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Showing 208 posts related with SDK.

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    Building Mobile Apps Using React-Native-Algo Library

    The react-native-algo library provides mobile developers easy access to the java-algorand-sdk while building an android app in react-native.

    Jesulonimi Akingbesote
    Jesulonimi Akingbesote Medflit
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    Beginner · 30 minutes
    Python icon

    Generating And Securing A Vanity Address Using Rekeying

    This tutorial will show you how to use the Python package py-algorand-sdk to generate a new custom vanity Algorand address and how to subsequently secure it by rekeying it to an existing or new Algorand private key.

    Steve Ferrigno
    Steve Ferrigno Algorand
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    What's New: Algorand v2.0.7

    Algorand v2.0.7 was released to MainNet and TestNet, accompanied by a new set of features in the Algorand APIs. Learn more about what's new in this article.

    Liz Baran
    Liz Baran Algorand
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    Encode Algorand Club Recap

    Recap of the Encode Algorand Club pre-accelerator and describes the projects built by each participating team.

    Anthony Beaumont
    Anthony Beaumont Encode
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    FDA Recalls Application

    This application stores FDA recall data on Algorand’s blockchain and then uses Algorand's indexer to locate the FDA recall data.

    Pierce Hunt
    Pierce Hunt Algorand Ambassador
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    What's the best way to learn about Algorand?

    This blog describes my journey to learning Algorand development and provides you with tips on how to get started building on Algorand.

    Camille Dubois
    Camille Dubois
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    Beginner · 30 minutes
    C# icon

    Desktop Algorand App

    In this tutorial, we will learn how to interact with the Algorand network to create a Windows Application that can be used to create account addresses and mnemonic keys, fund the account, and also check the address account balance.

    Stephen Sunday
    Stephen Sunday KusuConsult
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    Intermediate · 30 minutes
    C# icon

    Atomic Transactions Web and Console Applications

    This is a DApp walkthrough to generate account addresses and mnemonic keys, fund the account, check the account details, and also perform transactions. This was built using the C#/.NET framework to communicate with the Algorand Blockchain.

    Stephen Sunday
    Stephen Sunday KusuConsult
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    Intermediate · 30 minutes
    JavaScript icon

    Algorand Blockchain Development using Reach Part 3 Bets - Wagers

    In this tutorial, we add in both wagering and payouts to the winner of our Rock Paper Scissors Algorand blockchain game. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a full featured game allowing wager, provably fair outcomes and payouts to the winner.

    Kwame Bryan
    Kwame Bryan Developer Ambassador
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    Intermediate · 30 minutes
    TEAL icon

    Installing Algorand Studio on Windows 10 using WSL 2

    This tutorial will guide the user to install Algorand Studio IDE on Windows 10 using WSL 2.

    Abdelrahman Farag
    Abdelrahman Farag Algorand Ambassabor
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    Intermediate · 30 minutes
    C# icon

    Create an Online Game Marketplace to Buy/Sell Games

    In this tutorial, we will learn how to interact with the Algorand network to create an online marketplace where games can be bought or sold online using TestNet.

    Stephen Sunday
    Stephen Sunday KusuConsult
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    Intermediate · 15 minutes or less
    JavaScript icon

    Algorand Blockchain Development using Reach Part 1

    The future is bright for Algorand and Algorand Blockchain Developers. Tools like Reach are going to be the forefront of CrossChain / MultiChain development.

    Kwame Bryan
    Kwame Bryan Developer Ambassador
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    Intermediate · 1 hour
    C# icon

    Create a Mobile App (Android/iOS) using Xamarin Forms

    Create a Mobile Application enabling you to interact with the Algorand blockchain.

    Stephen Sunday
    Stephen Sunday KusuConsult
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    Django Staking Service Demo

    This article introduces you to an example staking platform that’s available on github, to demonstrate how such a service can be created on Algorand.

    Steve Ferrigno
    Steve Ferrigno Algorand
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    Algorand Developer Bootcamp | Beginner

    ### Why should I be interested in learning about Algorand and participating in the Bootcamp? * Algorand has different SDK’s to help you with the building process in different languages and with extensive documentation. * The costs and speed for testing on Algorand are extremely low, which will allow you to learn and test without friction. * The companies that work with Algorand are constantly looking for developers to join their work teams. At the end of the Bootcamp you will be able to participate in solving challenges that will test your knowledge and will serve as a cover letter for you to apply for a Web3 job in the Algorand ecosystem. * This Beginner bootcamp will give you the foundations needed to take part in our Intermediate bootcamp. * Grow your web 3 developer skills on time to be able to participate in our exciting Global Virtual Hackathon at the end of the year. We’ll release more details shortly. **Each session will be 2 hours. Here’s what you can expect to cover over the 4 days:** * Session 1: Algorand Developer Onboarding with JavaScript SDK & AlgoKit Installation * Session 2: Building a dApp with Beaker and Deploying with dAppFlow * Session 3: Building & Debugging dApps with Beaker + PyTeal + PyTest * Session 4: Adding a TypeScript Frontend UI to the Auction dApp ### Why Algorand? When you decide to start working in blockchain, it is essential that you know the characteristics of the protocol that you are going to use, here are those of Algorand: * It is a layer 1 network that can process 10,000 transactions per second. * The cost per transaction is 0.001 ALGO == $0.0003 USD Approx. * Our blocks are processed in 3.3 seconds. * We are a carbon negative blockchain as we are committed to being environmentally friendly.

