Showing 163 posts related with assets.
Decentralized Two-Factor Authentication With Algorand Standard Assets
Sample code for creating a basic two-factor authentication system with Algorand Standard Assets.
Algorand Asset Management Portal
Application with intuitive user interface where a user can seamlessly create, configure, destroy, freeze and unfreeze the assets for an account on the Algorand blockchain.
Algorand Standard Assets
A conceptual overview of Algorand Standard Assets for developers.
Getting Started with Assets
Creating an asset is simply a type of transaction on Algorand. There is no contract code required. Here are five ways to get started developing with Algorand Standard Assets.
Assets and Custom Transfer Logic
This solution illustrates enforcing a call to a smart contract while transferring an Asset (ASA).
Using Stateful Smart Contract To Create Algorand Standard Asset
Using PyTeal and goal, we use a stateful smart contract linked with an escrow account to create an Algorand Standard Asset.
Beginner · 30 minutes
AlgoMinter - a Web App for Minting Assets Using Python, AlgoSigner, and Anvil Platform
In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to easily build simple web apps with minimum infrastructure configuration efforts using Python and Anvil platform, as well as, how to integrate them with AlgoSigner.
Algorand V2 SDK Asset and Atomic Transfer Examples
New Algorand SDK V2 examples for Assets and Atomic Transfers
Using Assets and Smart Contracts in Real Estate
Blockchain enables disruptive innovation within the real estate industry. This tutorial series explains the basics and creates an NFT to represent a property.
Algorand Unlimited Assets and Smart Contracts
This article details the changes made to both the Algorand Algod (3.5.1) and Indexer (2.10.0) processes. This includes removing limits on Assets and Contracts that can be created or optioned into.
Building iOS Apps Using Swift Algorand SDK
Demonstrates developing an iOS app using the Swift Algorand SDK
Intermediate · 1 hour
Hybrid Online / Offline Shared Management of Community ASA through Multisig Account
In this tutorial you will learn how to share the management of a “Community Membership ASA” among the Community Board members with a Multisignature Account using a hybrid Online / Offline approach
Beginner · 1 hour
Working with ASA using Go
This tutorial demonstrates the steps involved in creating a basic Algorand Standard Asset using Go
Beginner · 1 hour
Working with ASA using Java
This tutorial demonstrates the steps involved in creating a basic Algorand Standard Asset using Java.
Beginner · 1 hour
Working with ASA Using JavaScript
This tutorial demonstrates the steps involved in creating a basic Algorand Standard Asset [(ASA)]( using [JavaScript SDK](
Intermediate · 30 minutes
Create your Own Coin on TestNet (LaylaCoin Series)
Learn how to create, opt-in, transfer, and read balances of an asset on TestNet.
Beginner · 15 minutes or less
Create an Account on TestNet using JavaScript
This tutorial demonstrates the steps involved in creating a basic Standalone Algorand Account using the JavaScript SDK.
ASA Recurring Withdrawal DApp
Build an ASA's recurring withdrawal dApp combining Algorand Standard Assets, Algorand Smart Contracts and Atomic Transfers.