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goal account addpartkey

goal account addpartkey

Generate and install participation key for the specified account


Generate and install participation key for the specified account. This participation key can then be used for going online and participating in consensus.

goal account addpartkey [flags]


  -a, --address string         Account to associate with the generated partkey

  -h, --help                   help for addpartkey

      --keyDilution uint       Key dilution for two-level participation keys (defaults to sqrt of validity window)

  -o, --outdir string          Save participation key file to specified output directory to (for offline creation)

      --roundFirstValid uint   The first round for which the generated partkey will be valid

      --roundLastValid uint    The last round for which the generated partkey will be valid

Options inherited from parent commands

  -d, --datadir stringArray   Data directory for the node

  -k, --kmddir string         Data directory for kmd

  -w, --wallet string         Set the wallet to be used for the selected operation