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AlgoKit Task NFD Lookup

The AlgoKit NFD Lookup feature allows you to perform a lookup via NFD domain or address, returning the associated address or domain respectively using the AlgoKit CLI. The feature is powered by NFDomains MainNet API.


Available commands and possible usage as follows:

$ ~ algokit task nfd-lookup
Usage: algokit task nfd-lookup [OPTIONS] VALUE

Perform a lookup via NFD domain or address, returning the associated address or domain respectively.

-o, --output [full|tiny|address] Output format for NFD API response. Defaults to address|domain resolved.
-h, --help                       Show this message and exit.


  • VALUE: Specifies the NFD domain or Algorand address to lookup. This argument is required.
  • --output, -o [full|tiny|address]: Specifies the output format for NFD API response. Defaults to address|domain resolved.

When using the full and tiny output formats, please be aware that these match the views in get requests of the NFD API. The address output format, which is used by default, refers to the respective domain name or address resolved and outputs it as a string (if found).


To perform a lookup, you can use the nfd-lookup command as follows:

$ algokit task nfd-lookup {NFD_DOMAIN_OR_ALGORAND_ADDRESS}

This will perform a lookup and return the associated address or domain. If you want to specify the output format, you can use the --output flag:

$ algokit task nfd-lookup {NFD_DOMAIN_OR_ALGORAND_ADDRESS} --output full

If the lookup is successful, the result will be output to the console in a JSON format.

Further Reading

For in-depth details, visit the nfd-lookup section in the AlgoKit CLI reference documentation.