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AlgoKit Quick Start Guide

AlgoKit is a simple, one-stop tool for developers to quickly and easily build and launch secure, automated, production-ready decentralized applications on the Algorand protocol -- now also featuring native support for Python! This empowers developers to write Algorand apps in regular Python, one of the world's most popular programming languages. In addition, AlgoKit features: - A library of smart contract templates to kickstart your build - All necessary application infrastructure running locally - Toolchain integrations for languages you love, like Python and TypeScript - A simplified frontend design experience


Install AlgoKit


This method will install the most recent python3 version via winget. If you already have python 3.12+ installed, you may you may prefer to use pipx install algokit as explained within the pipx on any OS section so you can control the python version used.

  • Ensure prerequisites are installed

  • Install Python3 using WinGet

    • Install python: winget install python.python.3.12
    • Restart the terminal to ensure Python and pip are available on the path


      Windows has a feature called App Execution Aliases that provides redirects for the Python command that guide users to the Windows Store. unfortunately these aliases can prevent normal execution of Python if Python is installed via other means, to disable them search for Manage app execution aliases from the start menu, and then turn off entries listed as App Installer python.exe or App Installer python3.exe.

    • Install pipx:

      pip install --user pipx
      python -m pipx ensurepath

    • Restart the terminal to ensure pipx is available on the path
    • Install AlgoKit via pipx: pipx install algokit
    • If you used AlgoKit before, update it with pipx: pipx upgrade algokit
    • Restart the terminal to ensure AlgoKit is available on the path


This method will install the latest Python3 release as a dependency via Homebrew. If you already have Python 3.10+ installed, you may prefer to use pipx install algokit as explained within the OS agnostic tab so you can control the python version used.

  • Ensure prerequisites are installed

    • Homebrew
    • Git (should already be available if brew is installed)
    • Docker, (or brew install --cask docker)


      Docker requires MacOS 11+

  • Install using Homebrew brew install algorandfoundation/tap/algokit

  • Restart the terminal to ensure AlgoKit is available on the path
  • Ensure prerequisites are installed

    • Python 3.12+


      There is probably a better way to install Python than to download it directly, e.g. your local Linux package manager

    • pipx

    • Git
    • Docker
  • Continue with step 2 in the following section to install via pipx on any OS

To install AlgoKit, run the following command from a terminal.

pipx install algokit

If you used AlgoKit before, update it with pipx: pipx upgrade algokit

After the installation completes, restart the terminal.

Additional AlgoKit videos are available on the @AlgoDevs YouTube channel.

Verify the Installation

To verify AlgoKit Installed correctly run the following.

algokit --version

Output similar to the following should be displayed:

algokit, version 2.0.0

Start a LocalNet

AlgoKit supports using a local version of the Algorand blockchain. To start an instance of this LocalNet run the following command from the terminal:

algokit localnet start

This should start an instance of the LocalNet within docker. If you open the Docker Desktop application you should something similar to the following:

Docker Desktop LocalNet Instance

Create an AlgoKit project

Now that AlgoKit is installed, you can rapidly create a new project to get started quickly. This can be done by running:

algokit init

This will launch a guided menu system to create a specific project tailored to your needs. You will first be prompted to select a specific template. The templates are basic starter applications for various Algorand development scenarios. To read more about templates checkout AlgoKit detailed documentation. For now, use the arrow keys to select the starter template, which is a lightweight starting point for learning and experimentation.

Next, you will be prompted for the name of your project. Finally, select the default value for the rest of the prompts (enter).

Once finished, (if you have it installed) VS Code should automatically be opened with the initialised project and you will be prompted to install appropriate VS Code extensions. This starter app will contain one smart contract (built with Python named, in the hello_world folder, with one method (hello) that takes a String and returns a String.

AlgoKit Starter Contract

Run the Demo Application

Once the starter project is created, you will notice in the smart_contracts/hello_world folder a file named which is a simple example of using AlgoKit to deploy and make a call to the smart contract on the LocalNet instance started earlier.

AlgoKit Starter config

By hitting F5 you will deploy the HelloWorldApp smart contract and then call it passing the parameter name with a value of world. You can edit this parameter in the file and it will:

  1. Start LocalNet
  2. Build the smart contract
  3. Deploy and call the smart contract (

This should produce something similiar to the following in the VSCode terminal.

HelloWorld not found in PDEEWXLITMAPDMDYGP4XUV2EUJVPNZVKR7OUSSFZ63U4XNL2Y25FN5PYN4 account, deploying app.
HelloWorld (v1.0) deployed successfully, with app id 1002.
Called hello on HelloWorld (1002) with name=world, received: Hello, world

The App ID of of the deployed contract and its Algorand address is displayed, followed by the message returned from the smart contract call (Hello, world).

At this point you have deployed a simple contract to an Algorand network and called it successfully!

Additionally, you can find the native TEAL smart contract code and the appropriate smart contract manifest JSON files have been output to the artifacts folder.

AlgoKit Starter Demo

These files can be used by tools like Dappflow, goal, etc. to deploy your smart contract to the various Algorand networks.

Using Dappflow

Dappflow is a web-based user interface that let's you visualise accounts, transactions, assets and applications on an Algorand network and also provides ability to deploy and call smart contracts. This works for TestNet, MainNet and also LocalNet. Furthermore, you can also create and fund accounts on LocalNet. While AlgoKit surfaces both a programming interface and a command line interface for interacting with Algorand, it also allows you to quickly open Dappflow so you can see what's happening visually.

Dappflow can be launched from AlgoKit by running the following command from the VS Code terminal.

algokit explore

By default it will open Dappflow to point to LocalNet (It will be displayed as sandbox in the upper left hand corner.), but you can pass in parameters to point it to TestNet and MainNet too.

This command will launch your default web browser and load the Dappflow web application.

Note: If you are using Safari, then it won't work against LocalNet and you will need to open it in a different browser.

AlgoKit Dappflow

Create test account

To issue commands against the LocalNet network you need an account with ALGOs in it. Dappflow lets you easily create one.

Select Dev Wallets from the left menu and click on the Create wallet button. This will create an account on the LocalNet and fund it with 100 Algos that can be used to test with.

AlgoKit Dappflow

In the bottom left hand corner of the menu, select Connect wallet and you will be prompted with several wallet choices. Choose the Dev Wallet option. This will connect the account you just created to Dappflow so you can use that account for signing transactions from the Dappflow user interface.

Deploy the Hello World application

To deploy your smart contract application, select the Beaker studio menu and click on the import beaker app. Select File and Upload file, browse to the artifacts created in the previous section of this guide. Select the *.arc32.json manifest file. This will load the specific manifest file for the Hello World sample application.

AlgoKit Dappflow

To deploy this application again, select the Create app button followed by the Create button from the popup. You should get a Transaction successful message with the option to view the specific transaction in the explorer. Close out of the popup and then scroll down to the ABI section of the page. The hello method should be displayed with an execute button beside it.

AlgoKit Dappflow

Click on the Execute button and a popup will be displayed allowing you to enter the parameter that we defined in the HelloWorldApp smart contract.

AlgoKit Dappflow

Enter a string in the parameter and click on Execute. You should get get a confirmation that the method executed properly and what the smart contract returned.

AlgoKit Dappflow

You have now successfully deployed and executed a smart contract method call using Dappflow!

Next steps