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AlgoKit Task Send

The AlgoKit Send feature allows you to send signed Algorand transaction(s) to a specified network using the AlgoKit CLI. This feature supports sending single or multiple transactions, either provided directly as a base64 encoded string or from a binary file.


Available commands and possible usage as follows:

$ ~ algokit task send
Usage: algokit task send [OPTIONS]

  Send a signed transaction to the given network.

  -f, --file FILE                 Single or multiple message pack encoded signed transactions from binary file to
                                  send. Option is mutually exclusive with transaction.
  -t, --transaction TEXT          Base64 encoded signed transaction to send. Option is mutually exclusive with file.
  -n, --network [localnet|testnet|mainnet]
                                  Network to use. Refers to `localnet` by default.
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.


  • --file, -f PATH: Specifies the path to a binary file containing single or multiple message pack encoded signed transactions to send. Mutually exclusive with --transaction option.
  • --transaction, -t TEXT: Specifies a single base64 encoded signed transaction to send. Mutually exclusive with --file option.
  • --network, -n [localnet|testnet|mainnet]: Specifies the network to which the transactions will be sent. Refers to localnet by default.

Please note, --transaction flag only supports sending a single transaction. If you want to send multiple transactions, you can use the --file flag to specify a binary file containing multiple transactions.


To send a transaction, you can use the send command as follows:


This will send the transactions to the default localnet network. If you want to send the transactions to a different network, you can use the --network flag:

$ algokit task send --transaction {YOUR_BASE64_ENCODED_SIGNED_TRANSACTION} --network testnet

You can also pipe in the stdout of algokit sign command:

$ algokit task sign --account {YOUR_ACCOUNT_ALIAS OR YOUR_ADDRESS} --file {PATH_TO_BINARY_FILE_CONTAINING_TRANSACTIONS} --force | algokit task send --network {network_name}

If the transaction is successfully sent, the transaction ID (txid) will be output to the console. You can check the transaction status at the provided transaction explorer URL.

Goal Compatibility

Please note, at the moment this feature only supports goal clerk compatible transaction objects.

Further Reading

For in-depth details, visit the send section in the AlgoKit CLI reference documentation.