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Step-by-step guides by language and level

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    Beginner · 15 minutes or less
    JavaScript icon

    Algo Builder: Intro to the Web Package

    This tutorial is to demonstrate [`pipeline-ui`]( and [`AlgoSigner`]( in webapp using [`@algo-builder/web`](

    Ravindra Meena
    Ravindra Meena
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    Beginner · 15 minutes or less
    Golang icon

    Algosearch Setup

    A how to guide on set up AlgoSearch using Docker compose

    Thomas Upfield
    Thomas Upfield
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    Intermediate · 1 hour +
    Python icon

    Milestone Dapp Built with Pyteal

    We will build a decentralized milestone based application using pyteal and Python. PyTeal is used to write the smart contracts whereas interacting with them is done via Python using the `py-algorand-sdk`.

    Oluwatunmise Olatunbosun
    Oluwatunmise Olatunbosun
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    Intermediate · 1 hour
    TEAL icon

    Royalty Fees in Algorand Using PyTeal

    This is a short tutorial that explains how to implement Royalty Fees using Inner Transactions and Teal v5 capabilities in Algorand.

    Alessio Russo
    Alessio Russo KTH
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    Intermediate · 1 hour
    Python icon

    Creating a License Manager Contract utilizing PyTEAL and Inner Transactions

    This tutorial will introduce the reader to using Inner Transactions in PyTEAL using an example scenario: A License Manager Contract

    Julian Weber
    Julian Weber
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    Intermediate · 30 minutes
    JavaScript icon

    Using TEAL debugger with algo-buiilder

    In this tutorial we present how to use TEAL debugger with `algob` (debugging smart contracts with dry run OR launch a live debugging session)

    Ratik Jindal
    Ratik Jindal
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    Beginner · 15 minutes or less
    Python icon

    Algo Builder Tutorial Part 6: Using Tmpl expressions from PyTEAL

    In this tutorial we will show how to use Tmpl expression from PyTeal in Algo-Builder.

    Amit Yadav
    Amit Yadav Algo Builder
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    Intermediate · 30 minutes
    Python icon

    Using the TEAL Debugger to Debug a Smart Contract

    This tutorial will provide a step-by-step guide on how to use the TEAL debugger to debug a buggy Algorand smart contract.

    Damian Barabonkov
    Damian Barabonkov
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    Intermediate · 30 minutes
    JavaScript icon

    Algo Builder Tutorial Part 3: Stateful Smart Contracts

    This is the third tutorial from the Algo Builder series. In this tutorial we present how `algob` helps the developers to wield the power of Stateful Smart Contracts with TEAL.

    Amit Yadav
    Amit Yadav Algo Builder
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    Beginner · 1 hour
    TEAL icon

    Writing a Simple Smart Contract

    Example showing how to build a simple smart contract.

    Jason Weathersby
    Jason Weathersby Algorand
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    Intermediate · 30 minutes
    TEAL icon

    Installing Algorand Studio on Windows 10 using WSL 2

    This tutorial will guide the user to install Algorand Studio IDE on Windows 10 using WSL 2.

    Abdelrahman Farag
    Abdelrahman Farag Algorand Ambassabor
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    Intermediate · 30 minutes
    TEAL icon

    Algorand Studio | Tutorial 3: Smart Contract Limit Order

    Introduce the Algorand Standard Asset (ASA) model and work through the LimitOrder smart contract to learn issuing your own ASA & using the smart contract to exchange ALGO for an ASA.

    Phil Li
    Phil Li Obsidian Labs
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