Showing 239 posts related with teal.
Intermediate · 30 minutes
Using TEAL debugger with algo-buiilder
In this tutorial we present how to use TEAL debugger with `algob` (debugging smart contracts with dry run OR launch a live debugging session)
Intermediate · 30 minutes
Using the TEAL Debugger to Debug a Smart Contract
This tutorial will provide a step-by-step guide on how to use the TEAL debugger to debug a buggy Algorand smart contract.
TEAL ALGO Oracle in Algorand Layer-1
In a blockchain, the ability to reference a price on-chain enables a seamless and trustless transaction environment, especially for automated transactions and smart contracts. Oracles are the entities in charge of broadcasting off-chain data such as market price to the blockchain, and serve as a source of truth that allows on-chain dApps to measure the value of assets referenced within a transaction. Rand Labs and Borderless Capital releases a Algorand Oracle that can be referenced in atomic transfers using TEAL stateful and stateless smart contracts.
Introducing TEAL Version 3
This article summarizes all the changes made to TEAL in version 3.
Understanding the TEAL Stack by Example
Learn how the TEAL language works: Understand the TEAL stack, scratch space, and global storage by example.
Intermediate · 30 minutes
Understanding the TEAL Opcode Budget
This guide gives a high-level overview of TEAL's opcode budget system, as well as a method to (finitely) increase it.
AlgoNim is the first Algorand game incorporating all the features introduced in Algorand 2.0: Algorand Standard Assets (ASA), Atomic Transfers (AT) and Algorand Smart Contracts (ASC1).
Example Digital Exchange Smart Contract Application
This solution presents a very simple DEX application using stateless and stateful smart contracts. It allows users to place limit orders that are fulfilled at a later time by another party.
ASA Recurring Withdrawal DApp
Build an ASA's recurring withdrawal dApp combining Algorand Standard Assets, Algorand Smart Contracts and Atomic Transfers.
Block'n'Poll - Blockchain polling web application
Block'n'Poll is a blockchain polling web application that allows users to easily create permissionless polls and vote on Algorand blockchain.
AlgoRealm, a NFT Royalty Game
AlgoRealm is a simple NFT game that provides an example of how to build NFTs with embedded royalty policies on Algorand.
Fractional Auction Listing for Real Estate Investing
Deploy a Fractional Auction Listing Application using smart contracts and atomic transfers to allow investors to purchase fractional ownership of real estate.
Intermediate · 30 minutes
Hash Time Lock Contract Template With Go
Build a Smart Contract that functions as a HTLC using Go
Intermediate · 30 minutes
Algorand Studio | Tutorial 3: Smart Contract Limit Order
Introduce the Algorand Standard Asset (ASA) model and work through the LimitOrder smart contract to learn issuing your own ASA & using the smart contract to exchange ALGO for an ASA.
Beginner · 15 minutes or less
Algosearch Setup
A how to guide on set up AlgoSearch using Docker compose
Intermediate · 30 minutes
Hash Time Lock Contract Template With Python
Build a Smart Contract that functions as a HTLC using Python
Intermediate · 30 minutes
LimitOrder Contract with JavaScript
A walkthrough example of how to use a limit order contract with JavaScript.
Intermediate · 1 hour
Royalty Fees in Algorand Using PyTeal
This is a short tutorial that explains how to implement Royalty Fees using Inner Transactions and Teal v5 capabilities in Algorand.