Developer news and technical overviews
Introducing Sandbox 2.0
Algorand Sandbox 2.0 is focused on developers and now deploys a containerized private network with an indexer by default. All APIs are exposed to localhost; sending and searching for transaction has never been easier.
Making Development Easier with Algorand IDE Playground
The RockX IDE Playground for Algorand allows developers to try out many protocol features within a Web IDE.
Algorand Developer Office Hours
The Algorand Developer Relations Team holds weekly office hours to demo new features and answer you development questions.
Reach - The Easiest and Safest way to Build DApps
Blockchain development is hard. Existing tooling is complex, time-consuming to use and not robust against common programming oversights. Reach is fundamentally changing the way blockchain developers approach their craft, safely, efficiently and with formal proofs.
Linking Algorand Stateful and Stateless Smart Contracts
This article discussing linking stateful and stateless smart contracts and why it makes sense in many applications.
Getting Started with ORE ID
Getting started on Algorand is now made simpler with ORE ID. ORE ID is a user onboarding and account management service that helps you create accounts and help facilitate transactions for your users, all done with JS.
Connecting WebApps using AlgoSigner
This article highlights the AlgoSigner Chrome plugin and how it can be used to handle private keys and secret mnemonics without developers having to worry about them.
Introducing Algorand’s Smart Contract Debugger
This article announces the release of the Teal Debugger.
SDK Updates: Deploying Stateful Smart Contracts
Guided tour of SDK documentation focusing on stateful smart contract application development. Links to resources covering the basics thru building complete solutions.
Creating Stateful Algorand Smart Contracts in Python with PyTeal
Explore the new version of PyTeal and learn how to write a stateful smart contract in Python.
TEAL ALGO Oracle in Algorand Layer-1
In a blockchain, the ability to reference a price on-chain enables a seamless and trustless transaction environment, especially for automated transactions and smart contracts. Oracles are the entities in charge of broadcasting off-chain data such as market price to the blockchain, and serve as a source of truth that allows on-chain dApps to measure the value of assets referenced within a transaction. Rand Labs and Borderless Capital releases a Algorand Oracle that can be referenced in atomic transfers using TEAL stateful and stateless smart contracts.
Stateful Smart Contracts, Rekeying, and Fast Catchup
Stateful Smart Contracts, Rekeying, and Fast Catchup are brand new features that are now available to try on BetaNet. Learn more about what these features are and how to get started.