    Emma Barry Murphy
    Emma Barry Murphy Algorand
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    Intro Bootcamp

    ![EditorImages/2024/03/15 15:02/1918x548.png]( **Project:** Asset creation and transaction using AlgoKit SDK. **Bootcamp Description:** One of Algorand's main features is the possibility of creating accounts and assets, and sending transactions, without a smart contract. That's why we’ve created this bootcamp: to help you take your first steps into Algorand development using the AlgoKit SDK. **Time: 10:00 AM EST** **Duration:** 90 mins each session **Agenda:** * Session 1 (April 2nd): Introduction to Algorand concepts and AlgoKit SDK. * Session 2 (April 4th): Using AlgoKit and dev environment Setup. **Prerequisites: ** * GitHub Account - [Sign up ]( * [VS Code]( (Recommended) **Why Algorand?** Algorand is an enterprise-grade programmable layer-1 blockchain – the perfect place to start (or continue) your blockchain journey. * Blocks on Algorand are processed in under 3 seconds. * The Algorand network can process more than 10,000 transactions per second, all with instant finality. * The cost per transaction is 0.001 Algo (just a fraction of a cent). * Algorand is carbon-neutral and built environmentally friendly from the ground up. * Testing on Algorand is fast and cost-efficient, allowing you to innovate without friction. * Plus, it has a wealth of developer tooling, tutorials, and documentation. Ready for the best bit? If you’re a Python or TypeScript dev, you don’t need to learn a new language because you can build on Algorand in Python and TypeScript. It’s easy to get building thanks to [AlgoKit]( (our solution to speed up your Web3 building process).

    Emma Barry Murphy
    Emma Barry Murphy Algorand
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    Iowa Code Camp

    June 17th, 2023 8:00am - 5:30pm No cost Event Location: []( **Build Blockchain dApps with .NET** Blockchain has gone from relative obscurity outside of technical circles just a few years ago to seeming applicability in every industry today. Learn what a dApp (decentralized App) is and how to deploy dApps to the blockchain. Also in this session, find out the latest blockchain development tools using a C# Visual Studio Extension as well as a decentralized Unity SDK. See how blazing fast it is to develop blockchain solutions. It has never been simpler. This session demonstrates the fastest way to build dApps. Code will be shown on how to build and deploy to blockchain! The session will cover getting started building and deploying decentralized applications (dApps). In this session you will learn how to... Understand the real potential of blockchain Set up your blockchain development environment Use C# to deploy Web and Maui dApps to the blockchain Use Unity to create a blockchain gaming solution Build Blockchain dApps with .NET (Level: 100) Speaker: [Russell Fustino]( [Complete Session List](

    Russell Fustino
    Russell Fustino Algorand
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    Algorand Developer Bootcamp | Beginner Español

    **¿Por qué debería estar interesado en aprender sobre Algorand y participar en el Bootcamp?** * Algorand cuenta con diferentes SDK para ayudarte en el proceso de construcción en varios lenguajes, junto con una amplia documentación. * Los costos y la velocidad para realizar pruebas en Algorand son extremadamente bajos, lo que te permitirá aprender y probar sin fricciones. * Las empresas que trabajan con Algorand están constantemente buscando desarrolladores para unirse a sus equipos de trabajo. Al final del Bootcamp, podrás participar en la resolución de desafíos que pondrán a prueba tus conocimientos y servirán como carta de presentación para que apliques a un trabajo en el ecosistema de Algorand enfocado en Web3. * Este Bootcamp para principiantes te proporcionará las bases necesarias para participar en nuestro Bootcamp Intermedio. * Desarrolla tus habilidades como desarrollador de Web3 a tiempo para poder participar en nuestro emocionante Hackathon Virtual Global a finales de año. Pronto compartiremos más detalles al respecto. **Cada sesión tendrá una duración de 2 horas. Esto es lo que puedes esperar cubrir durante los 4 días:** * Sesión 1: Introducción al desarrollo en Algorand con JavaScript SDK e instalación de AlgoKit. * Sesión 2: Construcción de una dApp con Beaker e implementación con dAppFlow. * Sesión 3: Creación y depuración de dApps con Beaker + PyTeal + PyTest. * Sesión 4: Agregar una interfaz de usuario frontend en TypeScript a la dApp de subasta. Fecha: 28 -31 de Agosto Hora: * 05:00 pm (México) * 06:00 pm (Colombia, Perú) * 20:00 (Argentina) **¿Por qué Algorand?** Cuando decides comenzar a trabajar en blockchain, es esencial que conozcas las características del protocolo que vas a utilizar. Aquí te presentamos las de Algorand:: * Es una red de capa 1 que puede procesar 10,000 transacciones por segundo. * El costo por transacción es de 0.001 ALGO == Aproximadamente $0.0002 USD. * Nuestros bloques se procesan en 3.3 segundos. * Somos una blockchain carbono neutro, ya que estamos comprometidos en ser amigables con el medio ambiente.

    Camilo Molano
    Camilo Molano Algorand
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