.

    Jason Weathersby
    Jason Weathersby Algorand
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