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your own node

Showing 283 posts related with your own node.

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    Getting Started on Algorand

    In this article, we are going to cover some of the basics of where to start, what tutorials are available, options for setting up your development environment, and how you can be rewarded for developing applications on the Algorand blockchain.

    Russell Fustino
    Russell Fustino Algorand
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    Stateful Smart Contracts, Rekeying, and Fast Catchup

    Stateful Smart Contracts, Rekeying, and Fast Catchup are brand new features that are now available to try on BetaNet. Learn more about what these features are and how to get started.

    Liz Baran
    Liz Baran Algorand
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    Beginner · 15 minutes or less
    Golang icon

    Algosearch Setup

    A how to guide on set up AlgoSearch using Docker compose

    Thomas Upfield
    Thomas Upfield
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    Exporting Algorand Transactions for Tax Reporting

    Export tool for exporting Algorand on-chain transactions including rewards for crypto-tax sites to consume.

    Patrick Bennett
    Patrick Bennett Developer Ambassador
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    Minting NFTs on Algorand using IPFS

    A DIY code solution and guide on how to work with NFTs (Subset of Algorand ASAs), using decentralized digital assets hosted and pinned on IPFS, in compliance with Algorand ARC3 convention.

    MG Algorand DevAM
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    Beginner · 30 minutes
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    Create and Manage a Non-Fungible ASA from the Command Line Using goal

    This tutorial guides you step-by-step through the creation and configuration of a non-fungible Algorand Standard Asset (ASA) from the command line using goal.

    Cosimo Bassi
    Cosimo Bassi Algorand
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    Beginner · 15 minutes or less
    goal icon

    Exploring the Algorand Sandbox

    Explore how the Algorand sandbox works, it's configuration files, interesting artifacts, and how to spin up your custom Algorand network from a genesis file.

    Tobias Schmidt
    Tobias Schmidt
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    Beginner · 15 minutes or less
    Java icon

    Create an Account on TestNet using Java

    Create an Account on TestNet with Java

    Russell Fustino
    Russell Fustino Algorand
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    Beginner · 1 hour +
    JavaScript icon

    Song Vote on Algorand - Create and deploy a fully functioning Dapp

    Create and deploy dApp to vote on songs (or other things) on the Algorand test network. By the end you will have a good understanding of the full development pipeline on Algorand!

    Antony Silvetti-Schmitt
    Antony Silvetti-Schmitt University of Illinois
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    Beginner · 30 minutes
    JavaScript icon

    Algorand BSN Portal - Getting Started

    “Participating in the BSN International provides a cost effective and stable infrastructure for developers and enterprises to build on Algorand." - Fangfang Chen, Chief Operating Officer at Algorand Foundation

    KC Tam
    KC Tam Developer Ambassador
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    Beginner · 15 minutes or less
    JavaScript icon

    Create Your First ORE ID Application

    Creating your test app is simple using our sample app. Here you will learn to create an ORE ID app and configure the sample app to run your test app, allowing you to test logins and transaction signing on the chain.

    Shyla Hardwick
    Shyla Hardwick Aikon
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    Beginner · 15 minutes or less
    JavaScript icon

    Create an Account on TestNet using JavaScript

    This tutorial demonstrates the steps involved in creating a basic Standalone Algorand Account using the JavaScript SDK.

    Russell Fustino
    Russell Fustino Algorand
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    Beginner · 15 minutes or less
    C# icon

    Create an Account on TestNet and Send Your First Transaction using C#

    This tutorial demonstrates the steps involved in creating a basic Standalone Algorand Account using the Community Algorand .NET SDK and funding it using the Algorand Testnet Faucet. The tutorial also covers send a payment transaction between two accounts.

    Johan Stenberg
    Johan Stenberg
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    Beginner · 15 minutes or less
    Golang icon

    Create an Account on TestNet using Go

    This tutorial demonstrates the steps involved in creating a basic Standalone Algorand Account using the Go SDK

    Russell Fustino
    Russell Fustino Algorand
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    Beginner · 30 minutes
    Python icon

    Generating And Securing A Vanity Address Using Rekeying

    This tutorial will show you how to use the Python package py-algorand-sdk to generate a new custom vanity Algorand address and how to subsequently secure it by rekeying it to an existing or new Algorand private key.

    Steve Ferrigno
    Steve Ferrigno Algorand
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    Intermediate · 1 hour
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    Integrating ALGO and ASA transfers within your application

    Learn how to integrate your application with Algo or ASA by walking through code examples.

    Alex Bakoushin
    Alex Bakoushin Web3
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    Getting Started with Assets

    Creating an asset is simply a type of transaction on Algorand. There is no contract code required. Here are five ways to get started developing with Algorand Standard Assets.

    Liz Baran
    Liz Baran Algorand
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    Introducing Sandbox 2.0

    Algorand Sandbox 2.0 is focused on developers and now deploys a containerized private network with an indexer by default. All APIs are exposed to localhost; sending and searching for transaction has never been easier.

    Will Winder
    Will Winder Algorand
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