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indexer v2

Showing 15 posts related with indexer v2.

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    Algorand V2 SDK Asset and Atomic Transfer Examples

    New Algorand SDK V2 examples for Assets and Atomic Transfers

    Russell Fustino
    Russell Fustino Algorand
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    Intermediate · 30 minutes
    Python icon

    Indexer For Blockchain Analysis

    This tutorial goes over a few examples of using the 'indexer' to calculate Algorand blockchain metrics.

    Anya Gilad
    Anya Gilad Algorand
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    Beginner · 30 minutes
    JavaScript icon

    Read and Write to the Transaction Note Field with JavaScript

    Example JavaScript to read and write into the note field

    Russell Fustino
    Russell Fustino Algorand
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    Introducing Algorand’s V2 Indexer

    Introducing the new Algorand Indexer - a fast and efficient way to search for transactions, accounts, assets, and blocks on the Algorand blockchain.

    Jason Weathersby
    Jason Weathersby Algorand
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    What's New: Algorand v2.0.7

    Algorand v2.0.7 was released to MainNet and TestNet, accompanied by a new set of features in the Algorand APIs. Learn more about what's new in this article.

    Liz Baran
    Liz Baran Algorand
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    Exporting Algorand Transactions for Tax Reporting

    Export tool for exporting Algorand on-chain transactions including rewards for crypto-tax sites to consume.

    Patrick Bennett
    Patrick Bennett Developer Ambassador
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    Beginner · 30 minutes
    Golang icon

    Read and Write to the Transaction Note Field with Go

    Example using Go to read and write into the note field.

    Russell Fustino
    Russell Fustino Algorand
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    Beginner · 30 minutes
    Python icon

    Read and Write to the Transaction Note Field with Python

    Example Python to read and write into the note field.

    Russell Fustino
    Russell Fustino Algorand
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    Beginner · 30 minutes
    Java icon

    Read and Write to the Transaction Note Field with Java

    Example Java to read and write into the note field.

    Russell Fustino
    Russell Fustino Algorand
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    Case Study: OneStep Disaster Relief Platform Built on Algorand

    This article describes the development of a comprehensive disaster relief platform powered by the Algorand blockchain.

    Nitya Timalsina
    Nitya Timalsina One Step Projects / Harvard
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    Quick and dirty Algorand Unity SDK based on .NET Algorand SDK

    In this solution we will see how to use a fast Unity Algorand SDK based on the well-known Algorand .NET SDK to build some general purpose examples

    Enrico Speranza
    Enrico Speranza GT50 S.r.l.
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    Intermediate · 15 minutes or less
    Python icon

    Adding Transaction Capabilities to a dApp Using AlgoSigner

    AlgoSigner is a blockchain wallet that makes it easy to use Algorand-based applications on the web. In this tutorial, you will learn how to integrate AlgoSigner into your decentralized application.

    Alberto Viera
    Alberto Viera PureStake
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    Beginner · 30 minutes
    JavaScript icon

    Algorand BSN Portal - Getting Started

    “Participating in the BSN International provides a cost effective and stable infrastructure for developers and enterprises to build on Algorand." - Fangfang Chen, Chief Operating Officer at Algorand Foundation

    KC Tam
    KC Tam Developer Ambassador
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    What's New in Algorand 3.15.0

    This article covers the new features of Algorand 3.15.0

    Jason Weathersby
    Jason Weathersby Algorand
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    Intermediate · 30 minutes
    C# icon

    Atomic Transactions Web and Console Applications

    This is a DApp walkthrough to generate account addresses and mnemonic keys, fund the account, check the account details, and also perform transactions. This was built using the C#/.NET framework to communicate with the Algorand Blockchain.

    Stephen Sunday
    Stephen Sunday KusuConsult