fast catchup
Showing 16 posts related with fast catchup.
Stateful Smart Contracts, Rekeying, and Fast Catchup
Stateful Smart Contracts, Rekeying, and Fast Catchup are brand new features that are now available to try on BetaNet. Learn more about what these features are and how to get started.
Introducing Official Algod Docker Containers
Overview of Algorand's Algod Containers, the path forward, and a quick how to!
Introducing Sandbox 2.0
Algorand Sandbox 2.0 is focused on developers and now deploys a containerized private network with an indexer by default. All APIs are exposed to localhost; sending and searching for transaction has never been easier.
Introducing Algod Node UI
This article announces the release of a Node UI for Algorand
Use Quick-Algo to Start Running an Algorand Node in Under 1 Minute
Learn the basics to running an Algorand node and use the `quick-algo` shell script to get you up and running with a fully customizable Algorand node in under 1 minute.
Beginner · 1 hour
Create a Node on Azure & Sign Transactions with Azure Key Vault and Python
In this tutorial, you will learn how to deploy an Azure Linux Virtual Machine and install an Algorand node on it. This tutorial will also go over how to sign a Transaction with Azure KeyVault.
Beginner · 30 minutes
Creating an Algorand Node on Microsoft Azure
In this tutorial we will create an Algorand node on Microsoft Azure.
Intermediate · 30 minutes
Run Algorand Indexer using Azure Portal
This tutorial is a step by step guide on how to deploy and run an Algorand Indexer on Microsoft Azure using Azure Portal
Intermediate · 30 minutes
Compile and Run the Algorand Node Natively on Windows
Learn how to build the Algorand node and the whole set of devtools on Microsoft Windows and run them without the need of emulators, virtual machines and even WSL.
Why is Sandbox Indispensable for Building dApps?
Are you struggling to figure out what tools to use when developing dApps? Look no further. Learn why Sandbox should be the go-to developer tool when building dApps.
Create a Cross-Platform Wallet with Flutter and Dart SDK
Use Flutter 2 to create production-ready cross-platform Algorand applications and export them to mobile, web and desktop.
Intermediate · 30 minutes
Indexer For Blockchain Analysis
This tutorial goes over a few examples of using the 'indexer' to calculate Algorand blockchain metrics.
Intermediate · 1 hour
Run Algorand Indexer on Azure with Azure CLI
This tutorial is a step by step guide on how to deploy and run an Algorand Indexer on Microsoft Azure using Azure CLI
Introducing TypeScript Support for the Algorand JavaScript SDK
TypeScript adds static type checking to JavaScript, improving the programming experience through early error flagging and enhanced code readability. Learn how Algorand’s TypeScript support can improve your development process.
Beginner · 15 minutes or less
Real-Time Block Visualizer with Vue
Visualize real-time blockchain operations with Vue.
Beginner · 15 minutes or less
Monitoring Account Activity with AlertHub
This tutorial will walkthrough how to get started with AlertHub to enable real-time monitoring of status and activity on your account.