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types indexer.MerkleArrayProof

@algorandfoundation/algokit-utils / types/indexer / MerkleArrayProof

Interface: MerkleArrayProof


Merkle array Proof.

Proof is used to convince a verifier about membership of leaves: h0, at indexes i0, on a tree. The verifier has a trusted value of the tree root hash.

Path is bounded by MaxNumLeaves since there could be multiple reveals, and given the distribution of the elt positions and the depth of the tree, the path length can increase up to 2^MaxTreeDepth / 2

Consider two different reveals for the same tree:

.                z5
.         z3              z4
.     y       z       z1      z2
.   q   r   s   t   u   v   w   x
.  a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p
.    ^
. hints: [a, r, z, z4]
. len(hints) = 4
You need a to combine with b to get q, need r to combine with the computed q and get y, and so on.

The worst case is this:

.               z5
.        z3              z4
.    y       z       z1      z2
.  q   r   s   t   u   v   w   x
. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p
. ^   ^     ^   ^ ^   ^     ^   ^
. hints: [b, d, e, g, j, l, m, o]
. len(hints) = 2^4/2

Table of contents




hash-factory: Object

[hsh] The metadata of the hash factory that was used to hash the proofs

Type declaration
Name Type Description
hash-type number [t] The type of hash
Defined in



path: string[]

[pth] Path is bounded by MaxNumLeavesOnEncodedTree since there could be multiple reveals, and given the distribution of the elt positions and the depth of the tree, the path length can increase up to 2^MaxEncodedTreeDepth / 2

Defined in



tree-depth: number

[td] TreeDepth represents the depth of the tree that is being proven. It is the number of edges from the root to a leaf.

Defined in
