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goal app interact

goal app interact

Interact with an application

goal app interact [flags]


      --header string   Application header

  -h, --help            help for interact

Options inherited from parent commands

      --app-account strings        Accounts that may be accessed from application logic

      --app-arg stringArray        Args to encode for application transactions (all will be encoded to a byte slice). For ints, use the form 'int:1234'. For raw bytes, use the form 'b64:A=='. For printable strings, use the form 'str:hello'. For addresses, use the form 'addr:XYZ...'.

  -i, --app-input string           JSON file containing encoded arguments and inputs (mutually exclusive with app-arg, app-account, foreign-app, foreign-asset, and box)

      --approval-prog string       (Uncompiled) TEAL assembly program filename for approving/rejecting transactions

      --approval-prog-raw string   Compiled TEAL program filename for approving/rejecting transactions

      --box stringArray            Boxes that may be accessed by this transaction. Use the same form as app-arg to name the box, preceded by an optional app-id and comma. No app-id indicates the box is accessible by the app being called.

      --clear-prog string          (Uncompiled) TEAL assembly program filename for updating application state when a user clears their local state

      --clear-prog-raw string      Compiled TEAL program filename for updating application state when a user clears their local state

  -d, --datadir stringArray        Data directory for the node

      --foreign-app strings        Indexes of other apps whose global state is read in this transaction

      --foreign-asset strings      Indexes of assets whose parameters are read in this transaction

  -k, --kmddir string              Data directory for kmd

  -w, --wallet string              Set the wallet to be used for the selected operation